All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David and X-Factor are back in business…literally!


All-New X-Factor #1 by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico is out this week.


From being the government’s mutant liaison team to a mutant detective agency – Peter David has evolved the X-Factor title over more than a decade of writing. Now David will evolve the book again with a brand new number one. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-FACTOR Announced

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Peter David and X-Factor revealed at New York Comic Con.


David hinted issue 260 of the new ended X-Factor held clues to his new project.


Then came the “Corporate” teaser.


Now we know there will be an All-New X-Factor by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico in 2014. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Announced

Marvel Teasers for Peter David, Rick Remender and Silver Surfer?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Unleash the Teasers!


After the Trial and Judgment teasers hinting at a X-Men/Guardian of the Galaxy crossover, Marvel lets loose three more with the promise that all will be revealed at New York Comic Con in about 2 weeks.


But that won’t stop the speculation so let’s begin!


Corporate is the first clue about Peter David’s new project since The End of X-Factor. Carmine Di Giandomenico will be the artist on the book. We know it will involve mutants and the big hint was at the end of the Polaris issue of The End of X-Factor. Continue reading Marvel Teasers for Peter David, Rick Remender and Silver Surfer?

Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor Investigations closed up shop and X-Factor the comic book ended after 262 issues.


During Peter David’s acclaimed run he created a new take on the mutant team by having them work as detectives solving crimes police couldn’t.

David is working on a not yet revealed new project for Marvel and spoke with Comic Book Resources about the future of the cast he wrote for such a long celebrated run.

Continue reading Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

Spider-Man 2099 Returns

SpiderMan 2099 Get ready for a blast from the future past! Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) enters the Marvel Now in Superior Spider-Man #17 this Wednesday.


In the 1990’s Marvel launched an entire line of comics starring reimagined heroes (Ghost Rider, X-Men, Doom, Punisher) set in the future.


Spider-Man 2099 was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi. Miguel was a brilliant scientist attempting to recreate the powers of the original Spidey in others. An accident caused O’Hara’s DNA to be rewritten with spider genetic code. This reimagined hero of Marvel’s future was the first Latino Spider-Man. Continue reading Spider-Man 2099 Returns

X-FACTOR Secret Revealed?

X-Factor 259The End of X-Factor is underway! This week Peter David turns the spotlight on the connection between Longshot and Shatterstar in X-Factor #259.


Longtime writer David explains how X-Factor is ending and how fans of each member might be satisfied on


“It will be a series of one-issue stories each focusing on one or two characters, trying to give each of them a decent conclusion,” says David.


This week’s chapter focuses Continue reading X-FACTOR Secret Revealed?


X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel

The End of X-Factor. begins this week with X-Factor #257. Why and how is Peter David preparing to end the long-running series he’s written on and off for nearly a decade?

“It just seemed the right time. ‘The Hell on Earth War’ was so huge that it was as if everything I’d been doing had led up to it. When you’ve reached a dramatic natural climax, that’s the place to stop.”

“It will be a series of one-issue stories each focusing on one or two characters, trying to give each of them a decent conclusion,” says David.

X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel

The final issues will be devoted to specific characters “#257 focuses on Layla Miller, #258 focuses on Rahne. Rictor and Shatterstar are #259. Polaris is in #260” David tells

Where do you want the members of X-Factor to turn up now that the series is ending? Here are my X-Factor X-pectations for these mutant detectives.

Keep scrolling for more preview art from X-Factor #257 by Neil Edwards.

X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel

By Editor



The End of X-Factor, Memorable Moments

X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is preparing for The End of X-Factor.

The Hell on Earth War just wrapped and now the final issues will be devoted to specific characters “#257 focuses on Layla Miller, #258 focuses on Rahne. Rictor and Shatterstar are #259. Polaris is in #260” David tells

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy
X-Factor’s Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

One of the book’s most memorable couples and moments Continue reading The End of X-Factor, Memorable Moments