Avengers for Virgins – Updated

Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

You may have heard a little something about a movie called The Avengers. You can’t escape the promotion. Hype is high. It’s the first time this many iconic super heroes from other blockbusters are in the same big movie. Here’s what you need to know if you’re never seen opened an Avengers comic book or seen the previous Marvel films: The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America or Thor.

Spoiler Warning: this guide gives away the endings of those previously named movies.

1. SHIELD is an international agency charged with protecting Earth led by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson.) The Avengers Project is a gathering of super powered heroes to fight the global threats no single hero can handle alone – that big threat is here.

2. Captain America: The First Avenger Chris Evans plays Steve Rogers, a skinny, weak Brooklyn kid with a big heart who wanted to serve his country in World War II. Steve volunteered to be part of a top-secret experiment to create Super Soldiers. Steve was chosen because “a weak man knows the value of strength” and he became Captain America. Cap stopped a rogue Nazi scientist known as the Red Skull. The super serum transformed the man into an insane monster. Cap saved America from the Skull’s flying superweapon by crashing it into the arctic. Cap was frozen. SHIELD scientists discovered and revived Steve who was shocked to learn decades of his life are gone. He’s alone in a modern world he doesn’t understand.

Iron Man from Marvel.com

3. Iron Man Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is an arrogant genius inventor/playboy. Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan and learned that his company’s weapons were being sold on the black market against the terrorists that U.S. forces were fighting. While in captivity Tony builds a suit of armor to escape his captors and protect the world as Iron Man.

4. Thor What the Vikings hailed as Norse Gods were mighty beings from a mystical realm called Asgard. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) was the God of Thunder and son of Odin, King of Asgard. Thor’s arrogance ignited an ancient war with the Frost Giants (a rival race that almost destroyed Earth eons ago) and Odin stripped Thor of his powers and sent him to Midgard or Earth. Thor learned lessons of humility, love and what it meant to be a true hero.

Marvel’s Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

5. Hulk Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) is a scientist exposed to an experimental treatment that turns him into a monstrous, childlike Hulk. Anger triggers the change so Bruce has tried to live a secluded existence while trying to discover a cure. Bruce will be recruited back to use his brains and Hulk like strength to fight the alien army – the big question – how do you control a rampaging Hulk?

6. Black Widow Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) is a Russian super spy recruited to SHIELD by Nick Fury. She has no super powers but is highly skilled in combat and weapons. Natasha was working undercover as Tony’s assistant in Iron Man 2. In the comic books, Natasha has dated Hawkeye.

Hawkeye & Black Widow in Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

7. Hawkeye Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) is a tough, resourceful SHIELD agent and an expert archer. You saw Barton briefly in Thor. In the comic books, Clint is a former criminal turned good guy with a sarcastic sense of humor.

7. SHIELD Agents Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) is the no-nonsense government operative who appeared in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America. Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) is Nick Fury’s second in command.

8. The Big Bad Guy = Loki Thor’s half-brother is the treacherous Loki (Tom Hiddleston.) The God of Mischief is a master of manipulation and sorcery who orchestrated Thor’s banishment. Thor defeated Loki but the spiteful brother refused to let Thor save his life so we last saw him falling out of Asgard into deep space. Loki is back and has declared war on Earth and he’s allied with an army of aliens – this leads to the formation of the Avengers.

If you’re in the Seattle area like myself and want to catch up SIFF Cinema presents Avengers Assemble! You can see all the previous Marvel movies each night! The Incredible Hulk Monday, Iron Man I & II Tuesday, Thor in 3D Wednesday and Captain America: The First Avenger in 3D Thursday. Each night members of the cast (and local heroes) of Citizen Heroes will be introducing the films.

You don’t have to be an Avengers expert to enjoy the movie – just come, have fun and feel like a kid again! Hope you have a great time!

If you have any Avengers related questions please contact me by leaving a comment, email or following me on Facebook or on Twitter @comicsblend.

By Editor – thanks to Marvel for the images, the characters and for making this movie happen!

Updated: How do these characters tie together? Captain America. The Red Skull was obsessed with myths and the supernatural. He recovered a lost Asgardian artifact called the Tesseract (in the comic books it’s called the Cosmic Cube) that fueled his super army’s  weaponry. The artifact is in SHIELD custody. Another fact:  Tony Stark’s father Howard was a part of the team that helped turn Steve Rogers into Captain America.

Thor & Kid Loki Crossover- Updated

Everything Burns promotional art by Stephanie Hans courtesy Marvel.com

  Thor & Kid Loki team up to save the Nine Realms from Surtur in Everything Burns a 7 part crossover between The Mighty Thor and Journey Into Mystery by Matt Fraction, Kieron Gillen, Alan Davis and Carmine di Giandomenico. Marvel revealed the story, cover and promotional art at C2E2. 

  Updated: The crossover will kick off this August in The Mighty Thor #18-#22 and Journey Into Mystery #642-#645.  Fraction and Gillen talked with Marvel.com about the event.

