NOVA Blasts Off


Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel will launch a new NOVA into the Marvel Now with a superstar team but it will a brand new kid under the helmet. At New York Comic Con the publisher revealed Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness will helm a brand new Nova series. Sam Alexander is the new Human Rocket. Fans will now see the beginnings of the kid who debuted in Avengers vs. X-Men.

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

“We’ll be seeing the origin of Nova and how he is learning what it’s like to be a super hero,” Loeb shares. “He’s first got to learn about the responsibility of being hero. The responsibility that comes with the helmet.”

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

Nova is one of Marvel’s space-faring heroes but this series will be down to Earth for now.

  “We want to see Nova in an environment that we can relate to—our own planet—but there’s something cosmic about being out there,” the writer explains. “It’ll be where the adventure takes him.”

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

New to Nova? Richard Ryder became a member of the Nova Corps – an intergalactic police force that originated on the planet Xandar. No word on what will happen to Richard Ryder, the Dick Clark of Marvel. Ryder was created in 1966 but remained a teenager for several decades including his stint in the New Warriors in 1990’s. Ryder is trapped in an alternate universe.

Nova is a concept like The Defenders. Every few years Marvel tries to revive it. I don’t get it but Marvel is doubling down on its cosmic characters. With a Guardians of the Galaxy movie in development and a new series by Brian Michael Bendis – hopes are high for this new version of Nova who may join the Guardians on the big screen.

By Editor

Marvel Infinite Comics Launches with AVX Story


Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite courtesy Marvel

  Marvel Comics unveiled their newest innovation at South By Southwest this weekend. Infinite Comics will be the new format taking Marvel into the digital world.

  “Infinite Comics are a new technique in comics storytelling that is built specifically for the digital world yet in a very elegant way manages to keep the purity of what makes a comic a ‘comic,’” said Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment. “It gives readers the same feel of reading a traditional comic while also offering a whole new experience that really feels like the future of where the medium is headed.”

  The first Infinite Comics will tie to the Marvel’s mega AvX event. Avengers Vs X-Men Infinite will star Nova. Mark Waid and Stuart Immonen and Marte Gracia are the creative team. It will be available for purchase on the Marvel Comics app free with the redemption code found in print copies of Avengers Vs X-Men #1 or included with the purchase of the digital version. It will also be available to purchase on its own for 99 cents.

  “The events are concurrent to Avengers Vs X-Men #1,” Waid says of the story. “It shows a certain key sequence of events uniquely from Nova’s point of view, and much of what we learn will be important in later AvX developments.”

  “While AvX is a huge story, we only have so much room by which to tell it,” adds Quesada. “Infinite Comics will be bringing you some stories that may have fallen through the cracks or haven’t been dealt with in great detail.”

  Earlier this year in the Point One Special a new Nova appeared with the Phoenix Force in pursuit.

 For more of their interviews here’s the link.


Marvel Infinite Comics


AVX Marvel Infinite Teaser courtesy

  A mystery posting on today heralds the debut of Marvel Infinite Comics. The image ny Stuart Immonen starred Nova blasting through space and showing the Avengers Vs. X-Men branding. Here’s what they teased:

“Join the Revolution.

It’s coming to the historic Marvel: House of Ideas panel Sunday, March 11 at 1 PM on the Arcade Stage presented by IGN at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, TX. This show is free and the public!

Stay tuned to and for more details on the Marvel: House of Ideas panel and Marvel’s plans for SXSW!”

This Geek’s Opinion:

This is definitely a digital comics push but could this focus be on Marvel’s cosmic characters only?

My first thought “an exciting new way to enjoy comics” but I have to admit I also thought “so it’s not enough I have to buy an untold number of issues but download more to get the entire AVX storyline?”