GeekGirlCon Celebrates Women of Geek Culture

  The GEEK will be celebrated and SHE has earned it! GeekGirlCon will recognize the contributions of women to geek culture. What would our culture be without Wonder Woman, Lt. Uhura or Batgirl? But what about the women behind the scenes creating the comics, books, movies, television and games? What about the women at the comic book shops and behind the consoles?

  The first celebration of female geek in Seattle was a smash. The women behind GeekGirlCon are dreaming bigger with this year’s event. I asked Susie Rantz about what’s new for their second con.

 “We sold out so quickly last year, so we moved into a bigger space that will allow more people can take part in the fun. The reaction to the convention last year was fantastic. People not only had a great time and got to meet their favorite writers and actors, but they made connections that bettered them as people. Companies and websites even launched as a result of GeekGirlCon. 

  “We want this year’s convention to build from those successes. For the second year, we have expanded our gaming and exhibitor hall. We now have a whole floor for tabletop and console gaming, as well as some really fun workshops. We also heard from convention-goers last year that they wanted more opportunities to network and connect with one another, so we added GeekGirlConnections, a room where people can plan their careers, network with women who work in their desired career fields, and learn about job opportunities that exist.

 Finally, one of the things I find most exciting about GeekGirlCon is the fact that our convention truly reflects what our fans want. In the spring, we put out the call for panel submissions. Virtually every panel being offered at GeekGirlCon ’12 is a result of the amazing ideas submitted by fans — ideas like talking about how we discuss disabilities in pop culture and comics. That means every year, our convention could focus on different topics and fandoms.”

 Whether on our second or 20th convention, we will remain true to our mission of supporting and celebrating women who love science, comics, technology, video games, and any other geeky topic.”  

Batgirl #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Returning guest Gail Simone blazed the trail with her runs on Birds of Prey, Secret Six and now Batgirl at DC Comics. 2012 has seen a number of comic book success stories championed by women. Ms. Marvel just got promoted to Captain Marvel with Kelly Sue DeConnick writing and the first issue sold out! Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men is a critical and commercial success and gained mainstream headlines for the gay wedding of Northstar. Womanthology demonstrated the true meaning of geek girl power. With these recent successes I asked this Susie is she felt this is a “breakthrough year” for women in comics?

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

 “It certain feels like women are making some significant breakthroughs in the comic book industry. Gail Simone is a fantastic leader in this field. Not only is she a great writer, but she stands up for and handles herself with so much grace. I think women are seeing what she’s been able to accomplish and realizing they can make that same future for themselves.

  The success of Womanthology certainly shouldn’t go unnoticed, either. For those who don’t know a lot of about the project, Womanthology is a 350-page comic anthology created entirely by women, with all proceeds going to charity. The project was originally posted on Kickstarter, where the creators raised $109,000, making Womanthology the most successful comics project and 25th most successful Kickstarter of all time,” she continues.

  Special Guest Renae De Liz is behind woman behind Womanthology. De Liz will be at the Seattle con to share how she did it on her own terms. I asked Rantz if the special guests and programming could inspire the next geek girl success story?

Womanthology courtesy IDW Publishing

  “I sure hope so. We are not simply dedicated to celebrating geeky women and girls — but that is certainly one important piece of this convention. Of course, we want people to have fun! However, we also know there are a lot of people out there looking for ways to further dive into what they love and apply it to their careers, or simply explore hobbies in new ways.

 The great podcast website Geekquality actually formed as a result of our convention last year. This year, instead of simply coming as attendees, they are presenting during a panel (“Geekquality Presents: Navigating Geekdom as an Outsider,” Saturday from 3:30 – 4:20 p.m.). This is just one example of the fire we hope to ignite among attendees. For others, it might be as simply as taking a class on programming, or volunteering as a mentor at your child’s school.

  As I mentioned above, we did hear from a lot of attendees last year that they wanted more ways to learn how to break into various businesses or succeed in their desired career fields. And that is why we are so excited to have panels featuring women from EA and PopCap and BioWare, or others that talk about how to land technology jobs, like “Tech Jobs You Never Knew You Wanted” and A Career as a Lady Coder II: Getting the Job.” That’s also why we added the GeekGirlConnections room, which will be filled with people from NASA, SEOMoz, Dark Horse Comics, and other great companies.”

Power Girl before The New 52 makeover courtesy DC Comics

  There have been costume changes to female comic book characters that still make them sexy but not blatant cheesecake. Ms. Marvel is now Captain Marvel and wears a flight suit instead of a one piece bathing suite, Power Girl’s hole in her chest is covered, Psylocke is no longer wearing a thong and heels. What do girl geeks think of these changes? Does how a heroine look matter?

 “That’s funny you bring up Power Girl, as someone I follow on Twitter recently shared the cover of DC Comics’ Ame-Comi Power Girl book, where the hole returned! But I do think there are enough people speaking up for a more realistic version of “sexy” when it comes to female comic book characters. These voices have really made a dent and have forced the comic book industry make some corrections.

