Marvel Comics Most Anticipated 2013

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now continues with more new relaunches and brand new series in 2013 but this year will mark the return of the Avengers’ greatest enemy!

Age of Ultron! No planning. No build up. The robotic menace hase already won on page one of Age of Ultron. The long-awaited epic series reunites Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch.

Young Avengers! Kid Loki gets a new group of young heroes together to kill Wiccan? The Scarlet Witch’s son and his boyfriend Hulkling and Kate Bishop are joined by new recruits Miss America and Noh-Varr. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (Phonogram) are the new creative team on the new Young Avengers coming January 23.

Marvel Goes Cosmic and Gets Spacey! Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven relaunch Guardians of the Galaxy with new member Iron Man. Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness blast a brand new Nova series with a new young hero under the helmet.

Fearless Defenders! Cullen Bunn assembles Marvel’s finest female heroes in a brand new series starring Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar! I’m hoping he’ll bring back Hellcat for a reunion with Val!

X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Termination! Mutants from multiple dimensions clash in the crossover between X-Treme X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and Age of Apocalypse in March.

Superior Spider-Man! Apologies to hardcore Peter Parker fans but imagine how much fun this could be? Feel the ick when Doc Ock kisses MJ! Root for Otto to get busted or is it possible you could end up rooting for this new “hero” in the suit?

Uncanny X-Men! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch the flagship X-book starring Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik after the finale of the first arc of All-New X-Men starring the original X-Men.

By Editor

Here are my most anticipated 2013 DC Comics books and events.

Raise Hellcat Marvel!

Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel
Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel

It’s time for Hellcat to prowl again!

Valkyrie has been back in action in Fear Itself and Secret Avengers.  In 2013 Val will co-star in Fearless Defenders. The other former Defenders Patsy used to run with have a place in the Marvel Now. I’m longing for the return of their sexy former teammate, Hellcat.

Patsy Walker was a child actress/model and star of a comic book within a comic book. She dreamed of being a real superhero. A chance meeting with Beast led to her becoming a costumed hero. Patsy joined the Avengers, the Defenders, went to Hell and married a devilish husband, Son of Satan. Even no good Damien got some panel time in New Avengers. Kathryn Immonen wrote a Hellcat limited series starring Patsy as the Initiative agent assigned to Alaska. Patsy was last seen as part of the limited series Marvel Divas.

I always loved her adventures with Valkyrie. The sexy cat and steely warrior woman were a great female duo during their Defenders run and I’m hoping Hellcat gets to use one of her nine lives in a new series or make an appearance in Cullen Bunn’s Fearless Defenders series.

How about recruiting Gail Simone to reboot Patsy in new solo book?

Marvel, Let’s Raise Some Hellcat in 2013!

Check out her bio for more on the history of Patsy Walker.

By Editor


Fearless Defenders #2 courtesy Marvel

What’s not to love?

You may have noticed my intense love on this blog for Valkyrie, The Fearless limited series, The Defenders and Dani Moonstar of New Mutants.

You get all that plus the magnificent Misty Knight in Fearless Defenders from Cullen Bunn and William Sliney. Marvel shared the cover to issue 2 with Comics Newsarama.

It’s official: Danielle Moonstar of New Mutants will join Val and Misty in the new series. I love this clever cover by Mark Brooks. I would love to have a Dani Moonstar action figure!

How would you feel about Val reuniting with Patsy Walker aka Hellcat?

By Editor



Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

  I am THRILLED to share this news! Two of Marvel’s Finest, Fiercest Females will star in a brand new Marvel Now series! Comics Newsarama reports that Fearless Defenders will star Valkyrie and Misty Knight in a follow-up to Fear Itself: The Fearless.

  I have been sharing my hope that Valkyrie of The Fearless and The Defenders would live on in the Marvel Now. Now I guess we’ll see if they are two great concepts that taste great together?

