J.J. Abrams To Direct Next STAR WARS?

Will J.J. Abrams transfer from Starfleet Command to Head of the Jedi Council? According to The Wrap and Deadline the director of Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Mission Impossible III and Super 8 will direct the next Star Wars film for Disney. Ben Affleck (Argo, The Town) was in contention according the story.

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If this is true – what do you think? Is The FORCE strong with this choice?

Comic Book Picks for January 9, 2013

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics
Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Detective Comics #16 While the Joker has been attacking the Batman family a smoother criminal has made his power play in Gotham City. Batman forms an alliance with the Penguin? Is the fowl rogue an endangered species?

Mars Attacks KISS Big brained evil aliens versus the Rock and Roll legends in 1970’s New York in a tale inspired from the original 1976 KISS comic book.

Star Wars #1 Rebels on the run. The Empire ruled. Go back in time for a new stories set before the destruction of the Death Star! The Force is with fans of the original trilogy in this new Dark Horse series from Brian Wood.

Superior Spider-Man #1 After the shocking events of Amazing Spider-Man #700 there’s a brand new Spider-Man vowing to be superior to Peter Parker!

Wolverine and the X-Men #23 Wolverine vs. Frankenstein!? Yes, Wolverine vs. Frankenstein! Will one of Logan’s students become a victim of the Murder Circus?

By Editor


Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Remember when the Empire ruled and Rebels were on the run? This week a brand new series takes you back to the classic period before the destruction of the Death Star.

Brian Wood (The Massive, Northlanders, X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Conan) is the master of a new comic book series set during the original trilogy for Dark Horse Comics.  Alex Ross captures that classic spirit on the cover for Star Wars #1.

Since I’m a huge fan of Star Wars and Brian Wood I wanted to share some of his exclusive interview with The Nerdist about writing in the galaxy far, far away.

“The biggest challenge is actually writing it under the shadow of reader expectation. And doing right by Randy Stradley, my editor, who has written a fair share of Star Wars himself, and that can be intimidating. When I started the job, I had this idea that Star Wars fans would be really hardcore and nitpicky and, to be frank, ready to challenge my work. Then I went to Star Wars Celebration, this convention, and I had one of the most positive experiences of my professional life. Everyone was super nice, very receptive to what I’m doing, and I felt like I belonged in a way that comic book conventions don’t. I came home from that show determined to write 10x on this title.

And I’m more of a fan of Star Wars than I was aware. Thirty-five years of exposure to it, I guess, creates an impression as well as a huge about of information stored in my brain that is only just now proving its worth.”

For the entire interview and a first look inside here’s the link on the always enjoyable Nerdist.

Star Wars #1 is with you this week!

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STAR WARS Old School, New Comic

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

  The Force is strong with Brian Wood. The acclaimed writer (The Massive, Northlanders, X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Conan) will take on a new comic book series set during the original trilogy for Dark Horse Comics. Check out the cover to Star Wars #1 by Alex Ross!

  Being a huge Star Wars and Brian Wood fan I wanted to share some of his exclusive interview with The Nerdist about writing in the galaxy far, far away.

  “The biggest challenge is actually writing it under the shadow of reader expectation. And doing right by Randy Stradley, my editor, who has written a fair share of Star Wars himself, and that can be intimidating. When I started the job, I had this idea that Star Wars fans would be really hardcore and nitpicky and, to be frank, ready to challenge my work. Then I went to Star WarsCelebration, this convention, and I had one of the most positive experiences of my professional life. Everyone was super nice, very receptive to what I’m doing, and I felt like I belonged in a way that comic book conventions don’t. I came home from that show determined to write 10x on this title.

  And I’m more of a fan of Star Wars than I was aware. Thirty-five years of exposure to it, I guess, creates an impression as well as a huge about of information stored in my brain that is only just now proving its worth.”

For the entire interview and a first look inside here’s the link on the always enjoyable Nerdist.

Watch out for the collection of Wood’s X-Men run with artist David Lopez – one of my favorite storylines of the year and the BEST portrayal of Storm since Claremont – yes I just said that!

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STAR WARS Sequel Writers Hired?

If this turns out to be true – the Force is with us! Disney and Lucasfilm are recruiting from the X-Men movie franchise and bringing back what you could call a Jedi Master of writing from the Lucasfilm family.

Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg have signed deals to write installments of the new Star Wars trilogy according to The Hollywood Reporter. The team will write and produce but the exact responsibilities have not been divided yet.

Kinberg is writing X-Men: Days of Future Past and produced X-Men: First Class and co-wrote X-Men: The Last Stand.

Kasdan co-wrote The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and wrote Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Still no word on how the new stories will play out. I’m still rooting for Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire book trilogy may be a story element for the new trilogy.

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Billy Dee Williams at Emerald City Comicon

photo courtesy IMDB

  The coolest guy in the galaxy…and he plays the cool, suave Lando Calrissian! The man who ran Cloud City in The Empire Strike Back is coming to our Emerald City – Seattle! Billy Dee Williams is coming to Emerald City Comicon March 1-3, 2013.

 Williams reprised his role and redeemed Calrissian in Return of the Jedi. The Star Wars vet played Harvey Dent in Tim Burton’s Batman. Sir Patrick Stewart is the only other celebrity guest announced so far. Tickets go on sale September 5th.

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GeekGirlCon 2012

GeekGirlCon 2012! Here are some of my favorite cosplay fans!

Avengers cosplay fans at GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com



Star Wars family cosplay GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
Cosplay at GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com
GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com

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This Geek’s Top Panels for GeekGirlCon in Seattle

  The GEEK will be celebrated and SHE has earned it! GeekGirlCon will honor contributions of women to geek culture. The first event was a sold out smash and organizers have listened to fan input in planning this year’s event in Seattle this weekend.

  Here are there top panels I’m most excited about:

  Moffat’s Women: Companions, Travelers, Gender Roles and TARDISES in Doctor WhoRiver Song, Amy Pond, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler and Martha Jones (my personal favorite) are the women who make Doctor Who’s journeys so compelling. This panel discusses the female characters Executive Producer Steven Moffat created, both now and under Russell T. Davies. The panelist will take on: transgender issues implied by a Time Lord’s regenerative ability, the representation of LGBT characters (omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness!) and lifestyles and The Doctor’s Wife (aka the TARDIS.)

Batgirl #12 courtesy DC Comics

 Gail Simone and the Batgirl of San Diego: Batgirls, One Year Later –Gail Simone blazed a trail with dynamic writing and powerful characters in Birds of Prey and Secret Six plus she wrote Deadpool and The Simpsons. Last year Simone took Barbara Gordon out of her wheelchair and put her back on the streets of Gotham City in a reboot of Batgirl. At least year’s SDCC Simone donned a cape and cowl while asking pointed questions about the lack of female representation in comics. Gail Simone and “The Batgirl of San Diego” discuss the state of comics today and the future. Spotlight on Gail Simone is on Sunday in a discussion of her career, her views on social issues and women in comics.

  Jane Espenson and Husbands—A Comedy for the Marriage Equality Age Espenson has written for Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica and Warehouse 13. Husbands is her web show in the tradition of classic comedies. Producers and cast will discuss making the show and its future.

From Jedi Princess to Sith Witch: An Exploration of Female Characters in Star Wars – From Leia to Padme and all the witches, bounty hunters, smugglers and women who light up both sides of The Force in the sci-fi universe.

There are two days packed with more panels about gaming, blogging and more. Here’s my preview of GeekGirlCon 2012.

 GeekGirlCon 2012 is THIS WEEKEND at the Conference Center in Seattle. Click here to buy passes.

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