Indestructible Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

  Indestructible Hulk #1 smashes into the Marvel Now on November 14th. Mark Waid and Leinil Yu take the Green Goliath in a new direction – as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D?

  “The reasons why he is–and exactly the deal he cut to become–an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a mystery that will build out as the story goes,” Waid teased on

  How do you bring a freshness to an iconic character for new readers while paying homage to the rich past?

 “On the surface of it, its hard. It’s a less human, street-level book, so all the things that worked in Daredevil were harder to duplicate in Hulk. The commonality in the two books is that Bruce Banner, much like Matt Murdock, reaches a point in his life where he realizes the things he’s been doing have not been working. ”

 “What Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did back in the day was they created the world’s first persecuted super hero in the Hulk. Bruce Banner was the seminal morose, tortured super hero. 50 years later, you can go to a comic shop, pick up a random stack of super hero comics, and most of them will probably feature tortured super heroes,” Waid explained.

Indestructible Hulk #3 courtesy Marvel

  Bruce Banner will take command in an effort become known as a man of science instead of the “Hulk Smash” guy. 

  “Banner realized that the Hulk is not something he can stop. It’s something he can control to a degree, but “Hulk happens,” as he puts it. So when he comes out, S.H.I.E.L.D. points him where they want him to go. Think of him as a cannon, not a bomb.”

  Maria Hill will be Banner’s handler.

 “S.H.I.E.L.D. has what they believe is a fairly tight leash on the Hulk, but they’re mistaken. That’s part of the fun of writing Maria Hill and Bruce Banner, they both have different perspectives on the situation.”

  What about those shots of the Hulk in armor? Waid says that’s really intended for Bruce. And as for that floating robot head – who looks like Widget of Excalibur? He’s part of the leash S.H.I.E.L.D. thinks they have on the Hulk.

  Maid said to expect Hulk to fight Attuma, Frost Giants, a new version of Quintronic Man and a big bad secretly behind the upcoming year’s mystery.

 In case you missed an earlier interview – I loved what Waid said about Hulk being his favorite character in The Avengers movie.

 “I can watch the Hulk ragdoll Loki all day.”

 Indestructible Hulk hits November 14th. Here’s the entire liveblog on

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HULK Smash Marvel Now


Indestructible Hulk #3 courtesy Marvel

  Mark Waid talks about his upcoming relaunch of the Hulk at New York Comic Con. Indestructible Hulk finds Bruce Banner working with SHIELD and finding a way to channel the smashing power of the Hulk.

 Waid says the green goliath was his favorite character in The Avengers movie.

 “I can watch the Hulk ragdoll Loki all day.”

 The new take on Hulk is similar to how he evolved on the big screen. Hulk isn’t just smashing randomly but being directed.

 “As Hulk destroys, Banner builds.”

With Banner back in control a fan asked how vocal the Hulk will be.

“We don’t want Cookie Monster Hulk but we don’t want super eloquent Hulk. Put it this way, he doesn’t speak aloud a lot. …He hits with his words as hard as he hits with his fits.”

 Leinil Francis Yu is the artist on Indestructible Hulk smashing into stores next month.

For more of the Marvel Liveblog click here.

By Editor

Avengers for Halloween?


Lil Iron Man at Jet City Comic Show, photo by

  I was always a tall kid so I loved my Star Wars Darth Vader costume and wore it over and over as a kid for Halloween. How times have changed? At this weekend’s Jet City Comic Show I saw little Iron Men and Captains America!

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are now the inspiration for Halloween’s most heroic costumes. With the blockbuster success of The Avengers – expect a ton of Marvel heroes trick or treating in your neighborhood this season!

 Here are some links to make your little hero stand out this Halloween: Will you choose Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk or Thor? Spidey is an Avenger in the comics at this year’s Amazing Spider-Man reboot proved Spider-Man will always be a favorite!

  Be careful out there! Have a safe and happy Halloween!

By Editor

Hulk Solo Movie After Avengers 2?

Marvel’s Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  “HULK SMASH BOX OFFICE IN OWN MOVIE! NO NEED AVENGERS!”        Imagine that in a loud bellow from a green giant!

After two solo movies the Hulk got cinematic justice and stole the show in Marvel’s The Avengers. MTV pressed Marvel Films honcho Kevin Feige about  Hulk carrying his own movie again and specifically a potential movie based on Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk.

