AVX: Emma Frost Versus Hulk?


AVX Hulk Vs. Emma Frost image by Carlo Pagulayan courtesy Marvel.com

  Some Marvel AVX teaser images have inspired sighs, cheers and dread but this one just makes me say “what!” and fear Emma Frost’s days and nights with Cyclops may over.

  Emma may be an omega level telepath that can transform her body into diamond but this is the Hulk. Her diamond form is no match for the Green Goliath and I wondered if the Hulk’s mind may be simple and childlike Emma’s mental power would be mute?

  From the first announcement of AVX I feared an X-Woman will be sacrificed and if this matchup really happens I think Scott’s losing streak with women may continue.

Top 10 for 1/11/12

Wolverine #300 cover by Adam Kubert courtesy Marvel.com

Wolverine #300 Logan travels back to Japan to face his most dangerous enemy yet. The evil hits home when a brand new Silver Samurai claims Wolverine’s daughter as his own. Jason Aaron’s final arc on Logan’s solo series begins here. Bring the pain!

The Incredible Hulk #4 It’s freaky to think that Bruce Banner’s mind may be more dangerous than the Hulk! It’s the Green Goliath versus an army of Hulked out monsters that call Bruce dad!

Batgirl #5 Batgirl is reeling from the shocking return of a ghost from her past but there’s no time for therapy because a new killer is stalking Gotham City. No man can resist the power of Gretel not even guest star Bruce Wayne.

Amazing Spider-Man #677 Spidey and Daredevil team up in what Marvel is calling the next great love triangle. Matt Murdock is on the case when Black Cat is arrested. This is part one of a cross-over in which the femme fatale gets her claws into Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Cobra Annual 2012 The Origin of Cobra G.I. Joe’s archenemy gets the spotlight! A new Cobra Commander emerges in the aftermath of the Cobra Civil War. All this classified info is ripped and revealed in a first ever all Cobra issue from legendary writer Chuck Dixon. 



Mark Ruffalo Calls Avengers “An Allegory”


Courtesy Marvel Films

The Avengers is more than a big budget action spectacle. It’s deep. If you don’t agree – take it up the Hulk!

  Mark Ruffalo who plays Bruce Banner/Hulk likens the assembling of Marvel’s mightiest heroes to an allegory about the American experience.

“You have all these disparate egos, superheroes in this and that, and they refuse to give up some of their positions in order to make a more perfect union and to join the team,” star Mark Ruffalo tells The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy blog. “That’s really what the whole movie is about: subjugating your own best interest momentarily to further that of the whole.”

As Ruffalo sees it, the film’s message speaks to the times. “I didn’t know it a year ago that it was going to speak to so many of the issues we’re having here in the United States and throughout the world, the same kind of theme,” he says. The actor was active in the Occupy Wall Street movement.

With Joss Whedon at the helm I expect an emotional whallop along with shields, hammers and pulse beams pounding at the big bad. The Avengers opens May 4th.

 Spinoff Online captured Ruffalo’s interview from The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy Blog.

Meet Mark Ruffalo at The Avengers Premiere

Hang with the Hulk/Bruce Banner at The Avengers premiere while being a super hero for clean water. You can bid on a chance to meet star Mark Ruffalo at the U.S. premiere of The Avengers. Proceeds benefit Water Defense – learn more about the group at waterdefense.org.

Details are at Marvel.com