GeekGirlCon Update: Female Power In Comics

Avengers Assemble courtesy

  One of the big topics at GeekGirlCon in Seattle this past weekend was the lack of female comic book writers and lead characters. Somebody is listening. This week two creative announcements should geek girls and (any fan of great writing and characters) celebrating.

 Marvel Comics revealed Kelly Sue DeConnick will be the new writer on Avengers Assemble. This a newer comic book designed to appeal to fans of the blockbuster movie.

 “These are the AC/DC Avengers. When I saw the movie, I managed to keep in together until Iron Man came onscreen and Back in Black blared. I bounced up and down in my chair. That’s the moment I’m writing for,” declares DeConnick. 

  DeConnick will be the first female writer on an Avengers title.

  “I’m very interested in making sure women knowing that wanting to work in this industry is not peculiar. There is not anything in heroism or sci-fi that is exclusively masculine. The hero ideal is as important to my daughter as it is to my son. But I don’t want to represent all women in comics…particularly because I blow things sometimes!” says DeConnick.

  For longtime Executive Editor it’s about having the right writer on Marvel’s biggest franchise.

  “It’s a nice factoid, but I didn’t hire a woman to write Avengers, I hired Kelly Sue to write Avengers for the same reasons I’ve hired and will continue to hire writers,” said Brevoort

  DeConnick will add Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel to the team. Last month Ms. Marvel was promoted to Captain in a brand new book written by DeConnick too. Captain Marvel #1 was a sold out smash.

Journey Into Mystery #646 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel made another announcement this week. Kathyrn Immonen will take over writing Journey Into Mystery with issue #646. Lady Sif will be the new lead character of this book set in the Thor universe. Kid Loki was the previous lead character. Lady Sif is an Asgardian warrior and Thor’s great love.

  “We talked at length as far as what her story could be, and it came down to a single question: What does she want? For Sif, what she wants above all is to be a better warrior. How far would she go for that? She makes some terrible decisions and puts a lot of people in peril,” Immonen spoke of her protagonist.

 At GeekGirlCon 2012 there were a few geek gals in Thor costumes. Maybe next year we’ll see a Lady Sif or the new Captain Marvel?

 Two of the biggest success stories celebrated at the con were Batwoman and Wonder Woman. Along with Batgirl these three DC Comics books starring female leads are solid sellers which could lead to more female driven books. These two iconic heroines are joining forces. Wonder Woman guest stars in this week’s Batwoman #12.

Batwoman #12 courtesy DC Comics

  After attending GeekGirlCon I thought this week’s announcements were ironic and inspiring. The big publishers appear to be listening to the fans.

 Thanks to and DC’s The Source.

By Editor

Avengers Assembles New Team, Spider-Woman & Captain Marvel

Avengers Assemble courtesy

  Kelly Sue DeConnick and Stefano Caselli are the new creative team on Avengers Assemble. Spider-Woman and the new Captain Marvel are joining up too. DeConnick and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked with about new members and tone of the movie-friendly title.

 “These are the AC/DC Avengers. When I saw the movie, I managed to keep in together until Iron Man came onscreen and Back in Black blared. I bounced up and down in my chair. That’s the moment I’m writing for,” Kelly Sue DeConnick said.  

 “These will be tight ‘get in, get out’ adventures, focused mostly on the classic, ‘public’ Avengers from the movie, drawing in other characters as it demands. Big impact.” – Tom Brevoort added.

  The inclusion of Spider-Woman on the teaser image sparked excitement for a bigger role…movie role…for Jessica in the Avengers sequel.

 “I really really like Jessica Drew. I like how crazy and broken she is. She’s a character I really wanted to write,” DeConnick revealed. 

“I don’t ever want to be in direct competition with Brian Michael Bendis. I might be able to beat him up, that’s possible. We’re different writers with different takes. We do have a similar sense of humor and love for banter-y dialogue. I have been a fan of Brian’s for many years long before I knew him. But I’m writing my Avengers book,” DeConnick said of following Bendis.  

 “The first arc is kind of an Amazing Race thing where the Avengers are teaming up and competing with each other. Spider-Woman is with Hulk and Thor with Iron Man,” DeConnick said of her initial story. 

 DeConnick just relaunched Ms. Marvel as the new Captain Marvel and now becomes the first female writer on an Avengers title.

