Marvel Teasers for Peter David, Rick Remender and Silver Surfer?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Unleash the Teasers!


After the Trial and Judgment teasers hinting at a X-Men/Guardian of the Galaxy crossover, Marvel lets loose three more with the promise that all will be revealed at New York Comic Con in about 2 weeks.


But that won’t stop the speculation so let’s begin!


Corporate is the first clue about Peter David’s new project since The End of X-Factor. Carmine Di Giandomenico will be the artist on the book. We know it will involve mutants and the big hint was at the end of the Polaris issue of The End of X-Factor. Continue reading Marvel Teasers for Peter David, Rick Remender and Silver Surfer?

More Kitty Pryde Hints and X-Men Arrivals & Exits?

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The kids are alright?


Students of the Jean Grey School survived the Hellfire Saga and are caught up in the Battle of the Atom. The staff of the school will go on an adventure into the unknown in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1 .Jason Aaron tells Comic Book Resources which students are coming back to Wolverine and the X-Men.


“At this point, I’m not looking to expand the cast Continue reading More Kitty Pryde Hints and X-Men Arrivals & Exits?

The Wake #4 Review

The Wake #4 courtesy Vertigo
The Wake #4 courtesy Vertigo

The most terrifying, edge of your seat sci-fi horror movie in years…is at your local comic book shop!


The Wake #4 just arrived and it’s the most intense chapter of Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy’s gripping thriller yet.


Scientists are called to a covert underwater oil rig to investigate an ancient life form. Mermaid from hell? Creature from the Black Lagoon on acid?


What’s more dangerous than one of these ravenous mer-monsters on the loose in a sinking underwater rig? Continue reading The Wake #4 Review



courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The mutants enter the All-New Marvel Now and will undergo a Trial. Marvel revealed this teaser but what does it mean?


Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immomen are the creative team so it must in involved the All-New X-Men.


Trial is in the aftermath of Battle of the Atom – the war between X-Men from the past, present and future.


The Phoenix always comes back so is this a trial by fire? Or a Battle to be the Phoenix. Continue reading X-MEN on TRIAL

Nightcrawler’s Amazing X-Men Return

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the most beloved X-Men (and my personal favorite) is still dead. Kurt made the ultimate sacrifice to save Hope Summers in the Second Coming epic because he had faith she could save the mutant race.


Since when has death stopped the return of a favorite character?


Jason Aaron takes on a second X-book to go in search of Nightcrawler in Amazing X-Men #1. Continue reading Nightcrawler’s Amazing X-Men Return


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. courtesy ABC
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. courtesy ABC

Set in the aftermath of the Battle of New York in The Avengers, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is fun ride for the hard-core comic book reader, fan of the cinema series and you just want a thrill and humor filled escape into the unknown.


An ordinary man (J. August Richards) with super powers saves a life and becomes a target of an annoying computer expert and the super spy agency from Iron Man, Thor and The Avengers movies. Continue reading MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Review

The Future of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (Maybe?)

Secret Warriors #25 courtesy Marvel
Secret Warriors #25 courtesy Marvel

Can’t wait for the next episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. after this week’s blockbuster premiere?


The television series inspired by The Avengers movie could mark the first appearance of some classic heroes, villains and spies from the comic books.


Here are some excellent superspy stories that just might be elements on future episodes of the hit series: Continue reading The Future of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (Maybe?)