Marvel Characters Wanted for AGENTS OF SHIELD

Clark Gregg in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD courtesy ABC
Clark Gregg in Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD courtesy ABC

The Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD television series hits ABC this Fall! Set in the world of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) leads an elite team of agents in the new world of Gods, monsters, aliens and heroes as seen in The Avengers. The pilot was written and directed by Joss Whedon.

Now that we’ve seen the full trailer featuring a character that many speculate (and hope) could be Luke Cage (aka Power Man) played by J. August Richards (Angel) let’s start the wish list of Marvel characters we hope to see in the new series:

Daredevil #509 featuring Iron Fist & Luke Cage courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #509 featuring Iron Fist & Luke Cage courtesy Marvel

Danny Rand (Iron Fist) The billionaire Continue reading Marvel Characters Wanted for AGENTS OF SHIELD

Who Will Star In Marvel Now Wave 2?

Who will be riding the Marvel Now! Wave 2? Marvel Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso told Comic Book Resources new series will launch this July. Uncanny Avengers, All-New X-Men, Indestructible Hulk were some of the new titles in the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men.

Wave 2 will launch in the aftermath of Age of Ultron. Marvel already revealed the epilogue of that event will be co-written by Neil Gaiman and introduce Angela into the Marvel Universe and the finale will have a dramatic event on Hank Pym.

Will we see new concepts like Uncanny Avengers and Fearless Defenders and new takes with new creators like Avengers by Jonathan Hickman and Fantastic Four/FF by Matt Fraction?

Who deserves to star in their own Marvel Now! series next?

Here are my picks for Marvel Now! Wave 2:

Doctor Strange: The Oath cover courtesy
Doctor Strange: The Oath cover courtesy

Doctor Strange Stephen Strange could be starring in his own Marvel movie but the Master of the Mystic Arts hasn’t been able to sustain his own solo book. I loved Matt Fraction’s take on Strange in The Defenders so I’d love to see Fraction or Continue reading Who Will Star In Marvel Now Wave 2?

Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

As we celebrate Black History Month in North America and the United Kingdom I was inspired to think about my favorite African-American superheroes. While these fictional characters are not as important as civil rights leaders, boundary breaking athletes and artists or scientists who made a powerful contributions to our world I think seeing diversity in comic books makes an impact…on everyone.

Before I reveal my top 10 I want to say this was tough and I know some of you have your favorites like Steel aka John Henry Irons, Batwing, Shadowhawk, Spawn, Photon, Static and not to mention non-superhero characters like Michonne and Tyreese of The Walking Dead, but these are the ten characters (+ one because I just couldn’t leave her off!) that I’ve loved and stayed with me.

11  Vixen  Mari Jiwe McCabe grew up in remote village in the fictional African country of Zambesi. Mari’s family were holders of a mystical totem but he uncle killed her parents and stolen the totem. Mari moved to America, became an international supermodel, built a fortune and traveled to her homeland to take back her family’s totem and became known as Vixen. With the totem Mari can mimic the abilities of any animal on Earth. Mari a member of the Justice League. In the DC Comics New 52 relaunch Vixen was injured but recently seen as one of the possible new recruits Cyborg will call on to join the new Justice League.

Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics
Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics

10  Spider-Man Miles Morales became a media sensation when Marvel revealed the new Ultimate Spider-Man was of African-American and Latino descent. Like Peter Parker, Miles is a science nerd bitten by a radioactive spider but his powers are slightly different. Miles recently met the Peter Parker of “our” Marvel Universe in the crossover smash, Spider-Men.

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

9.  Patriot  Elijah Bradley is the grandson of Isiah Bradley, the first Captain America. (Isiah was among the black men who served as test subjects before the Super Soldier Serum was given to Steve Rogers. This story was told in the series Truth: Red, White & Black.) Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers. These teen heroes wanted to fight crime and carry on the legacy of the Avengers who had disbanded at the time. I don’t want to give away the secet of Eli’s powers (told in the Young Avengers series) but his is a great story of young man trying to do right and honor his past. Eli is a great leader and strategist in the tradition of Captain America. A brand new Young Avengers series just relaunched but Eli is not on the team. I’m hoping Patriot will soon be appearing in the Marvel Now, maybe even joining the main Avengers?

Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel
Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel

8.  Falcon  Sam Wilson was the first mainsteam African-American superhero and the first Continue reading Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

Luke Cage in New Heroes For Hire?

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis brought Luke Cage out of comics oblivion and made him an Avenger. (Thank You!) With all the Marvel Now creative shakeups I was wondering where Cage might end up?


Spoiler Warning!


If you have not read New Avengers #34 you may not want to keep reading!




Here it comes


Essential Power Man and Iron Fist courtesy Marvel

In New Avengers #34 by Bendis and Mike Deodato Luke left the Avengers with wife Jessica and raise their baby. How will this former Avenger make a living? Luke teases that he’s bringing back his Heroes-For-Hire with “a new way to play it.”

Jessica didn’t seem to thrilled by the idea.

So far Luke Cage and Iron Fist have not been named as part of Jonathan Hickman’s huge roster for this Avengers relaunch or any other Marvel Now title.

Could there be a new Heroes for Hire starring Luke and Danny Rand by Bendis? I loved how there were “street level Avengers” like Luke, Danny and Daredevil but where do they fit in the Marvel Now?

I would love a new Heroes for Hire book with Luke and Danny taking on the Hand or a new Maggia. Way back in the day Power Man and Iron Fist was a cool, action packed buddy book and perfect for a modern reboot. Heroes or Hire, Avenger or something new…Luke Cage (and Jessica and Danny) is too great a character to go back on the back burner.

By Editor

New Avengers End Times Cover

New Avengers #34 courtesy Marvel

You may call it a variant cover. I call it a love letter to an epic run.

Marvel gave Comics Newsarama a first look at a ton of gorgeous variants to Marvel Now titles coming in November.

This one is my favorite. David Yardin (X-Factor covers) created this beautiful variant for New Avengers #34. Brian Michael Bendis is wrapping up his 8 year run with End Times.

This cover represents – to borrow a famous line – the best of times, the worst of times for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes: The evil Dark Reign of Norman Osborn, The Secret Invasion of the Skrulls, The Tragedy of Robert Reynolds aka The Sentry and the infusion of new blood. Bendis brought in Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, Wolverine and Daredevil to make the Avengers franchise new and exciting. The only person missing is the beautiful Jessica Jones aka Mrs. Cage.

By Editor

Favorite Avengers Moments By Bendis

Brian Michael Bendis is reflecting on his 8 years of writing The Avengers with before taking on the X-Men franchise. Bendis made me start buying and loving Earth’s Mightiest Heroes again. Fans say they have event fatigue (I’m guilty of saying that) but we sure kept devouring them over the past 8 years. Bendis was the mastermind (or key collaborator) of epic after epic from House of M to Secret Invasion to Siege. Bendis gives some insight into how these Marvel milestones went from brain to page.

House of M #1 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers became the center of the Marvel Universe and House of M was a huge game-changer in the Marvel Universe that turned an Avenger into a pariah and depowered millions of mutants.

  “When the book becomes the center of everything, there’s a lot of ways for that to go wrong. That wasn’t my goal to turn the AVENGERS into the center; my goal was to just make this the most awesome thing ever, filled with stuff I hadn’t seen in an Avengers book before. I knew that would be slightly controversial, but maybe not as controversial as I intended. The way the market responded to things, the book became a centerpiece for the Marvel Universe and the series of event [stories] that came about. If you remember, events were nothing. Disassembled was one of the first events. And then House of M came right after that. They literally came to me and said, “Listen, Joss [Whedon] isn’t writing ASTONISHING X-MEN this summer, he’s got to go do something else. If you want to do an Avengers/X-Men fun thing, that’d be great.

