The Irony of Real and Comic Book Heroes in Seattle Plus Phoenix Jones Costume


X-Factor #236 courtesy Marvel

  The mutant detectives of X-Factor Investigations are on the case in Seattle after someone starts killing the city’s so called real super heroes. Madrox and Shattershot went undercover with the X-ceptionals last month.

  This week’s X-Factor #236 exposes the killer but this revelation brings up a ton of questions. This new foe named Scattershot looks awfully familiar. (Like a lot of villains from Rob Liefeld’s X-Force era.)

  Peter David’s storyline has been fun and filled with mystery, action and humor. It’s ironic that comic book heroes are going undercover in Seattle to save people in comic books who are dressing and want to to be super heroes.

  What you may or may not know is that Seattle (home of yours truly) actually has a real life super hero movement. Phoenix Jones is the most notable of these residents who patrol the streets in costume. I recently met the director who’s been on patrol with the Citizen Heroes for an upcoming documentary.

  Every good hero inspires a villain. Enter Rex Velvet earlier this month. This self-proclaimed real life “People’s Villain” has released two stylish videos challenging Seattle’s heroes and appears to be planning a phase two of his campaign.

  Maybe Peter David will take a look at Rex’s videos. I’d be fascinated if it inspires a new twist or sequel to this current X-Factor storyline.

  As I wrote this I learned Phoenix Jones is looking to upgrade his costume. He asked for suggestions from followers via his Twitter.



Avengers vs X-Men Changes the Marvel Universe

Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers vs X-Men is Axel Alonso’s first big event as Marvel Editor in Chief. The mega series wraps as marquee creators (Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman) end their runs on flagship books (Avengers, Fantastic Four.)

  Comics Newsarama asked if the timing is coincidence or sign of an effort to change the Marvel Universe.

  “We have some moves planned. The Marvel Universe is changed by AvX. It is not a reboot or a retcon. It is the Marvel Universe that you grew up in. But this story in many ways sort of serves as an endcap to a decade’s worth of stories that we’ve been telling, and I think it begins a great first chapter for the next decade’s worth of stories we’re going to tell.”

 “I’m very excited about what we’re doing. We had a fantastic summit. Some long-running creative shifts are occurring — you’ve heard about Brian, for instance; there may be others. We’re very excited about where we’re headed.”

  A big question is who will takeover the Avengers franchise after Bendis? How different will the franchise be after the events of AvX – especially with the No More Avengers story twist coming?

By Editor

“Chronicle” Test Footage


courtesy Fox

  3 friends given super powers by the same mysterious source. What makes one a become a hero. What makes one become a villain? In a year packed with iconic superheroes Chronicle was an original story of power and responsibility. Chronicle is out of dvd/blu ray today and MTV has exclusive test footage from director Josh Trank. This is what got the film made. The success of Chronicle is what got Trank working on a Fantastic Four reboot and linked to a Venom film.

  I loved this film. I live in Seattle and it really looks like this film is set in the Seattle area, it looks like a fight on the real Space Needle but it was all filmed in South Africa.  Here’s the Amazon link if you’re interested.

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Comes Down to A Shredded Spider-Man?

Avengers vs X-Men #9 courtesy

  Is Peter Parker the last hope after the Avengers vs X-Men war rips the reality of the Marvel Universe apart? Marvel revealed this cover for Avengers vs X-Men #9 with a battered Spider-Man in a shredded costume.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Their numbers dwindling, the Avengers stage a daring raid on the X-Men’s prison to rescue their captive members—and you won’t believe where it is!
• Alliances begin to change as the nature of the Phoenix becomes apparent!
• And in the end, it all comes down to Spider-Man!

  Given the No More Avengers tease and the description above (saving reality) it appears the AvX event will be take a House of M like twist ith an altered reality or ‘decimation’ of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

  Avengers vs X-Men #9 by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert (and this Jim Cheung cover) arrives this August. Issue 4 is out this week.