  In fact, Kelly Thompson, a comic book fan and journalist, wrote a great article titled, “She Has No Head! – No, It’s Not Equal.” The article demonstrated how women were put in untenable poses and clothes. The article certainly could have made people defensive, but it was presented with clear examples — and the comments from all genders were positive.

 You hear over and over from comic book publishers that they are marketing to men and boys because that is who buys their products. Yet, I read an article that quoted the owners of comic book store Comicopia, who said around “thirty-five to forty percent” of their customers were female. That is probably a shocking stat to a lot of people, because most assumed the figure might be more like 5 percent. I think women and girls are sometimes afraid to speak up and say, “We like these things too.” But they are finding their voices now, and are seeing there actually IS a community behind them, supporting them.”

  Along with Gail Simone and Renae De Liz, a powerhouse group of writers, artists and entrepreneurs will meet that community:

  Writer/producer Jane Espenson (Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Warehouse 13, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time.)

 Ashley Eckstein, voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and owner of fangirl gear site Her Universe.

  Comic book writer Jen Van Meter (Hopeless Savages, Black Lightning: Year One, Black Cat.

 Comic book writer and novelist Greg Rucka (Gotham Central, Wonder Woman, Queen & Country, Whiteout, Stumptown, Elektra) is acclaimed for his portrayal of female heroes and will be featured in the panel Why Men Write Women Poorly and How to Get a Clue.

  Geek culture is not just about iconic female characters. Celebrate the women who create and love it. Guys are welcome. I wouldn’t miss it. GeekGirlCon 2012 August 11 and 12 at the Conference Center in Seattle. Click here to buy passes.

By Editor

The New Batwoman For Beginners

Batwoman #6 courtesy DC Comics

One of my good friends (not a comic book reader) heard about Batwoman so I wanted to share what you need to know about the new Batwoman – for beginnners or if you’re already a fan.

Batwoman was recently nominated by the GLAAD Media Awards for outstanding comic series. Kate had a tragic childhood. Her mother and twin sister were killed in a hostage standoff. Kate’s father is Colonel Jacob Kane. Inspired by an encounter with Batman, Kate took military technology and body armor to create her costume and launch her own crimefighting career. Kate Kane is now a Gotham City socialite by night and costumed crimefighter later in the night. Kate was romantically linked to Detective Renee Montoya.

Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

Batwoman’s first DC Comics The New 52 story arc Hydrology is now collected in a new hardcover. (See the cover on the side.)

Kate must discover who is stealing children in Gotham City, decide if she’ll train her niece to be her new sidekick, and cope with revelations about her father.

One of the best Batwoman arcs is Elegy by Greg Rucka. Kate must stop a madwoman inspired by Alice in Wonderland from poisoning Gotham City.

This week’s Batwoman #6 kicks off a new story arc. Batwoman, Detective Maggie Sawyer, D.A. Cameron Chase and the new villain Maro are headed for a clash in Gotham City.

By Editor

Spider-Man, Punisher, Daredevil Feel the Omega Effect II

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy

  Legendary writer Mark Waid is talking about the previously announced The Omega Effect storyline bringing Avenging Spider-Man, Punisher and Daredevil together in April.

  Waid teams with Greg Rucka in a story involving a hunt to possess the Omega Drive. Marvel’s big crime families want it because they could be destroyed by what’s inside. Waid writes Daredevil. Rucka writes Punisher. Together they write Avenging Spider-Man #6 kicking off the action.

  “We’ve basically, you know, along with editor Steve Wacker, sort of game plotted the three issues; and then the two of us, Greg and I together, sat down and outlined the thing, back and forth sort of outlining all three issues. And then when it came to the first issue of the cross-over in AVENGING SPIDER-MAN, we just thought it’d be fair and fun to split the workload where it was “you take this scene, I’ll take that scene.” We’ll throw it back and forth and we’ll work together to just bring it all together,” Waid told

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy

   Spidey, Matt and Frank don’t mix so how will these different heroes find common ground.

   “They really don’t get along, especially these days. Because Spider-Man in his own book [AMAZING SPIDER-MAN], which really is so well-written by Dan Slott, has made a very important vow that when he’s around, nobody dies. And that’s really hard to pull off with a character like Punisher around. And then Daredevil’s whole new “I’m going to smile when I do this, when I punch your lights out” attitude is sort of chafing Frank Castle the wrong way. So what brings them together is the Omega Drive.


  It’s that artifact that Daredevil has captured that has key information on it on all of the mega-crime families in the Marvel Universe and they’re all after it.”

