Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel

The final chapter of the Deadpool Killology is almost here. Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 is Cullen Bunn’s grand finale after Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe.  After 3 epic stories with lots of Wade Wilson killing, Bunn tells his favorite kill:


“Well, in the first series, I really liked the Spider-Man kill. Only because, that was the moment, I was saying in that series, this is no joke. This is Deadpool killing these characters. That moment in the book got a lot of reaction, both positive and negative. Continue reading The Best Kill of DEADPOOL KILLOLOGY

DEADPOOL Final Kill Preview

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel

Cullen Bunn is Marvel’s go-to writer for outrageous action stories packed with humor (Deadpool, Fearless Defenders.) Cullen is preparing the grand finale to his Deadpool Killology.


The Merc With a Mouth has racked up a massive body count in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated and the final chapter of Deadpool Kills Deadpool is coming soon. Bunn talks with about the bloody, funny race to finish as Wade kills his way through an army of doppelgangers. Continue reading DEADPOOL Final Kill Preview