“‘Planet Hulk‘ is a cool story,” Feige responded and adds. “‘World War Hulk‘ is a cool story.” (This geek screams!)

“Do I think Hulk can carry a movie and be as entertaining as he was in ‘Avengers‘? I do believe that. I do believe he absolutely could. We certainly are not even going to attempt that until ‘Avengers 2,'” said Feige. “So there’s a lot of time to think about it.”

“Part of what’s fun about the way we played him in ‘Avengers‘ is the ensemble quality of it,” he continued of why Hulk resonated with so many fans this summer. “I think the pathos and humor, most importantly, that Mark and Joss brought to it showcased a different element of Hulk that’s there in the comics, and was always inherent in his character. But when he was so brooding in his other two films, he didn’t get to have that wry sense of humor that Mark did such an amazing job performing.”

Planet Hulk image courtesy

In Planet Hulk – Iron Man and Reed Richards are among the heroes who banish Hulk into space on an uninhabited rock but the Jade Giant lands on a world in which he becomes a Gladiator type hero. In World War Hulk – the goliath returns to Earth to exact vengeance on the heroes who banished him.

Mark Ruffalo reportedly has a 6 picture deal with Marvel and that inspired this geek’s dreams of a Hulk solo movie based on several storylines including Planet Hulk.

After the Hulk’s performance in The Avengers do you want to see a Hulk solo movie?

By Editor

Hulks for the Holidays

Indestructible Hulk #2 courtesy Marvel

Move over Grinch! Green means the Hulk with the giant taking on Iron Man this December. Mark Waid and Leinil Yu are taking Bruce Banner and the Green Goliath in a new direction. December’s Indestructible Hulk #3 features a Marvel NOW meeting of Hulk and Iron Man. Will it be a friendly reunion or clash?

Red She-Hulk #60 courtesy Marvel

Red She-Hulk versus the Avengers? Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Thor tackle the red warrior woman on the cover of Red She-Hulk #60 by Carlo Pagulayan. Jeff Parker is making Red She-Hulk a national threat and Machine Man may be connected a bigger conspiracy that will come back to haunt and hurt her.

Both issues are out this December.

By Editor 


New Thunderbolts Revealed!

Thunderbolts #1 courtesy Marvel

  Daniel Way and Steve Dillon on a brand new Thunderbolts! That alone is cool.

 And the new team is Red Hulk, Punisher, Elektra, Venom and Deadpool!

Justice like lightning will flash blood-red in this brand new Marvel NOW series.

 Way tells his past experience with solo books is what drew him to this team concept.

  “My work on solo characters has probably been my strongest, and it’s definitely what I’m most comfortable writing. That being said, the idea—and the challenge—of writing a team book had been steadily moving to the front of my mind for several years. When I was presented with this team, in particular—a team of “lone wolf” characters—it was like a dream come true.”

  With this kind of roster and concept expect Way to be unleashed on this book.

  “This is the team that takes on the big problems others can’t or won’t. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the real world. Though there are atrocities committed all over the world, why is it the U.S. government intervenes in only some of these cases, rather than all? The reasons, sadly and invariably, are rooted in politics. The Thunderbolts have no politics. Of course, this being a comic book with an unlimited special effects budget, rest assured that any conflict into which this team enters will definitely be on the epic side of the scale. With this cast of characters? There’s no way I’m going to hold back.”

  Way delivers this tease making Thunderbolts #1 a book you can’t refuse.

  “By the time the first story arc concludes, the Thunderbolts will have done something that will have everyone—everyone—in the Marvel universe screaming for their blood. What that is and how it happens starts on the first page of the first issue.”

How’s that for a tease?

By Editor

Inside Avengers #1 by Jerome Opena


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jerome Opena (Uncanny X-Force) is taking on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Marvel shared 3 pages from inside Avengers #1 by Opena and Jonathan Hickman.


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Black Widow is sporting a sleek shorter hair style. I spy the Hulk. And I love the shot of Hawkeye and the Widow taking aim at the enemy!


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now presents Avengers #1 on sale December 5, 2012.

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New Indestuctible Hulk Art

Indestructible Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

  Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu create an Indestructible Hulk this November in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Waid combines Hulk brawn with Bruce Banner brains as the green goliath becomes an agent of SHIELD. revealed this inked preview art of Yu of the monster unleashed.

Can you imagine giving Hulk orders to stand down?

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