AvX Iron Vs Magneto Preview Art

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  The fights in Avengers Vs X-Men are so big they will explode into a separate series. AvX Versus #1 is all brawl with Namor against Thing and Iron Man against Magneto.

 Marvel revealed new preview art of Armored Avenger versus the Master of Magnetism by Adam Kubert. Who will win this heavy metal showdown? You can assume Magneto would have the advantage but never underestimate the mind of Tony Stark – especially since he’s been in Odin’s workshop during Fear Itself.

AvX Vs #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Kathyn Immonen are the writers. Adam Kubert and Stuart Immonen are the artists for these clashes in this premiere issue.


Joss Whedon on Iron Man’s Avengers Suits


Iron Man from Marvel.com

  While promoting The Cabin in the Woods and checking on Alan Silvestri’s score for The Avengers, Joss Whedon talked with Empire magazine. Sharp eyed fans noticed Tony Stark’s armor on the Empire cover is different from his solo films. The director confirmed Tony will have more than one suit in the film.

  “Marvel said, ‘We like to see the suits evolve,'” he says, “and I said, “Great! Then you’re going back to the circle because the triangle is ass’. I’m a classicist. The circle has meaning, the triangle does not.”

  Check out the clever clip here.

Marvel’s The Avengers  is out on May 4th. The Cabin In The Woods starring Chris Hemsworth (Thor) scares up audiences on April 13.


Who Will Be the New Iron Man?

Invincible Iron Man #518 courtesy Marvel.com

  Tony Stark declares he will be Iron Man no more but will he be allowed to give up? From today’s cover art on Marvel.com it appears something or someone has control of the armor.

Who will wear the armor? What can it do? What will happen to Tony?

Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca’s Long Way Down arc launches this May.

Invincible Iron Man #519

Here’s the earlier post in which Fraction reveals why Tony quits.

Avengers Assemble in New Poster, Trailer


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel.com

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes assemble on a brand new movie poster revealed on Marvel.com. The Avengers are in the rubble of a battle weary Big Apple ready for action. A new trailer debuts tomorrow on Apple.

  What is that I spy in the sky behind our heroes? Is that an alien or SHIELD ship on fire? Maybe tomorrow we’ll know more about Loki’s secret army? And I’d like to see Maria Hill in action too.

Robert Downey Jr as Lex Luthor?

Iron Man from Marvel.com

  Some things are just cosmic. What if Robert Downey Jr never played Tony Stark/Iron Man because he was already committed to playing Lex Luthor?

  Director McG revealed to The Playlist his vision for the Superman reboot that never was. Superman: Flyby was scripted by a younger J.J. Abrams.

“We had Robert Downey Jr. locked up to be Lex Luthor,” he says, “which I think would have been extraordinary. Ironically, we liked Henry Cavill a lot, but we hadn’t cast him yet. J.J. wrote the script, and we got that to a really good place in the end. But I’m to blame [for the film not happening].”

 Scarlett Johansson and Selma Blair were reportedly in talks for Lois Lane. Johansson went on to play Black Widow in Iron Man and The Avengers.

 Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns starring Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey became the next reboot instead. Singer didn’t direct X-Men 3 for that film.

  Downey Jr went on to play another rich genius in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Marvel’s The Avengers and Iron Man 3.

  Zach Snyder’s The Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill -minus Lex Luthor – opens July 2013.

  Did things work out for the best? Or do you wish McG’s Superman with Robert Downey Jr. as Luthor had flown? And it’s impossible to imagine but who could have played Tony Stark?

  Thanks to Total Film for the story.

Iron Man No More?


Invincible Iron Man #516 courtesy Marvel

  What will make Tony Stark give up being Iron Man? Writer Matt Fraction previews his next arc Long Way Down on Marvel.com. Salvador Larroca’s art sure looks like Tony will no longer be the Armored Avenger.

  “As we’ll see at the end of Demon, General Babbage, [Tony’s] primary antagonist at the Pentagon, and Justine Hammer of Hammer Industries, present Tony with an ultimatum,” says Fraction. “Accepting it is the only way he can remain in control of the Iron Man without losing everything. And Tony very quickly finds that arrangement to be unacceptable. The ramifications of that are what ‘Long Way Down’ is all about.

“So basically…Tony quits.”

  A mole inside Stark Resilient will be exposed. Fraction says expect dire repercussions:

“People start dying. Bethany Cabe starts earning her paycheck.”

Invincible Iron Man #517 courtesy Marvel.com

 “All the pots from the very beginning of Invincible Iron Man are coming to a boil,” he says. “Mandarin and Stane’s alliance, the revamped and upgraded rogues gallery, the Hammer girls, Spymaster’s infiltration—‘Long Way Down’ deals with all of it.”

Fraction says there will be a new Iron Man. Who will wear the armor? For Fraction’s entire interview here’s the Marvel.com linkLong Way Down begins in Invincible Iron Man #516 this May.

  Fraction and Larroca have been on the title four years – sounds like they’re ramping up to a swan song on the title. How cool would it be for this team to take on the Avengers after Bendis wraps up his run on the franchise!

Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 Preview Pages

AvX1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel revealed preview pages from Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 by the great John Romita Jr. The idea of Captain America’s arrival usually inspires happiness, relief and confidence. Cap’s arrival on Utopia stirs fear and dread.

 When Emma Frost said, “He’s here for you, Hope,” you can feel the tension.

AvX1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  The Phoenix Force is coming to Earth. Steve Rogers believes it will destroy the world so he’s taking action. Cyclops thinks the entity could save mutantkind. I love Cyclops but he is the new Magneto. Even Erik recognizes how Scott has evolved in his struggle to save the mutant race.

AvX #1 courtesy Marvel.com

  As you read the preview pages I also get the impression that Scott should watch out for Namor. The Submariner’s alliance with the X-Men and love for Emma Frost could be shaken by his long friendship with Captain America.

Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  The big question is which team will win but you have to think how will the sides change before AvX is over?

X-Factor #231: Madrox’s Twisted Trip


X-Factor #231 courtesy Marvel.com

  The Superhero Registration Act/Civil War and M-Day/The Decimation are critical moments in Marvel’s recent history. Peter David brilliantly takes the essence of those plots and twists them into a bizarre new world. Jamie Madrox is trapped in that dimension in X-Factor #231.

  Last issue saw Wolverine give comfort to a grieving Layla and give Havok and Polaris roles on X-Factor Investigations. But this issue focuses on Madrox being hunted in a world with giant Iron Men and a mutated take on the mutant/human conflict.

Peter David delivers action and wit. Jamie is caught in a war between a vicious Tony Stark and a shocking version of Deathlok. The one liners and puns fly fast and hilarious. Madrox seems like a hybrid of Deadpool and Daredevil in Excalibur’s Cross-Time Caper.

I’m thrilled to have Havok and Polaris on the team and look forward to the GLAAD recognized Rictor/Shatterstar romance evolve but this Madrox solo issue is fun and thrilling