A Geek’s “Night of the Owls” Confession

Batwing #9 courtesy DC Comics

  I bought Batwing #9 only because it was part of the Night of the Owls crossover. Don’t just me unworthy, even a geek with a blog has a comic book budget. I was impressed with this new hero and enjoyed Judd Winick and Marcus To’s tie-in to the crossover.

  Spinning out of Batman, The Court of Owls have unleashed their Talons on targets all over Gotham City. Bruce Wayne’s trusted ally Lucius Fox has been judged unworthy. Batwing must stop the death sentence during a Batman Incorporated event.

 The script was tight and action packed but gives you insight into David – and I was immediately engaged. It’s too obvious and cliche to say he reminds me of working man’s Black Panther because they’re both from Africa but I also see the some of Hawkeye’s personality in David. This was my first Batwing issue and the first of many more.