 “It’s an epic,” Gillen says, explaining who will take on a prominent role in the story. “Thor and Loki are the heart of it all, but everyone else is the circulatory system around them, pumped full of fiery blood, ready to explode. Any significant player in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY at least has a moment, and several are absolutely key.”

The Mighty Thor #18 cover by Alan Davis courtesy Marvel.com

 “This story is about asking the question ‘What can break the bonds of brotherhood?’” Fraction asserts. “How long can Thor stand at Loki’s side? How many angles can Loki play at once? What Thor and Loki share is inconceivable to everyone but themselves. So whatever breaks it would have to be beyond comprehension, right?”

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.



Thunderous New Avengers Spot

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com


  I admit I had my doubts about taking the Asgardian God of Thunder from comic book to big screen was a challenge but Marvel and director Kenneth Branaugh pulled it off majestically. Chris Hemsworth displayed all the charm, swagger, and power as Thor.

 In this new Avengers extended television spot we get to see more of Hemsworth laying the hammer down and radiating the Thunder God aura. Thanks to Marvel and Spinoff Online.

 Take a look and feel the Thunder! By Editor

Avengers Assemble in Seattle

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  Not only is Seattle comic book cool because we’re the home of Emerald City Comicon, Ed Brubaker, Fantagraphics and Soundgarden (their first song in 15 years will be featured in Marvel’s The Avengers!) but we have the Seattle International Film Festival.

  SIFF Cinema is giving Avengers fans their own heroic festival to get caught up on the super team’s solo adventures. The Avengers Assemble series is April 30th May 4th at SIFF Cinema Uptown. You can see The Incredible Hulk, an Iron Man Double Feature, Thor in 3D and Captain America: The First Avenger in 3D.

And don’t forget the The International Film Festival starts May 17th.

Avengers Assemble in New Poster, Trailer


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assemble on a brand new movie poster revealed on Marvel.com. The Avengers are in the rubble of a battle weary Big Apple ready for action. A new trailer debuts tomorrow on Apple.

  What is that I spy in the sky behind our heroes? Is that an alien or SHIELD ship on fire? Maybe tomorrow we’ll know more about Loki’s secret army? And I’d like to see Maria Hill in action too.

My Comic Book Movie Oscars

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy Marvel.com

Best Film: X-Men: First Class


Best Actor: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lensherr/Magneto


Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme/Mystique


Best Supporting Actor: Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast


Best Supporting Actress: Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter


Best Director: Matthew Vaughn X-Men: First Class


Best Villain: Tom Hiddleston/Loki


Best Script: X-Men: First Class

Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy Marvel.com


Most Inspiring Moment: Captain America bringing back Bucky and his unit back!


Best Special Effect: Asgard and the Bifrost


Best Human Special Effect: Chris Hemsworth (male) January Jones(female)


Best Costumes: Thor


Best Decision to Change a Costume for the Big Screen: Captain America


Gone Too Soon: Darwin, X-Men: First Class


Coolest Comic Book to Movie Makeover: Azazel (Jason Flemying) X-Men: First Class

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger courtesy Marvel.com


Coolest Male Character I Hope to See in a Sequel: Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)


Coolest Female Character I Hope to See More of in a Sequel: Lady Sif (Jaime Alexander)


Most Perfect Casting: Chris Evans (Steve Rogers) and Hugo Weaving (Red Skull)


Best Mix of Marvel Mythology in one movie while still keeping it accessible: Captain America: The First Avenger


Honorary Award: James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier. Michael Fassbender received most of the praise but he had the more demanding role. Everyone roots for the anti-hero. Xavier was the optimistic, steady yin to Erik’s passionate, revenge driven yang.  Xavier is the mentor to the other characters and McAvoy was the rock for the rest of the cast.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel


Honorary Award: Kenneth Branaugh! I had serious doubts about making Norse Gods, Asgard, and the Nine Realms accessible and enjoyable but he pulled it off beautifully. His Shakespearean background was perfect to infuse the Odin, Thor, Loki conflict with power and drama.

  A stellar year for Marvel superhero fans at the box-office. Great action, inspiration, and emotion. Thanks to all the creators and actors who accepted the challenge of bringing our heroes to the big screen.


AVX: An Avenger’s Betrayal

Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

  “An Avenger must betray the team to fill their destiny with the Phoenix.”

  Brian Michael Bendis is joined by the legendary Walter Simonson on Avengers #26. This tie in to Avengers Vs. X-Men is called a “game-changer for the Avengers franchise…and it’s not who you think,” according to the just released May 2012 solicits.

 The cover shows Thor and Protector (I think that’s him) fighting so does this mean the Asgardian or Kree will betray the team? 

  Remember Thor was on the cover of Secret Avengers #26 on what was hailed as a suicide mission in space to confront the Phoenix. Does Thor learn something in on that mission to change his allegiance?

 And don’t forget the New Avengers #25 and #26 cover showing Iron Fist apparently feeling the Phoenix Force and defending Hope Summers.

  For all of Marvel’s May solicits click here.

  It’s easy to think Wolverine, Beast, or Storm will be the Avengers that side with their fellow mutants, but time to rethink the cosmic connections between certain Avengers and Phoenix entity.