  “I’m very interested in making sure women knowing that wanting to work in this industry is not peculiar. There is not anything in heroism or sci fi that is exclusively masculine. The hero ideal is as important to my daughter as it is to my son. But I don’t want to represent all women in comics…particularly because I blow things sometimes!” DeConnick said. 

 “If Cap or Thor or Hulk are there, you can have Quasar or Machine Man or Triathlon standing next to them in context. They may not be in the movies now, but wait until Avengers 9!” – Tom Brevoort said of upcoming guest stars.

For the entire livelog here’s the link.

By Editor

Spider-Woman Joins Avengers Assemble and Avengers Sequel?



 After a week of reveals the Marvel tease machine cranked back up with a new image that sparks a ton of speculation over the future of the Avengers and which new hero may join an Avengers 2 sequel.

  This teaser looks like Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel) and Stefano Caselli are taking over Avengers Assemble in November. This is the “movie friendly version” of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes book.

  Could this be a sign that Spider-Woman may join the lineup in the Avengers 2 sequel or series being developed by Joss Whedon?

  Editor in Chief Axel Alonso did say Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers and may turn up in Avengers Assemble. And this fuels my hope that Mila Kunis play Jessica Drew on the big screen!

By Editor

New Captain Marvel Ready To Soar

Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel courtesy Marvel

  Carol Danvers flies solo in a new series by writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy. Carol is sporting a new uniform and finally accepts the mantle she earned a long time ago in this week’s Captain Marvel #1.

  DeConnick kicks off the issue with Carol and Captain America in a showdown with a classic bruiser that’s packed with action and wit. Carol is a Colonel so she really does outrank Cap! The two Avenging friends also share a moving debate over Carol taking the title. Carol show she has the heart of a fighter and a humble hero. 

  There’s a scene that really hit me. I just fly home to take my mom to her first chemo treatment so the scene with Carol caring Tracy is moving and ironic. Tracy was Carol’s editor and is now going through chemo. That encounter leads to tragic news concerning the woman who was Carol’s biggest inspiration. DeConnick takes inside Carol’s mind as she remembers meeting, says goodbye and pays tribute to the female pilot who sparked her dream of flying.

   I loved the old costume but as DeConnick told me earlier this year, Carol is a pilot and needs a uniform. Jamie McKelvie designed the sleek new look worthy of a Captain.  Dexter Soy shows great promise. I think the art was too dark and Carol’s hairstyle was inconsistent.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy


  I commend Marvel for a bold rebirth for one of their leading female heroes. Carol assumes her new identity and is ready to push herself. Kelly Sue DeConnick gives Carol a dramatic premiere filled with action, humor and emotion and sets the stage for an exciting new era for the high-flying powerhouse.

By Editor

New Artist Soars With New Captain Marvel


Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

  Carol Danvers launches into a new role and costume in Captain Marvel #1. Dexter Soy makes his Marvel debut on the new series with writer Kelly Sue DeConnick. The artist from the Phillipines shares how he joined the House of Ideas and new interior art on

 “I [have] loved to draw super heroes since I was young [and] remember collecting trading cards and trying to draw them during class,” recalls Soy, who began posting his work online as he got older. “I was able to get hired by Marvel when Budjette Tan, a comic book writer here in our country, tweeted my Thor fan art piece and caught [Marvel Senior Vice President, Creator & Content Development] C.B. Cebulski’s attention.

“He asked me for some more of my work and told [me] to do some actual tryout pages. [CAPTAIN MARVEL] editor Steve Wacker noticed my work and proposed if I wanted to on board for [this book], and so I did.”

 “My art style reflects the influences of the artists I look up to, like Joe Madureira, Humberto Ramos, Greg Capullo and many others,” he shares. “For my process, I initially do my thumbnail sketches for panels and then darken them up to form silhouettes. Then I work my way to resize the thumbnails and render the black areas to for a tighter image, then color them and finally add necessary textures and effects.” For more images here’s the link.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

   Jamie McKelvie designed Carol’s new uniform which Kelly Sue DeConnick says reflects her experience as a pilot.

  “I like that the part of her helmet and face mask sort of leaves a space where her hair is flowing, which is at the same time challenging for me to make look really cool.”

  “Artistically, I’m always trying to match the mood I picture [from the scripts] in my mind and put it on the page,” he explains. “I [think CAPTAIN MARVEL] will stand out with its great dynamic story and the awesome characterization portrayed by Carol. She will show how much she fits being Captain Marvel.”

