The Dark Knight By Bryan Hitch

Batman #12 variant courtesy DC Comics

  DC Comics shared this look at Bryan Hitch’s variant cover to Batman #12. This issue by Scott Snyder and guest artist Becky Cloonan is an epilogue to The Court of Owls storyline and begins the next arc: the return of the Joker!

  I love this cover by Bryan Hitch who recently ended his decade long Marvel exclusive deal. I’d like to see Hitch take on more of DC’s icons. Hitch is also working with Jonathan Ross on America’s Got Powers from Image.

Batman #12 arrives August 8th.

New Writer for Batman: The Dark Knight

Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #5 courtesy DC Comics

  Novelist Gregg Hurwitz takes over writing Batman: The Dark Knight with June’s issue #10. The acclaimed novelist is currently writing Penguin: Pain and Prejudice, a mini-series about Batman’s iconic foe. The final issue arrives next week.

  “Okay. So this is the job I’ve been waiting to get since I was eight years old. I’m thrilled to be tackling one of the world’s greatest characters with one of the industry’s greatest artists,” Hurwitz told The Source. “Finch and I are very fired up to take the Batman into dark and dangerous new terrain, presenting a story that’ll be epic and sweeping and just a little bit twisted. We’re gonna see a cornerstone villain from a whole new angle, too. I’ve always been fascinated by Jonathan Crane—not just what makes him tick, but what could have happened in his past to make him obsessed with fear at the expense of all else. And perhaps that particular obsession isn’t so different from the demons that drive the Dark Knight. As I discovered when writing Penguin: Pain and Prejudice—Batman fits uniquely with the villains in his rogue’s gallery. They are two sides of the same coin, yin and yang, ego and shadow. But in some cases, maybe the match is even closer. Maybe instead of ego and shadow, it’s shadow and shadow. Maybe when Batman looks in the mirror, the Scarecrow’s face is looking out. We’re used to Batman teaching his villains a lesson, but this time the Scarecrow might have something to teach Batman, too. Right now, I’m knee deep in straw and burlap, trying to stitch together a tale I hope you’ll find familiar yet new, a twist on a classic. It’s gonna get bumpy and scary and bit unhinged, so buckle up for the ride.”