Age of Ultron #1 kicked off with a world taken over by the Avengers greatest enemy and surviving heroes on the run or in hiding. After Age of Ultron #5 the survivors have divided with one team taking the fight to the human hating android and Wolverine going rogue.
One of the survivors is Black Widow but she’s paid a terrible price. Brian Michael Bendis tells Marvel.com there’s a story behind her scar.
“Not only do I have it in my head, but I have it all written out. I’ve laid it out. I’ve [written] all the stuff down and then decided it was unnecessary to the story I want to tell. I personally want to know why this happened and, literally, her escaping a fiery-Ultron death and losing an eye in the process. What you see is the end result.
This woman escaped by the skin of her teeth. She is wounded, and that corrosion around her eye, she may be dying, like she may have a week to live. Who knows what horrible, cancerous [expletive] is in the air? I mean that’s why we spend so much effort on these wide shots of the city. The air is pea soup green. There’s something like poison in the air. So you know, even though she’s not superhuman, she does have elements to her that are a little more than human. She’s surviving a little bit better. But she’s not going to survive much longer.”
Age of Ultron #6 arrives today.
By Editor