People can look at the first cover and see New Avengers/Astonishing X-Men and that’s what the book initially was. I had a thing left over that I was talking with [Jeph] Loeb about from Disassembled: if Wanda goes nuts, what does Magneto do about that? That seemed like a great Avengers/X-Men summer thing, because what’s the biggest problem for the Avengers and the X-Men? It’s Wanda. House of M burst out of that, and all of a sudden the Avengers are the centerpiece of all these big events, because by nature, the roster is pulling characters from different parts of the Marvel Universe. Back when the Avengers were just Avengers, and you could only see these characters in the Avengers, they were the Avengers. But the way I set it up, with Spider-Man, and Wolverine from the X-Men, and [Thor’s] an Asgardian—now you’ve got an arm out from every corner of the Marvel Universe pulled into this one book. And that makes it, by its own nature, the centerpiece and with that comes a lot of scary stuff,” says Bendis.

New Avengers #31 courtesy Marvel

The revelation that Skrulls had infiltrated every team and organization (for years) was huge and made me go back looking for the clues that had been there. Bendis recalls that “OH —-” moment in New Avengers when the knife went in Elektra and she turned green!

“The reveal of the Skrull stuff was a big one because I’d been planning that since the first issue. And when Elektra became a Skrull, if everyone went, “Who cares?” I’d be screwed. It was all I had. I was relieved that Leinil Yu had killed it, he did an amazing job, and we were able to go about with our Skrull storyline with such excitement from our readers for so long to the point that it became its own event, which wasn’t even the plan.”

The Bendis era is filled with action and dramatic moments. The author reveals the other pivotal scenes that mean a lot to him.

“My favorite moments are usually the quieter ones, like CIVIL WAR: THE CONFESSION and some of the tie-ins during Civil War. Discovering the funny repartee between Spider-Man and Luke Cage, that wasn’t in my initial plan. That just kind of happened, the characters kinda took over.Things like that, which may not be exciting to some people, but as a writer, it always makes me happy to do something I haven’t seen before. When I can put something in the Avengers pot that wasn’t there before. And at the end of the day, the whole time I was on AVENGERS, people were yelling at me because Spider-Man wasn’t an Avenger. Well he’s been an Avenger for eight years, so guess what? Wolverine too. Also, discovering new things about the characters because of their placement in AVENGERS,” Bendis said.

“Overall, my top favorite thing is that I can’t think of a day where I haven’t been thrilled with my collaborations. Every single issue on all of the Avengers books has been quite outstanding, as far as high-water marks in super hero comic book art in the last eight years. Even the first two years of NEW AVENGERS with David Finch and Steve McNiven; I still think that was Steve’s best stuff. Me and Jimmy Cheung did an amazing amount of issues together and people don’t even realize. I would steal him in between issues of YOUNG AVENGERS and I ended up getting a lot of comic books out of him. Mike Deodato has done more issues of Avengers with me than anybody over the course of all the books. I got to work with almost all of my heroes. I got to work with Alan Davis, Howard Chaykin, Neal Adams, Walt Simonson, and John Romita, Jr., all on the same book. There is no way I’m not going to look back on this and go “What?!”


New Avengers Annual #1 courtesy Marvel

For this geek – I love the return of Luke Cage, his relationship with Jessica Jones and his rise to leadership. The New Avengers Annual – the wedding of Luke and Jessica was beautiful. I love the moment when Luke brought to Avengers to his New York City neighborhood. Luke was lifted up to major hero status but stayed grounded and he kept Earth’s Mightiest Heroes grounded and relatable.

By Editor


AvX: The Intimate Cost of War

New Avengers #24 courtesy

  I just read New Avengers #24. Avengers vs. X-Men is the epic. AvX: Vs is all fights. I think New Avengers (and the other X-Men, Avengers tie-ins) will have the emotion and intimacy.

  The majority of issue #24 is the day before Captain America leads a team to confront Cyclops on Utopia. There are moments of great emotional power with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. The couple confront their conflicting roles as heroes and parents. I’ve enjoyed how Brian Michael Bendis has written Luke and Jessica. Marvel’s most romantic and engaging couple is once again challenged by their responsibilities as heroes.

  As we count down to the end of the Bendis Avengers era, I think Luke and Jessica may be my favorite of his many contributions to the Avengers legacy.

By Editor