WINTER SOLDIER’s New Mission, New Team

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

This week Jason Latour and Nic Klein take over the adventures of Bucky Barnes in Winter Soldier#15.

Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back as the brainwashed assassin and set him on a path of redemption during his acclaimed Captain America run that continued with the Winter Soldier series.

Comic Book Resources talked with the writer turned artist (his creator owned title Loose Ends and Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX) about accepting the mission to continue’s Bucky’s story.

“I was surprised to get the chance, simply because I didn’t think this character would ever be in play. Brubaker’s work on this character has been great. He’s really built such a strong and compelling foundation– that when the possibility was introduced my mind went off like a nuclear test site.

As for how it came about — I’d drawn a few stories for my editor, Lauren Sankovitch, in the past and I’d made it clear I was interested in writing for hire, too. Fortunately she seemed to like my creator-owned work and when the time came to cast the book she asked me if I would be interested.”

Continue reading WINTER SOLDIER’s New Mission, New Team

Who Should Play Sin in CAPTAIN AMERICA 2?

Captain America #28 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #28 courtesy Marvel

Chris Evans suits up again as the First Avenger in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The next film will add Anthony Mackie as the heroic Falcon and Frank Grillo as evil muscle man Crossbones.

Emily Van Camp (Revenge) may be playing SHIELD Agent Sharon Carter. All the buzz about the casting of Cap’s girlfriend inspired sinister visions of who should play the raging redheaded she-devil from Cap’s rogues gallery!  If Crossbones is in the sequel then will the Red Skull’s psychotic daughter (and Crossbones’s lover/partner) join the film?

Who should play Sinthea Schmidt aka SIN? Here are five redheads who could really embody pure evil as the Red Skull’s daughter:
Continue reading Who Should Play Sin in CAPTAIN AMERICA 2?

WINTER SOLDIER Out of This World

Winter Soldier #19 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #19 courtesy Marvel

  This week’s Winter Soldier #14 was the final (for now?) Bucky Barnes story by Ed Brubaker. The writer who resurrected and redeemed Bucky during an incredible 8 year Captain America run left Bucky at a turning point in his life and with Black Widow. Brubaker and Butch Guice delivered an action packed and moving finale to Black Widow Hunt.

  New creative team Jason Latour and Nic Klein take over next month with Winter Soldier #15 out February 6th. Marvel shared the variant cover of June’s Winter Soldier #19. Writer Latour will begin providing covers with this issue. His style reminds me of Mike Allred. The cover makes me wonder what is Bucky doing in space?

By Editor

The Brubaker WINTER SOLDIER Finale

Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel

Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff are the hottest couple of the Marvel Universe. Evil operatives, brain washing and cold war comebacks have ripped Bucky and Black Widow apart. All the men in Natasha’s life (Wolverine, Nick Fury, Daredevil)  have guest starred in this action packed epic but it all comes down to Bucky.

In this week’s Winter Soldier #15 what will Bucky sacrifice to save the woman he loves? It’s the grand finale of the Black Widow Hunt and the final Marvel comic from Ed Brubaker – for now.

(Brubaker’s creator owned Image book Fatale is a must!)

Brubaker’s final Captain America issue was last fall but this week’s Winter Soldier is the end of a an era. The return and redemption of Bucky Barnes will stand the test of time – and is the inspiration for the next Captain America sequel. Brubaker made Marvel’s dark underworld of gritty espionage a perfect setting where Steve Rogers, Bucky, Natasha and Nick Fury could rise to newfound glory.

Thanks to Ed Brubaker for an amazing run. Long live Bucky!

By Editor

The Last Brubaker Captain America


Captain America #19 courtesy Marvel

The End of an Era phrase doesn’t even begin to describe this week’s Captain America #19.  Artist Steve Epting returns to the title for Ed Brubaker’s grand finale issue. This is definitely the end of a major creative era for Steve Rogers. I starting buying and loving Cap again because of Brubaker.

It was an era of dark espionage and redeemed heroes that redefined Steve and his supporting cast. Steve Rogers became an agent of SHIELD, discovered Bucky was alive and serving as a brainwashed assassin for the Russians and fought with his oldest friends over the Superhero Registration Act in Civil War. I loved the rise, fall and comeback of Steve Rogers during this run but what I loved most was the surprising return and redemption of Bucky Barnes.

Brubaker even killed Cap and replaced him with Bucky – and the series got even better.

Brubaker’s epic run ends with a heartfelt issue that reflects back on all the great moments that defined Steve Rogers. Steve Epting helped define this era of Rogers and Barnes in the dark spy game underworld. It’s fitting to have Epting return for this flashback filled issue.

