Mutants. Inhumans. Different from the rest of humanity but very different from each other. The future of X-Men and Inhumans will be intertwined even more when the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now begins this fall.
Marvel’s Uncanny Inhumans panel at San Diego Comic Con was packed with updates on the upcoming relaunches of both the Inhuman and X-Men franchises.
Uncanny Inhumans writer Charles Soule, Extraordinary X-Men, Old Man Logan writer Jeff Lemire, Uncanny X-Men writer Cullen Bunn, Extraordinary X-Men artist Humberto Ramos, and Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso answered fan questions and revealed new details about the lines.
As previously revealed, something big happens after Secret Wars that causes a cold war between mutants and Inhumans to heat up. Beast will join the Uncanny Inhumans. Cyclops and other iconic X-Men are M.I.A. Storm takes the lead of a new team and there are two Wolverines. X-23 is the All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan finds himself in the new present day.
Here are highlights from the panel”
ALL-NEW X-MEN #1 will relaunch starring the young original Xavier students except Jean Grey. X-23 will be with them on the adventure.
“This leads into a new era for the mutants,” Alonso of ALL-NEW X-MEN #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Mark Bagley. Hopeless has told a lot of great stories about young heroes in things like AVENGERS ARENA and AVENGERS UNDERGROUND, so he was a perfect fit for this according to Alonso.
“It’s a whole new landscape after Secret Wars, and the world has changed and moved on. It’s a much more dangerous place for mutantkind, and Storm has taken on the burden of Xavier’s dream,” said Lemire.
A reminder of the lineup: Iceman, Storm, Nightcrawler, young Jean Grey, Old Man Logan, Magik, and Colossus. Lemire said he hand-picked his favorite mutants naming Magik, “the best mutant ever.”
A fan asked about Cyclops missing from all promo images.
“There’s a reason for that.” said Lemire. adding there’s a plan for what happened to him and where he is.
Lemire reunited with this Green Arrow artist Andrea Sorrentino for Old Man Logan who “finds himself in a new and mysterious place to him–the present day, post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe.”

ALL-NEW WOLVERINE starring X-23 by Tom Taylor and David Lopez.
“What’s not fun about a female Wolverine with a chip on her shoulder and a lot of baggage?” said Alonso and teased he was looking forward to the inevitable crossover with Old Man Logan.
UNCANNY X-MEN #1 by Bunn and Greg Land.
Cullen said “it’s dangerous times for mutants, and he wanted to put together a team that’s just as dangerous as the world they live in. Team includes Magneto, Psylocke, Sabretooth, Mystique, Fantomex. They’re upholding Xavier’s dream, but they have no right to do so.”
Alonso compared this book and UNCANNY X-FORCE. “When Sabretooth is your moral compass, you’ve got some problems there.”
Bunn added Creed is “sort of the good guy” on the team teased more members will be revealed and not everyone on the team is on the cover.
KARNAK #1 by Warren Ellis and Gerardo Zaffino, covers by David Aja.
Editor Nick Lowe is building the Inhumans line and wanted to do a Karnak book. He reached out to Ellis, who had a pitch. It lays down an architecture for looking at this character in a whole new light.

UNCANNY INHUMANS by Soule and Steve McNiven kicks off this fall. They had a blast working on Death of Wolverine, Soule says they both have a sense of what an epic book should feel like.
The Inhumans have two sides–the established characters, the Royal Family, who have been a part of the Marvel Universe for a very long time, but recently there’s been an explosion of new Inhumans who could be anybody.
In UNCANNY INHUMANS, they’re taking all the parts of the recipe they’ve built so far in INHUMAN. In the zero issue last April, Black Bolt gave his son to Kang to take to the past. In UNCANNY INHUMANS #1, Medusa finds out what happens, and they have to figure out how to get their son back from Kang.
Beast will be a member of Medusa’s team and Crystal will return to learn her ex, Johnny Storm, is now in love with her sister.
The team set the date for the X-flagship book: EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN #1 is on sale Oct. 14
By Editor