1. Bucky Barnes
Captain America’s sidekick turned deadly enemy turned ally will have a huge 2014. Sebastian Stan reprises his role as Bucky in Captain America: The Winter Soldier coming April 4. The Star-Spangled Avenger’s sequel is based on my all-time favorite Cap stories by Ed Brubaker.
Bucky co-stars in the All-New Invaders by James Robinson. The World War II heroes reunite against the Kree in the upcoming book. The Winter Soldier: The Bitter March by Rick Remender is a retro story set back when Bucky was the brainwashed assassin.
I absolutely love Bucky and hope the success leads to a new solo comic book series and movie pairing Bucky and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson.)

2. Nightwing
Keeping with my favorite sidekicks turned awesome solo heroes…Richard Grayson is beaten, broken and battered.
Nightwing’s identity was exposed to the world by the Crime Syndicate in the pages of Forever Evil. Batman feels terrible guilt over Dick’s life being ruined. DC Comics is teasing Forever Evil #6 as the final fate of Nightwing. Batman and Lex Luthor are leading the resistance against the Crime Syndicate but will Richard be ultimate hero who makes the ultimate sacrifice?
I enjoyed Kyle Higgins’ Nightwing series that sent Richard to Chicago out of Bruce’s shadow in Gotham and I loved the pre-New 52 Titans. Personally, I’d love to see Nightwing recruit Starfire, Raven and form a New 52 version of the Titans and have him back in the classic black and blue costume!

3. Lois Lane
Superman: Lois Lane is a one-shot starring the daring journalist by Marguerite Bennett. I’ve declared it before and I’ll do it again – Lois Lane deserves a shot at her own series.
The success of this February one-shot could signal a solo series. Lois is the most iconic female comic book character after Wonder Woman. Lois could lead readers into the danger zones and inner circles of power in the DC Universe in search of truth and justice. Lois may not have super powers but this extraordinary heroine could be a breakthrough character all over again after 75 years.

4. Peter Parker, Amazing Spider-Man
Replacing Peter with Otto Octavius as a Superior Spider-Man was a creative gamble that’s paying off in compelling stories but after a year, it’s time for Peter’s comeback.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into cinemas in May and Sony is charging ahead with Venom and Sinister Six spinoffs. Even with Sony controlling the movie rights, Spidey is Marvel’s flagship hero and after a year in the afterlife it’s time for a comeback and payback for Doc Ock!
I have to believe Peter will be back swinging in a new Marvel comic by May.

5. Thanos
The Mad God of Titan ravaged planet after planet in search of his greatest secret. The Avengers took Earth back from Thanos and his Black Order and the Mad God suffered one hell of a father/son moment in the Infinity finale.
Don’t count him out!
The Mad God of Titan will reunite with Adam Warlock and his creator. Jim Starlin is writing a new graphic novel: Thanos: The Infinity Revelation, dealing with the aftermath of the Infinity mega-series.
Marvel is building up to a big screen showdown between the Avengers and Thanos. We’ve already seen hints of the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor and the gems in Thor: The Dark World and watch for even bigger cosmic treats in Guardians of the Galaxy in August.

6. Lex Luthor
Keeping with the tradition of big, bald and badass…Lex Luthor is leading the resistance against the Crime Syndicate in the pages of Forever Evil. Could the ruthless C.E.O. come out of this event as the greatest hero of the DC Universe? When the dust settles from this villain vs. villain showdown, I suspect Luthor will reestablish himself and his power base in the DC Universe.
In Man of Steel we saw hints of Lexcorp and it’s only a matter of time before we have an announcement that the classic villain will be cast in the sequel in which Superman faces Batman and includes Wonder Woman.

7. Captain Marvel
Never underestimate the power of the Carol Corps! The devoted fan base was rewarded with a special Carol Corps issue of Captain Marvel last year. Carol Danvers will go beyond in a brand new Captain Marvel #1 as part of the All-New Marvel Now campaign. Carol even inspired a brand new hero, the all-new Ms. Marvel takes the code-name and look once used by Carol.
The popularity of the fan-favorite Avenger is undeniable and the hunger for a solo superheroine movie is strong. I’d love to see Carol as part of Guardians of the Galaxy and transform into Captain Marvel in time for Avengers 3. Here’s writer Kelly Sue DeConnick on the possible journey from page to screen for Captain Marvel.
I’m working on the next 7 now. Which heroes or villains do you want to see have a breakout year in 2014?
By Editor