Uncanny Avengers vs. Kang & Apocalypse!

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  The Uncanny Avengers are fighting a reborn Red Skull in their first arc. Marvel revealed the team will face two more classic villains next. Writer Rick Remender and Editor Tom Brevoort gave a preview of the Ragnarok Now – second arc in which the Uncanny Avengers take on Kang and Apocalypse.

  “A lot of this story picks arc from the Dark Angel Saga from Uncanny X-Force, though it’s not a sequel. We’ve spent a lot of time incorporating Kang and also Thor into Apocalypse’s mythology. The fun of Uncanny Avengers is the A meeting the X in a big way,” explained Remender, “You don’t need to have read the Dark Angel Saga to understand this, but if you have, here’s where that picks back up. In that story, Archangel impregnated Pestilence. Whatever she gives birth to is going to be a problem for people and also involve Kang’s machinations and scheming.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  With a story titled Ragnarok Now – expect the God of Thunder to be critical to this next arc.

  “I wanted to come up with ways to connect Uncanny Avengers to other books in the Marvel Universe. Young Thor from Jason Aaron’s Thor: God of Thunder and his axe play a major role in Uncanny Avengers,”said Remender “This will connect with some of the stories Jason has been telling. The repercussions will be big.”

  “Continuity still matters in Marvel NOW! Things that happened to Havok in Inferno are things I think about. But we’re not slavish to continuity either.” Remender teased.

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  “Thor has a big role in Ragnarok, he’s deeply involved in the inciting incident, but that doesn’t mean every character isn’t featured as well. Everybody looks to Wolverine as the guy who has gone after the last Apocalypse and is raising one at his school. There is also plenty of stuff on the table for Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Sunfire. Every single one of our heroes has somebody involved in this story that gives them a personal context for the fight.”

  Remender is leaving Uncanny X-Force. Remender teased he will write about Logan’s actions in The Final Execution.

  “We explore the fallout of Wolverine killing Daken a lot in Uncanny Avengers. His behavior changes around issue #5. I’m working closely with Jason Aaron to coordinate with Wolverine & The X-Men. The death of Daken is the catalyst for character development. I don’t see him as a preemptive killer again. Do the claws still come out? I want to see him try to make it happen less. What he went through left some mark on his soul. He wants to live up to the path that Charles Xavier set for him.”

“The ghosts of X-Force are going to affect Wolverine as long as I’m writing the character.”

  Former X-Man Sunfire is joining the team (along with Wasp and Wonder Man.) A fan asked about Sunfire’s role as a Horseman of Apocalypse (from the Peter Milligan era.)

  “Wolverine is also a former Horseman. Sunfire would have been a perfect member of X-Force. He is damaged. Between what Apocalypse did to him, the Marauders, losing his legs…he’s been broken. It’s similar to where Archangel tried to kill Apocalypse in the first arc of Uncanny X-Force.

 “Sunfire will be presented with a similar situation. Things do not work out well for everybody.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  I love Marvel history. I even have the Rise of Apocalypse limited series from the 90’s. Remender will take us back to ancient Egypt in this next arc.

  “When Apocalypse first rose, it was during the reign of Rama Tut, Kang’s scientific pharaoh persona. They have history. There is more of a relationship than we’ve seen, but they share a common era of origin,” added Tom Brevoort.

   The Red Skull is more powerful than ever and a threat to the entire Marvel Universe.

  “Without telling you the end of the first story, we have not seen the end of Red Skull. He will be in Ragnarok Now,” said Remender. 

  “I’m in love with villains. This is a chance to put a shine back on three of the greatest villains in comic books period.”

  The child who would be Apocalypse (aka Evan/Genesis) is now part of the cast of Wolverine and the X-Men. Evan’s fate and potential role in the story will not be revealed yet.

  “I don’t want to say anything other than that Jason and I are in close contact. We have a conclusion in mind. We might get to it here, we might get to it in a year or two, but we know the end result.”

  Daniel Acuna will become the new regular artist starting with this second arc/issue #6. John Cassaday will continue to create covers for the series.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers #2 Review

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

The Children of the Atom may have won over the hearts of two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but they have a new enemy that is pure evil and possibly the most powerful new villain in the Marvel Universe. Welcome to the Uncanny Avengers.

Here’s what you need to know: Captain America wants you Alex Summers! The Star-Spangled Avenger asks Havok to lead a team of human and mutants heroes. A mutant terrorist attacks New York City. Havok, Cap, Wolverine and Thor fight to stop the madman and save lives. Scarlet Witch and Rogue are attacked by a mysterious squad of freaks at Professor Xavier’s grave. The Red Skull has been reborn and he’s stolen Xavier’s brain.

Rick Remender and John Cassaday continue the shock and awe in this week’s issue #2 picking right up where the last issue left off. The Red Skull is using the Professor’s brain as a weapon to inflame anti-mutant rage. The creators deliver more “oh —-!” moments involving the Red Skull and his manipulations.

I’m really excited by the way Remender portrays Rogue from her clash with Scarlet Witch, her discovery of Xavier’s remains and her recollection of joining the X-Men.

This book is definitely working for me and I’m excited for what’s next. Remender and Cassaday have me hooked!