 “..By the time we get to the crossover, the crime families are tired of trying to strike some sort of a treaty between themselves and they just decide that, you know what? It’s every man for himself. We’re all going to come after it and we don’t care that it’s going to create this gang war and that’s going to tear the world in half. We just won’t care. And Daredevil, Spider-Man, and Punisher, they all want it for a different reason. Daredevil will want to hang onto it because it’s his insurance, because as long as he’s got it, they can’t do anything to him, and they can’t do anything to his friends and co-workers. Spider-Man wants it because it’s just the right thing to do. You’ve got that information you should use it. And Punisher wants it for that same reason too, which is that he wants to use it, but he wants to use it in a much more “blood in the streets” way then Spider-Man would ever be happy with.”

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy

 Two legendary writers at the top of their game, top artists and three heroes clashing in a story that would rock Marvel’s underworld – I’m in.

 For the entire interview and more of Marco Checcetto’s preview art here’s the link.

Here’s the link to see more quotes and art from The Omega Effect announcement.

What’s Next for Daredevil


Daredevil #10.1 courtesy

  Dark and gritty comics are great but once in while you just need to ease up and enjoy great superheroics. Daredevil is known for tragic tales, street level crime fighting, ninjas and the Kingpin. Marvel enlisted Mark Waid to reinvigorate Matt Murdock/Daredevil with stellar results.

  Daredevil by Mark Waid/Marcos Martin and Pablo Rivera was one of 2011’s critical and commercial successes for Marvel. After several tragedies and demonic possession in Shadowland, Matt Murdock came back with a more upbeat attitude and focus on straight up superheroics. Comics Newsarama asked the veteran writer if the successful relauch was in part to fans ready for more positive heroics.

  “I think that’s a huge part of it. That doesn’t mean that there are no consequences for Daredevil, no repercussions to his actions, no hurt in his future — but he wins. That’s what people seem to be responding to as far as the storylines go.”

  Waid has been throwing surprising enemies at Daredevil including Klaw and now the Mole Man. Why would Mole Man turn up in a book like this.

  “One, they’re both blind. Two, they both have a form of radar-sense. Three, I wanted to see the Devil on a Dante-esque journey through the dark and monstrous underworld, and boy, did Paolo deliver on the visuals. Those covers alone are so evocative of Doré’s classic depictions of Hades that I find them stunning.”

Daredevil #11 courtesy

  And don’t forget The Omega Effect is coming in April. Waid and Greg Rucka spin a crossover between Daredevil, Spider-Man and the Punisher.

Mark Waid’s first volume of Daredevil with issues #1-#6 is out now.

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

Be in the know when I post. I invite you to follow ComicsBlend on Facebook and I welcome your feedback.

Daredevil, Punisher and Spider-Man Feel the Omega Effect


The Omega Effect promo art courtesy

  Avenging Spider-Man, Daredevil and The Punisher collide in The Omega Effect. This 3 part crossover blasts into stores this April! Greg Rucka and Mark Waid were featured in today’s Next Big Thing Marvel Event and included some just drop dead gorgeous art from Marco Checcetto, Marcos Martin and Steve McNiven!

  Mark Waid recapped that Daredevil discovered a device with secrets about the five biggest criminal organizations in the Marvel Universe.

  “Matt is trying to figure out the best application for this thing when Frank Castle knocks on the door.” -Waid

  “When Frank finds out about the drive and what’s on it, he figures he should have that. ‘I can keep it safe and I can use it properly.’ Matt hears that as ‘I can keep it safe and I can use it to kill lots of people.’ So you see the conflict immediately.” -Rucka


Avenging Spider-Man #6 courtesy

  The two writers are working together on Avenging Spider-Man #6 kicking off the story. Reed Richards recruits Spider-Man to recover this device he invented.

   “It’s several players from different walks of life with similar goals who try to work together, but as the story progresses, different allegiances arise and backstabbing take place.” -Waid

  “When Mark told me some of his bigger plans for Daredevil, it became clear to me that some of the things I was doing in Punisher fit. We’re working together without bending or breaking either of our books.” -Rucka

  “Daredevil has been in the ‘Why hasn’t he committed suicide yet?’ phase for so long. The new lease on life Mark has given Matt makes him, honestly, more fun. Mark never forgets the wonder that makes super hero universes so vibrant. You never forget that Matt is blind, and that is a detriment, but there is something quite beautiful and elegant in the way Mark never lets you forget both the blessing and curse of that.” -Rucka


The Punisher #10 courtesy

“What Greg has done with Punisher not only in print, but as I’ve talked to him, he’s given me an understanding of a character I up to this have never given a nickel about. Not only has Greg explained his mission from his point of view, but he’s given him an accomplice, which gives me an emotional hook for the character. Daredevil has made peace with never being able to change Frank, but maybe there’s some hope for redemption elsewhere.” -Mark Waid

Spider-Man is caught between these two and Waid praised what Dan Slott is doing with Peter Parker.

  “The whole new rule of Spider-Man, the law of Dan Slott, is that nobody dies. I love that. It makes him unique and strong in the Marvel Universe. And to throw him up against The Punisher with that point of view…” -Mark Waid

Daredevil #11 courtesy

For the full interview with Rucka, Waid and Editor Steve Wacker click here.