By Editor

If Catwoman Was Your Bodyguard

  Anne Hathaway will play Catwoman in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. I’m still not sure which side the cinematic Selina Kyle will choose – the most recent trailer seemed to show her against Bane.

Catwoman #9 courtesy DC Comics

  In the comics – Catwoman and Spark will be caught up in the Night of the Owls crossover this week. The Court of Owls have unleashed assassins to take out targets across Gotham City. Nightwing protected the Mayor. Batwing saved Lucius Fox. The Council went after Batgirl’s dad. In Catwoman #9 Selina Kyle and Spark are forced to defend…The Penguin.

  I’ve enjoyed every crossover title so far so I’m looking forward to Catwoman against a Talon but of all the targets…she has to save Penguin?

Top 5 5/16/12


Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

Avengers vs. X-Men #4 Wolverine chose the Avengers. Now Logan is abandoned on his own rogue agenda. Hope is flaring up with violent bursts of power – she already deep-fried Wolverine! The Phoenix Force is bearing down on Earth and Thor could make the ultimate sacrifice to stop it.

AvX Vs #2 Spider-Man against the Colossal Juggernaut, Captain American against Gambit. Those are the fights on the awesome cover but are we going to see the aftermath of the Iron Man/Emma Frost battle?

Winter Soldier #5 Bucky and Black Widow versus machine gun armed super gorillas and a squad of sleeper agents trained by the one time Captain America as they face to prevent all out war in the homeland Doctor Doom.

Manhattan Projects #3 A twisted tale of science fiction and alternate history. Creating the atomic bomb was nothing compared to the infamous government think tank’s creations in Jonathan Hickman’s series that pushes storytelling to a new level.

Nightwing #9 Showdown at Gotham City Hall as Nightwing must prevent an assassin from reaching its target. Bruce and Dick’s friendship has been tested by the exposure of a long kept secret but will any of the heroes survive the Night of the Owls.


Rex Velvet Welcomed by the International Society of Supervillains


courtesy Rex Velvet?

  It appears Rex Velvet, the self-proclaimed “People’s Villain” of Seattle has been welcomed by the International Society of Supervillains. Is this the next phase of Velvet’s campaign?

  You may have seen this post from last week hinting that the creative and charismatic ‘villain’ is plotting something new. 

  First Seattle, now the world? Is there no end to your ambition Rex?

  By Editor

Jon Favreau on Iron Man 3

Iron Man from

  If Stan Lee is the “father” of a majority of the Marvel comic book universe then you might call Jon Favreau the hip cool uncle who kickstarted the movie counterparts. Favreau’s Iron Man and Iron Man 2 launched the succesful birth of the cinematic Marvel universe. The actor/producer/director was congratulated on the success of The Avengers in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

 “Yeah, how do you like that? Turned out really well. Look, it was something we always planned for, and hoped for, but anything could have gone wrong, and it took a lot of things to go right. First and foremost, Joss, to be able to pull together — four different characters based on four different sets of films that shared a lot tonally and they shared some cast-wise, but he had to pull all those things together and make it work, it’s a very high degree of difficulty for him. But we had done a lot of setup in Iron Man 2 and even in Iron Man 1, we were hoping that it would come to this. I don’t think it became a reality until the last few years, but we were definitely planning for it. But it took a lot of people to pass the baton well, and each director who had been involved with the franchises did their part, but it took Joss to really seal the deal, and clearly it worked out, because the moment seems to continue going.”

Iron Man in Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  Favreau is producing Iron Man 3 but Shane Black is directing. Robert Downey Jr and Black worked together on Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. The next Iron Man film is based on Extremis Warren Ellis. Does that equal a dark tone for Tony’s next adventure?

  “No, just a little bit more offbeat, I’d say. Shane and Robert definitely have an original point of view and an original take on the character, and I think it delves deeper into what makes Tony Stark tick and plays on the unexpected original unpredictable quality of the character that I think fans gravitate to.”

  For the entire story here’s The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision link.

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