  Cullen Bunn (Venom, Wolverine) will write the new series with Will Sliney on art. Bunn scripted the excellent Fear Itself: The Fearless 12-part series that I may have posted over and over that I LOVE. I think Misty Knight kicks ass but I absolutely love Valkyrie so you can imagine my excitement!


Fear Itself The Fearless #9 courtesy Marvel

  According to the CN story – Dani Moonstar of the recently ended New Mutants has found a home in the Marvel Now – YES! Dani was once a Valkyrie and recently made a deal with Hela during the SIEGE saga. More female characters will joining the team too.

 “The basic idea of the book is that Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior, and she’s been asked to choose all these women from the heroes of Midgard, instead of from Asgard. She has completely failed in this task. [Laughs.] Valkyrie has been unable to choose anyone that she feels is worthy to be one of the hosts of the shield maidens. So she just hasn’t done it. She’s dropped the ball,” Bunn tells CN.

  “Because she’s not done what she said she would do, nature — or supernature, as it is — abhors a vacuum. The absence of the Valkyrior has opened the door to something terrible. Something awful is waking, and Valkyrie finds that it’s really her fault that she’s put everything at risk.”

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  Bunn had heroes and villains after Valkyrie in the earlier limited series but he’s plotting new enemies for her and Misty in the new series. 

  “Yeah, in the first issue I’m introducing a couple of new villains. One of them is, in my mind, the nastiest villain to ever come into the Marvel Universe. She is absolutely ghastly. At her very core, she is a horrible, horrible person, and she is capable of some really deplorable things that we’ll be seeing.

  We’re creating a new team, and I felt like it would be important to create this mastermind-type character who’s coming in to be the main antagonist for the foreseeable future for the team. She’s not the only villain you’re going to see, and you’ll some other Marvel Universe villains, but she is new, and I wanted people to believe she is a challenge for Valkyrie. Look at Valkyrie — she’s a very powerful character. This woman is definitely going to be a challenge for Valkyrie, and she’s going to be that challenge without having any powers whatsoever.”

  Fearless Defenders arrives in February 2013. I’m loving the Mighty Mark Brooks cover art up top!

 For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor

Fearless in the Marvel Now?

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

Never fear! New one word teases are here! Marvel revealed a new title by Cullen Bunn (Wolverine, Venom) and Will Sliney is coming in February 2013. What could FEARLESS mean?

I hope this means a title starring Valkyrie! Why? I absolutely loved Fear Itself: The Fearless in which Bunn was one of the architects (along with Matt Fraction.) This 12-part epic starred Valkyrie on a mission for Odin that took her across the Marvel Universe and against some of the biggest heroes and villains. Valkyrie even defied the Avengers and X-Men to recover lost Asgardian artifacts.

Valkyrie has been a member of Rick Remender’s Secret Avengers team but I think it’s time Valkyrie to assume the leadership role in her own series or with her own team (maybe with former Valkyrie and New Mutant Dani Moonstar?)Matt Fraction’s Defenders has ended so perhaps this is a relaunch of the non-team team – maybe Val reuniting with Hellcat?  Stay tuned!

By Editor

Journey Into Mystery With Sif


Journey Into Mystery #646 courtesy Marvel

 Marvel revealed today that Kathryn Immonen will take over Journey Into Mystery with issue 646. Kieron Gillen left to take on Iron Man. The Gillen run starred Kid Loki. The warrior Lady Sif will become the new lead character.

 “We talked at length as far as what her story could be, and it came down to a single question: What does she want? For Sif, what she wants above all is to be a better warrior. How far would she go for that? She makes some terrible decisions and puts a lot of people in peril,” explains Immonen of the lead change.

  “One of the really interesting things about Sif to me is that she’s defined by absence, with her lover, Thor, and brother, Heimdall, always away from her.

  ‘What’s most interesting to me about the Asgardians is the inevitability of them. So much of their conflict is internalized because they don’t have alter egos. They’re also almost more human because of that.”

  Immonen sets out the journey she’s planned for Sif and the change in tone of the title.