By Editor

Which Avenger Kills? Who Dies?


Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

A major character will die in February 2013 according to the Marvel Solicitations. The victim will be killed by an Avenger in Uncanny Avengers #5. This is the same issue that brings Sunfire, Wasp and Wonder Man to the team. The Grim Reaper strikes and Havok’s leadership is called into question is this issue too.

Is the killer a member of the Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers or Hickman’s Avengers? Who bites it? Who kills?

My first guess is Rogue takes a life. Here’s what Remender said in a pre-launch interview about the X-Woman and her history. Rogue seems like the wild card of the team…and she took out an Avenger before (ok she didn’t kill Ms. Marvel but left her in a coma.)

What are your theories?

By Editor

An X-Men Fan’s Reaction to Uncanny Avengers #1

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Shocking. Sickening.

“That moment” on the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1 (Don’t worry I’m not going to spoil it for you.)

It was like the final scenes in Rosemary’s Baby, Carrie and Halloween.

That act. It was a desecration, an insult to X-Men fans and Xavier’s dream.

It may become one of the most shocking moments in comic book history.

It’s necessary. I hated it. But I love (or hate myself for loving) the stories, alliances and moments that will follow it. It may have made me an even bigger X-Men fan because I want payback.

With Uncanny Avengers #1 the dangerous minds of Marvel Now have proven that nothing is sacred and anything can happen. It’s not a reboot. It’s gripping the past in hand and violently surging into new territory.

The Red Skull is no longer just a super villain.

In that final page Rick Remender, John Cassaday and Laura Martin created a force of pure evil, hate and malevolence.

And I want him dead. Claws, shield, hammer, cosmic blasts – whatever it takes!

Welcome to the Marvel Now. You may have hate what happens here. But wouldn’t you rather read a book that makes you feel?

By Editor

I’m working on a review of the entire issue – I just had to get that out of me.

Uncanny Avengers #1 Warning

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

I’m a grown man but I admit I screamed when I turned to the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1! They seriously heard me at the front of the comic shop.

Don’t read any reviews. Do you very best to avoid any spoilers. Just read the book as soon as possible!

Rick Remender and John Cassaday are your twisted, brilliant welcome wagon to the Marvel Now!

By Editor

Is Red Skull A Mutant In Uncanny Avengers?

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny Avengers leads the Marvel NOW relaunch this week. Rick Remender and John Cassaday kick off a new kind of team made of Avengers and X-Men to face a classic enemy. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok assemble to take on the threat of a reborn Red Skull – now with an anti-mutant agenda.

  In the issue #3 preview Marvel teased the super-villain’s new power to incite anti-mutant violence around the world. In the teaser for issue #4 Thor appears to have turned against his friends. Is he under the influence of the Skull?

  Could the Red Skull have been reborn as a mutant somehow? There’s nothing like self-loathing to fuel an insane criminal’s fury!

  Uncanny Avengers is the publisher’s effort to lower the barriers between franchises. It makes sense that have Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom working together – especially in light of new mutants being born in the aftermath of AvX.

  What I enjoy even more is the fact that a villain doesn’t have to always fight the same heroes.

 Brian Michael Bendis took the Spider-Man villain and elevated him to a major threat to Avengers. Norman Osborn eventually took control of the Avengers and SHIELD, attacked the X-Men and Asgard.

  It appears Rick Remender is going to make the classic Captain America enemy the new number one enemy of the Marvel Now! Can Sin be far behind?

  If the Red Skull’s new reign of terror is a hit with comic fans perhaps we’ll see Hugo Weaving reprise his role and be the big bad guy of an Avengers 3?

By Editor

 I’m getting a sneak peek at Uncanny Avengers #1 tonight! Watch for a review soon!

Top Comic Book Picks for October 10, 2012

courtesy DC Comics


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall #14 A new kind of slayer joins the fight against evil in a world without magic. A young gay man proves you don’t have to be chosen to be a hero. 

The Massive #5  In a world gone to hell Mary leads the desperate crew to a remote station in Antartica. A supply run goes horribly wrong and becomes a fight for survival.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Uncanny Avengers #1 A brand new kind of team for a dangerous old enemy! Can Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok heal the wounds of AvX? The Red Skull is reborn with new powers and a deadly agenda against the mutant race.

X-Men #37 Storm’s team unravels. Colossus challenges her leadership and questions her real intentions. Pixie is on her own trying to find the last living Proto-Mutant.

By Editor



Thor Betrays Uncanny Avengers?

Uncanny Avengers #4

  Will Marvel’s new supergroup been destroyed by one of their own? Thor sure likes like he’s been possessed on the cover of Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy of Marvel by John Cassaday.

  Captain America will assemble Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok to fight the power of a reborn Red Skull in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #1.

Here’s the preview copy for issue #4:

Red Skull and his S-Men move forward their take over of New York.
• A member of the Uncanny Avengers joins the S-Men!
• When the chips are down, the fight all but lost, one Avenger must rise and face the terrible might of The Omega Skull!

  The Red Skull may be the big bad guy but don’t forget Rick Remender is throwing Kang and Apocalypse at the new team too. Here’s that post about the evil trio and on why Red Skull is back.

By Editor