AvX Iron Vs Magneto Preview Art

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  The fights in Avengers Vs X-Men are so big they will explode into a separate series. AvX Versus #1 is all brawl with Namor against Thing and Iron Man against Magneto.

 Marvel revealed new preview art of Armored Avenger versus the Master of Magnetism by Adam Kubert. Who will win this heavy metal showdown? You can assume Magneto would have the advantage but never underestimate the mind of Tony Stark – especially since he’s been in Odin’s workshop during Fear Itself.

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Kathyn Immonen are the writers. Adam Kubert and Stuart Immonen are the artists for these clashes in this premiere issue.


James Bond “Skyfall” Meaning Revealed?


Daniel Craig on the Skyfall set in Surrey courtesy FameFlyNet pictures

  New photos are emerging of Daniel Craig on the set in Surrey along with possible details that reveal the meaning of the title of the next James Bond film.

  MI6 reports Skyfall Lodge is part of the Bond family ancestral home in Scotland. The site has an extensive story with exclusive photos displaying gravestones of 007’s parents, Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix Bond. In Ian Fleming’s books, Bond’s parents died in a skiing accident when he was young but the idea that they were killed because they were secret agents has been hinted at in other books.

 Dark Horizons reports that the lodge is the hideout of the villain played by Javier Bardem.

 This is not the first time the title of a 007 film has been named for a place. Goldeneye, Pierce Brosnan’s first 007 film, was inspired by Ian Fleming’s  retreat in Jamaica where he wrote several Bond novels.

Thanks to Just Jared and FameFlyNet pictures.

“The Walking Dead” More Twists Coming

  The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale is this Sunday. After two shocking episodes (I won’t give away what happened) back to back stay tuned for more surprises says executive producer Glen Mazzara.

“I haven’t seen other shows do two back to back deaths. We don’t play them for shock value – we really wring our hands over these,” Mazzara tells TV Guide.

Many fans had already figured out one character’s fate based on the comic book series and an ad for the Season 2 dvd.

“We still have major plot twists and revelations coming,” he continues,”That cat got out of the bag, but have a lot more cats.”

One big question I hope will be answered this week: What Dr. Jenner told Rick in the final episode of Season 1.


AvX New Red Hulk Vs Colossus Art

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  This is a clash of titans when Red Hulk and Colossus fight in Avengers Vs X-Men #2 by Jason Aaron and John Romita Jr. Marvel released this new promo art with a boastful quote from the RULK.

  This Geek’s Opinion: I want Peter to smash the RULK into he’s only red blood on the shores of Utopia. One Hulk is enough. I’m not a fan of the Red Hulk. I’m not a fan of the new Colossal Juggernaut but I know it makes for good development for the character. If Peter and Kitty were together in wedded bliss then I’d probably be bored. Peter is on a dark path serving as the avatar for Cyttorak. It’s becoming easier and easier for Peter to summon the evil force to enhance his power. To defeat the Red Hulk, Peter may have to reach a dark level he may never come back from.


New Avengers Post Starring Captain America and Hawkeye

courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel unveiled the first of six new movie posters for The Avengers. Captain America (Chris Evans) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) are ready for battle in this new design.

 Steve Rogers and Clint Barton have had an often rocky relationship in the comics. The boy scout from an old-fashioned era and the hot-headed bad boy with a criminal past didn’t always connect. So far all we know is this cinematic Hawkeye is a good soldier and SHIELD operative that follows orders. Hopefully we learn more of this Clint’s back story on May 4th.

What Joss Cut From The Avengers Movie

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

  The Avengers director Joss Whedon says his original cut of the film was 3 hours which he trimmed down to a 2 hours and 15 minutes. What got cut out?

  “There’s a lot of me that got cut out, but I think part of the process in a situation like this is you make the movie, you make your movie, then you remove yourself out of the equation. At some point you stop looking beyond The Avengers movie at your own stuff, you don’t look at that horizon you look at this movie and you go, ‘You know what, The Avengers are more important than I am so these things that I’m obsessed with aren’t necessarily moving the story forward, and therefore they are baggage.’ You can do that in a TV show, you can bring your baggage and sort of lay it out because you have a season to do it, but in a movie you actually have to remove yourself from the equation a bit and when I was finally able to do that, I saw a much clearer road to how to get the best experience for the audience.”

  And again Whedon denies the appearance of two Marvel’s most infamous alien empires as Loki’s army.

  “I will say only this: It is not the Kree or the Skrulls… Those two aliens are Marvel mainstays and have enormous backstories. They have a big life of their own that just could not be contained in a film where I already had seven movie stars… The Skrulls — they can shape change. That’s a whole thing. I’ve already got Loki. He’s got magic. Once you got magic along with your Iron Man and your Black Widow — it’s a real juggling act.”

  For more of his interview here’s the Collider link.

  This Geek’s Opinion: No Kree. No Skrulls. Shiar are more X-Men territory. Maybe Loki has somehow given tech to the Frost Giants? Maybe the Badoon?

Emerald City Comicon Countdown – My Favorite Captain America!


  Emerald City Comicon is less than 3 weeks away! As we count down to the big event in Seattle I want to share some of my favorite ECCC memories. Before Chris Evans played the Star Spangled Avenger last summer, many local guys paid tribute to Steve Rogers. This is A.J. Roberts – a great friend, fellow comic book fan and master costumer! A.J. rocked as the Captain! See you at the con at the end of the mont!

Ultimate Colossus Is Back

Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  The Colossus I knew and loved is long gone in Uncanny X-Men. Peter is in a dark place now that he’s the Juggernaut. Peter made a deal with a devil. He made a bargain with Cyttorak to become his avatar in order to defeat the Kurth empowered Juggernaut. This decision caused Kitty to leave him.

  This week in Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 the alternative version of Peter is back. Colossus and Storm are among the mutants held and tortured in Camp Angel. These captured mutants face a tough choice when the government’s mutant secret is out. If Peter and Ororo bust out of the prison camp – don’t expect a reunion with Kitty. Colossus is gay in this line. I do hope we catch up with Kitty aka the Shroud and her mutant rebels on the run – including Wolverine’s son.