WALK FOR WISHES Super Hero Style

Walk For Wishes 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com
Walk For Wishes 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com

Because of heroic kids Make-A-Wish of Washington and Alaska chose a superhero theme for this year’s Walk For Wishes.


Families and friends (and some doggies) came out dressed as their favorite comic book heroes braving the stormy Seattle elements to celebrate the money raised and to walk for the kids.


Thor must have been watching because after a heavy rainstorm and thunder the bad weather calmed down quickly. Continue reading WALK FOR WISHES Super Hero Style

WOLVERINE, Sabretooth, Kitty Pryde in KILLABLE

Wolverine #9 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #9 courtesy Marvel

The cinematic Logan (Hugh Jackman) may have been weakened and suffered a world of hurt in The Wolverine this summer but that’s nothing compared to what writer Paul Cornell is putting the X-Man through in Killable.


In the current Wolverine arc, Logan is searching for help after losing his healing factor. The eternal X-Man is like the title says is Killable. His enemies aren’t wasting this opportunity to try and take Logan out for good.


Logan’s big enemy is a microvirus. Mystique and Batroc have taken their best shots with more bad guys on the way but what about Wolverine’s ultimate enemy? Continue reading WOLVERINE, Sabretooth, Kitty Pryde in KILLABLE


Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel
Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel

It’s a good week to be a bad guy from Asgard! Fans are petitioning Marvel to give Loki his own solo movie and the trickster is starring in this second solo poster for Thor: The Dark World.


From the trailers we know the Avenging God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) will reach out to his half-brother (Tom Hiddleston) for help when Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) leads an ancient army against the Nine Realms.


Can Thor trust Loki in his unholy alliance against a more oppressive force? Continue reading LOKI Escapes in THOR THE DARK WORLD Poster

Valiant December Comics Preview

Shadowman #13 courtesy Valiant
Shadowman #13 courtesy Valiant

Here’s a first look the Valiant comics coming in December.






“All-new creative team… All-new arc… All-new beginning! Comics icon Peter Milligan and visionary artist Roberto De La Torre drag Jack Boniface into his blackest depths yet! Continue reading Valiant December Comics Preview


Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Veteran film and television actor James Spader will bring the Avengers’ greatest enemy to evil life on the big screen in the sequel to Earth’s Mightiest Moneymaking franchise.


Director Joss Whedon talks about the casting of Spader as Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron. with Marvel’s The Watcher.


“Spader was my first and only choice. He’s got that hypnotic voice that can be eerily calm and compelling Continue reading AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON Whedon on Spader

AVENGERS #19 Review

Avengers #19 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #19 courtesy Marvel

Avengers #19 is a huge, can’t miss issue of Infinity packed with action, powerful moments and betrayals with stunning art by Leinil Francis Yu demonstrating the darkness and desperation in the outer space conflict.


Captain Marvel and her squad are prisoners of the Builders. Carol’s Binary powers are flaring up and the Kree in her makes the alien tormentors intrigued. There are intense cringe-inducing moments as Carol Continue reading AVENGERS #19 Review


Superman/Wonder Woman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superman/Wonder Woman #1 courtesy DC Comics

The world’s most powerful power couple soar in their own comic book series next month. DC Comics shared a first look at Tony Daniel’s interior pages for Superman/Wonder Woman #1.


Writer Charles Soule (Swamp Thing) says to expect more than just high romance in the new series starring the super couple:


“I would say that it’s really a mix of being really gigantic scale superhero action, Continue reading SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN #1 Preview

Rose City Comic Con Preview

courtesy Rose City Comic Con and Periscope Studios
courtesy Rose City Comic Con and Periscope Studios

Rose City Comic Con is just one week away! Portland is the home of an incredible comic book scene with cool comic shops, writers and artists. It’s a perfect city for geektastic creativity and celebrating the comics, movies, television shows and videogames we geek out for.


Here are my top reason to beam to PDX for Rose City Comic Con: Continue reading Rose City Comic Con Preview