  “Sif is not just a warrior. We’ve often seen her leading the charge, but I don’t feel like we’ve ever seen her in charge. Bear with me, but she’s kind of like my dog. He’s very committed to his pack, but never looks back because he assumes everybody else is as committed as he is. Sif is the same way.

  I see a similarity between Sif and Loki because neither of them can ever be Thor. I think that has more effect on her then she’ll admit. She’s been told she’s capable of anything, but at the end of the day, she will never be Thor. It’s a matter of finding out how to be enough anyway.”

 Sif is an action hero. Loki is not. They’re fundamentally different. I don’t use the talking to get to the fighting, I use the fighting to get to the talking.” says Immonen.

Journey Into Mystery #646 out this November. Editor Lauren Stankovich revealed up and coming Italian artist Valerio Schiti will provide art.

 Jaime Alexander played Sif in Thor on the big screen. With this kind of higher comic book exposure could we see a bigger role for Sif in Thor: The Dark World.


Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  If you love the idea of Asgardian warrior women then I highly recommend Fear Itself: The Fearless. This 12 part epic starred Valkyrie on a mission from Odin. Valkyrie defied the Avengers on a quest that has personal implications for her and took us across the Marvel universe.

  I’m a huge Valkyrie fan. Hope she is part of Marvel NOW! too.

By Editor

Don’t Fear The Fearless!

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fear Itself: The Fearless is one of my favorite maxi-series starring one of my favorite Marvel heroines. In the aftermath of Fear Itself – mystical hammers of Asgard are lost on Earth. Valkyrie defies the Avengers on a mission for Odin to recover them. It’s more than just honor at stake as we learn the emotional reasons why Valkyrie will risk all to recover the ancient weapons.

  Sin and her empire of demonic allies are after the weapons too. If you loved, loathed or didn’t read Fear Itself – I think you’ll still enjoy this thrilling tour of the Marvel universe packed with exciting battles, bloody fights, and shocking betrayals. We learn of Valkyrie’s haunted past and hope for love in the afterlife. She invades Atlantis, Utopia and every corner of the Marvel world with the Avengers on her trail.


Fear Itself: The Fearless #8 courtesy Marvel

Valkyrie is definitely the star of this series but it’s packed with awesome moments: Wolverine vs. Crossbones, Doctor Strange and the Avengers vs. an army right of out Inferno plus Valkyrie vs. Storm is worth the whole dang series!

  Valkyrie’s race against Sin was gripping and fun. Cullen Bunn, Matt Fraction and Chris Yost created this exciting quest for one of my favorite heroines. Mark Bagley and Paul Pelletier tag team on art with Art Adams on covers. Never fear you will enjoy The Fearless. Get it at your local comic shop of here’s the Amazon link.

By Editor

The Fearless Climax

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fear Itself: The Fearless comes to an exciting, emotional climax. Valkyrie defied the Avengers on a mission for Odin. The warrior’s race against Sin to find the mystical hammers left by the Serpent in Fear Itself has been gripping and fun. Valkyrie faces an emotional sacrifice in her final showdown with Sin issue 12 out now.

  Even if you loved, loathed or didn’t read Fear Itself – I highly recommend this thrilling tour of the Marvel universe packed with exciting battles, bloody fights, and shocking betrayals. We learn of Valkyrie’s haunted past and hope for love in the afterlife. She invades Atlantis, Utopia and every corner of the Marvel world with the Avengers on her trail.

  Valkyrie is definitely the star of this series but it’s packed with awesome moments: Wolverine vs. Crossbones, Doctor Strange and the Avengers vs. an army right of out Inferno plus the Valkyrie Storm fight is worth the dang series!

Fear Itself The Fearless #9 courtesy Marvel

Cullen Bunn, Matt Fraction and Chris Yost created this exciting quest for one of my favorite heroines. Mark Bagley and Paul Pelletier tag team on art with Art Adams on covers. This will likely be collected in a trade – get it!