Ed Brubaker’s Captain America will be remembered as a perfect connection between creator and character in comic history. Thanks for eight glorious years and for making me love Cap again.

By Editor


New Artist for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

I love Bucky Barnes. Sometimes the greatest heroes rise up from the darkest places. Ed Brubaker did the unthinkable a few years ago – he brought Bucky back from the dead as a brainwashed assassin. Cap saved Bucky and set him on the road to redemption and even made him Captain America for a time. Winter Soldier is my favorite new series of 2012 as Bucky assumed the Winter Soldier role and partnered with his lover the Black Widow to hunt the ghosts and mistakes of his past. Ed Brubaker is leaving Cap, Bucky and superhero comics for now. (His Image creator owned Fatale is amazing and will disturb and thrill you!)

New writer Jason LaTour and artist Nic Klein take over Bucky’s journey with Winter Soldier #15.  Klein tells his visual take on Bucky will reflect where the character is left as LaTour takes over from Brubaker.

  “On a visual level I like that Bucky’s costume is very dark, and, depending on who draws him, it can be very silhouette-like,” Klein says. “Bucky is also in a strange place in his life in this new arc, a not too happy place, so it will be fun to have some moody character moments. It will also be the first time I get to draw a character with a bionic arm, which brings in some 1990’s nostalgia in me, having grown up on comic books with such heroes.”

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy

LaTour and Klein take over Winter Soldier this January.

Captain America 2 will be The Winter Soldier. Sebastian Stan returns as Bucky Barnes.

By Editor

Top 5 Comic Book Picks 8/29/12 Doctor Who, Star Trek, AvX, and That Super Kiss!

AvX Vs. #5 One of Marvel’s most iconic power couples is shattered. See the extended battle that led to the breakup of Storm and the Black Panther. Plus, Hawkeye takes aim at Angel. Two huge fights from the Avengers vs. X-Men mega series in this “all fights” series.

Captain Marvel #3 Carol is trapped in World War II with a team of female pilots under siege. Is this time twisting part of a NASA experiment gone wrong?

Justice League #12 Superman and Wonder Woman in love! Have you seen the super kiss? There’s more to romance in this action packed issue as the heroes are tested while fighting their new foe.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #4 courtesy IDW Publishing

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Assimilation2 #3  The Borg and Cybermen are attacking the Federation. Why an alliance of the Time Lord and Captain Picard may be more dangerous than the CyberBorg. What will Guinan reveal to the Doctor?

Winter Soldier #9 Marvel’s hottest superspies and lovers turned against each other. Black Widow’s tragic past has taken hold of her. Can Bucky save her?

By Editor


New Writer for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

  My favorite new book of 2012 will get a new writer in 2013. At the AvX panel at Fan Expo Canada Marvel announced that Jason Latour will take over Winter Soldier.

  Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back as the brainwashed assassin and set him on a path of redemption during his acclaimed Captain America run that continued with the Winter Soldier series.

 Comic Book Resources talked with the writer turned artist (his creator owned title Loose Ends and Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX) about taking over.

  “I was surprised to get the chance, simply because I didn’t think this character would ever be in play. Brubaker’s work on this character has been great. He’s really built such a strong and compelling foundation– that when the possibility was introduced my mind went off like a nuclear test site.

  As for how it came about — I’d drawn a few stories for my editor, Lauren Sankovitch, in the past and I’d made it clear I was interested in writing for hire, too. Fortunately she seemed to like my creator-owned work and when the time came to cast the book she asked me if I would be interested.”

  Brubaker has several issues left. Latour takes over with January’s issue #15 with Bucky in a dark place.

“A darkness has washed over The Dude — Like I said, it’s the pain that sticks. He’s done some awful things — things that he’d like to believe were independent of his control.  But when Cap fixed his mind with the Cosmic Cube, it’s telling that he used the phrase “Remember who you are.” That didn’t just return him to “Gee wilikers, Cap, I sure like pinball” Bucky — it kept intact a lot of memories he’d rather have seen erased.

Recently his past has come home to roost — and each time he found himself asking what his role in creating the situation was. It’s made him feel very powerless. People he loves keep getting thrown into harm’s way, and he’s trying to look in the mirror and see how much of it is his old habits. Who he works for is just where he starts.”

Latour says he’ll create a new villain.

“Two people who were once caught in the Winter Soldier’s swath. Our big antagonist is a new take on Bucky’s rogues’ gallery in the sense that she’s the first indirect casualty of his actions. She’s got plans much larger than revenge, but their personal connection is going to make things very complicated for Bucky.”

By Editor


Thanks to Comic Book Resources.