INHUMANITY! Banner’s Big Bomb In HULK

Indestructible Hulk #16 courtesy Marvel
Indestructible Hulk #16 courtesy Marvel

Bombs and Bruce Banner don’t have the best history!


After the cosmic war Infinity, Dr. Banner plans to build a bomb with more devastating power than the Hulk!


In Indestructible Hulk #16 – Mark Waid and new artist Mahmud Asrar launch Banner and his alter ego into Inhumanity. Because I love the new Hulk book and the Inhumans I wanted to share part of Waid’s new interview: Continue reading INHUMANITY! Banner’s Big Bomb In HULK

Avengers at War

New Avengers #8 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #8 courtesy Marvel

New Avengers #8 is the final Prelude to Infinity with a cliffhanger that warps right into next month’s big event! But before I get ahead of myself here’s why this book rocks.


Inhumans – I love ’em. There’s an Inhumanity event coming and brand new series by Matt Fraction in 2014 but the Inhumans are front and center in the coming war with Thanos.


The silent Black Bolt finally gets to speak and the revelation with his beloved queen ends with the noise of a painful slap as the King confesses to Medusa. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin’s art on these scenes are spectacular and poignant. Continue reading Avengers at War

Infinite Reasons to Love INFINITY

Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel



The final countdown is on to Marvel’s mega event by Jonathan Hickman. Thanos, the ultimate cosmic powerhouse comes back with a vengeance. Terrifying new aliens strike. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must attempt to become the Universe’s only hope.


August marks the finale of Thanos Rising, the final Prelude to Infinity issues of Avengers and New Avengers and the arrive of Infinity #1!


Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must blast into space to confront the threat of the Builders. Thanos and his sinister new followers launch a sneak attack on Earth. Continue reading Infinite Reasons to Love INFINITY


Infinity: The Hunt #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity: The Hunt #1 courtesy Marvel

INFINITY arrives in August with the Avengers in space facing the threat from The Builders and Thanos launching a sneak attack on Earth. New heroes will rise to protect the planet. Matt Kindt revealed the call to arms in his tie-in series: Infinity: The Hunt with artist Steven Sanders on


Hank Pym, She-Hulk and Wolverine are the leads in a “contest of champions” style call for up and coming heroes.


“Well, the contest isn’t going to get to take place. It gets pre-empted by Thanos; so in true villain form he ruins everything, including my new contest of champions! But it happens in such a way that we’ll get introduced to a few brand new schools that are teaching “weirdly talented” students,” said Kindt. Continue reading INFINITY: THE HUNT Preview

Marvel’s New INFINITY Trailer

Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #1 courtesy Marvel

A comic book summer blockbuster is on the way. This big-screen epic is actual a big-page exploding at your local comic book shop! Marvel shared a new trailer for INFINITY!

The six-part series by Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung, Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver begins in August. Here’s how Marvel describes the story:

“Earth has been marked as an “Avengers World”, protected by Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and more from the deadliest threats facing humanity. A powerful and destructive race is on a collision course with Earth and the only thing in their path is the Avengers! But even Earth’s Mightiest Heroes realize the one hope of defeating this dire threat is to unite every great hero across the cosmos…because only with a united Avengers Universe is there any chance of survival!

With our heroes at the other end of the universe, who is left to protect Earth? Enter Thanos, the galaxy’s most ruthless threat and an unparalleled force of brutality who brings order to the chaos of life through murder. The greatest threat to the Mad Titan’s work—and perhaps the universe’s greatest hope—is something he created leaving no world safe. Earth’s last hope may lie in the hands of a man who can level cities with a single whisper – Black Bolt, king of the Inhumans. But can the fearsome leader of a race hated and feared by his world, lead his people against Thanos? If they fall, so does the Earth—and the entire universe with it.”

Enjoy the new trailer: Continue reading Marvel’s New INFINITY Trailer

AVENGERS War on Two Fronts!

Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel

Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are marching to Infinity!

This week in Avengers #15 Captain America, Spider-Man, Hyperion and the rest of the Avengers battle for Earth in preview pages (see below) from Stefano Caselli!

And check out the Leinil Yu cover in which Steve, Black Widow and Falcon feel the power of alien invaders!

Nick Spencer joins Jonathan Hickman for this prelude to Infinity! Aliens are feeling across the galaxy in fear and crashing to Continue reading AVENGERS War on Two Fronts!

Secret Avengers & SHIELD Exposed in INFINITY

Secret Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel
Secret Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel

The Avengers go into outer space to protect Earth from the mysterious Builders in Infinity but new heroes will rise to save the world when Thanos launches a sneak attack.


The Agents of SHIELD will join new and out-of-retirement super heroes (like Luke Cage in Mighty Avengers) in the big event. With costumed heroes like Black Widow and Hawkeye on an interstellar mission, other members of Secret Avengers will get the spotlight.


“In Secret Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and company have to step out from the shadows,” guest writer Ed Brisson tells “It’s a prime opportunity for our core S.H.I.E.L.D. team—Nick Fury, Continue reading Secret Avengers & SHIELD Exposed in INFINITY


Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel

Marvel fans are bracing for INFINITY! The huge cosmic event kicks off in August. The Avengers head into space to face aliens racing to Earth while Thanos launches a sneak attack on our planet. Avengers World was the first arc by Jonathan Hickman. Now it will take an Avengers Universe to defeat the Mad God of Titan and the mysterious Builders.


Hickman and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort previewed the massive storyline with first looks at incredible images from the all-star art team in today’s liveblog.


Infinity is an outgrowth of everything that has been happening in Avengers and New Avengers since Marvel NOW! began. It’s a big sci-fi event, a war fought on two fronts. The Avengers are in space Continue reading INFINITY Preview!