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

  For my interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick on the new series and costume here’s the link.

By Editor

Richard Castle’s Derrick Storm Is Back


  Private Detective and Secret Agent Derrick Storm may be dead on the ABC series Castle but the creation of writer Richard Castle (played by Nathan Fillion) lives on in Marvel comics. Richard Castle’s Deadly Storm was an original graphic novel and adaptation of the first Derrick Storm adventure by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Brian Michael Bendis.

DeConnick and Bendis bring Derrick back this October with Richard Castle’s Storm Season an original graphic novel. I asked DeConnick about this project at Emerald City Comicon last March and she told me she was just working on it before coming down to the booth.

  Comic Book Resources posted a new interview with DeConnick about reteaming with Bendis and what Castle fans can expect from the new story.

  “I learn so much from Brian professionally, it’s a real privilege for me. Also, he gets really, really uncomfortable when people say nice things about him — like toe-fist uncomfortable — so as his dear friend, I feel obliged to go on at some length not only about his talent and generosity, but also about what an incredible father and family man he is and how his lovely bald head is shaped just so that it reflects the light and shines like the work of a intern who just found the lens flare button in Photoshop.

Also, I wish he would he would wear a bike helmet. That part is real.

  As for how it feels to return to do “Storm Season” — it’s awesome. I am super-proud of this book and this team and incredibly grateful to both Brian and to Andrew Marlowe [creator and show runner of “Castle“] for the opportunity.

  This new project is reader friendly for Castle television fans or anyone to jump in.

“Entirely. If you read “Deadly Storm,” I expect you’ll have more fun as you’ll catch a few Easter Eggs and you’ll have more context for a few of the references, but if you didn’t read “Deadly Storm” — even if for some insane reason you don’t watch “Castle” (Why? Why would you not watch “Castle?” You know it stars Nathan Fillion, don’t you?) you won’t be at sea. No prior knowledge is required.”

 Emanuela Lupacchino (X-Factor) is the artist on this new graphic novel.

  Back to costumed heroics – DeConnick’s new Captain Marvel series debuts in June.

  By Editor

New Captain Marvel Series Update


Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel courtesy Marvel

   A little more news at the C2E2 Marvel Next Big Thing panel about the upcoming Captain Marvel series. Kelly Sue DeConnick will helm the new series starring Carol Danvers with art by Dexter Soy and cover by Ed McGuiness.

  In issue #2 DeConnick will introduce the Banshee Squadron- which sure sound like villains. DeConnick said her pitch for the new series was “Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher” and focus on her as a pilot so may these are high-flying female threats or allies to the former Ms. Marvel. In the panel the writer likened them to a new school Howling Commandos.

 “I love Mystique so much,” was DeConnick’s response when a fan asked if the mutant shape-shifter would appear. 

 Here’s the link to my interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon about Captain Marvel and the new costume.

  It was revealed DeConnick will team with Terry Dodson for an upcoming arc of Avenging Spider-Man. Issue #9 will guest star Captain Marvel.

By Editor

Emerald City Comicon: Piloting Captain Marvel & the New Uniform

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  Marvel is promoting Carol Danvers to Captain Marvel this July. Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy will pilot Ms. Marvel into a new series.

  I love Carol Danvers, in part, because of her history.  I talked with DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon this weekend in Seattle and asked about her approach for the new title.

  “This is going to be her moving forward but we’re not forgetting her past at all in fact we’re really focused on her history as a pilot. My pitch was Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher. It’s about her as a flyer,” DeConnick told me.

  Carol Danvers has been sporting the one piece bathing suit and thigh boots with long flowing hair for a while. I asked about the upcoming makeover and change in uniform designed by Jamie McKelvie.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  “I don’t have any vendetta against the old uniform. It was gorgeous.”

  “As we had the opportunity to redesign and I was getting into the head of this character. I was working on a funeral scene and just the notion of her and just the notion of her going to a funeral in a swimsuit and thigh boots was a little odd. So we kept thinking of it as this is her uniform. She has a military background.”

  “This is a pilot. This is a flight suit. This is her uniform.”

Kelly Sue DeConnick had made Captain Marvel logo buttons for lucky fans at her table.

For Castle fans (the ABC show starring Nathan Fillion) I asked about a follow-up to Castle: Deadly Storm.

“Yeah I’m working on it. I’m writing pages on it right now,” and that the project will come out in October.