Gambit’s New Lady and Rogue Reunion

Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by
Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by

For longtime X-Men fans Gambit and Rogue will always be their favorite couple (as you can see by these Emerald City Comicon cosplayers) but Remy has been flirting with danger in his solo series by James Asmus and Clay Mann. Gambit’s globetrotting adventures have him crossing paths with a female thief named Joelle. Asmus talked with about Remy’s new partner in crime.

“My editor Daniel Ketchum had liked the idea of bringing  in a thieving lady counterpart to Gambit. I was particularly interested in  capturing the energy that made me so intrigued with Gambit in his early years:  the fact that you weren’t really sure if you trusted his motivations, or even  what he said, but he was able to charm and disarm those around him.


Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel
Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel

We’ve learned a lot about Gambit since then, but I thought that creating that  push-pull attraction and question of trust with another character would let me  revive part of what I loved in early Gambit stories. From there, the actual  character of Joelle has evolved some as we’ve gone, for a lot of reasons. But  the core idea behind her and the answers to her major mysteries haven’t changed.”

The writer confirms Rogue will guest star and explains her connection with Remy:

“I think at the moment, she’s very worried about the trajectory he’s on. I’m looking at their relationship through a few personal  lenses. I’ve been on both sides of break-ups where one person’s afraid they  might’ve lit a self-destructive fuse in the other. These two will always care  about each other, but it’s never been easy. And I think she can’t help but be  curious if this mysterious new woman, Joelle, is pulling Gambit irreparably  away.”

For the entire interview and more of Mann’s art here’s the link.

In case you’re haven’t checked this series out yet, think of this book as Remy cutting loose and sharpening his criminal skills – stealing from the bad guys of course. Spider-Man villain Tombstone appears in the current issue.

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men: A Fight to the Death? A Villain Revealed!

Astonishing X-Men #54 courtesy Marvel

Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver a big revelation, big fights and set the stage for a huge showdown in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #54.

Susan Hatchi appears to be a greedy corporate type that’s oozing evil. She could have easily fit right in with the old school Hellfire Club. Hatchi has forced New Mutant Karma to attack her teammates, blew up Wolverine at Northstar’s wedding and left the rest of the team in a hellhole.

Hatchi reveals her connection to Karma and gives the team an impossible mission with deadly consequences if they fail – all to prove a point.

I give Liu huge kudos for using Wolverine in just the right dose and giving other characters equal time. Cecilia Reyes never wanted to be an X-Man but she’s caught up in an adventure with them again. With the team in a deathtrap, Reyes pushes her power to new levels while pondering if her past choices have been wrong.

While Logan is recovering Liu shows that Remy has just as many underworld connections. Hatchi’s orders take the team to Madripoor and Gambit makes a move on Logan’s ex Tyger Tiger in a move to accomplish their mission.

Tension has been building between Iceman and Northstar. Liu continues to explore what it’s like for a hero to have a loved one always in the line of fire. Jean-Paul’s husband and all of New York City is in jeopardy. Bobby and Jean-Paul’s conflict leads to a huge fight and shocking cliffhanger – has an X-Man accidently killed an X-Man?

If you want a thrilling adventure not tied to AvX and a chance to see other mutants in action then this is a great X-Men book. I’m enjoying Liu and Perkins run and I’m excited for the showdown in Madripoor next issue.

By Editor

The Old Gambit You Love In a New Series

Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

  Supportive and sensitive ex-boyfriend. Teacher. Gambit?

  James Asmus shows us that the Cajun mutant hasn’t been fully domesticated yet in a brand new series out this week. Remy LeBeau ditches the purple tights for a walk on the wrong side of the law in Gambit #1. It’s good to welcome the scoundrel back to his thieving ways.

  Remy decides he needs a detour from life at the Jean Grey School and finds a way to steal from the rich and infamous. Our anti-hero suits up (like he’s styled by GQ) for a charity event and shows he still knows how to work a room and case a joint no matter how big and swanky it is. Gambit is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and Sitch is an arms dealer posing as a benevolent socialite. It’s great fun to see Remy charm and scheme his way into Sitch’s secret stash but the prize comes back to bite him…literally.

  Writer James Asmus and artist Clay Mann takes us on thrilling ride. The story is cinematic with scenes worthy of a James Bond or Mission Impossible movie. Asmus gives us the old Gambit we’ve been missing and captures the spirit without overdoing the Cajun sayings. Remy may be from New Orleans but he’s a world-class thief and it’s a joy to see him back doing what he does best.

   I kept thinking of how Remy looks like a buffer, built Matt Smith (the current Doctor Who.) I enjoyed Clay Mann’s art on X-Men Legacy and he’s evolved to more of a painted style. I like what Mann, (Seth) Mann and (Rachelle)Rosenberg are attempting to create in Gambit’s world away from the X-Men.

   A new villain with nasty connections to the entire Marvel underworld, a mystery woman with tattoos (she reminds of girl who used to work at my local comic book shop) and Remy left in a painful cliffhanger make me want to come back for more. This first issue’s heist story may be familiar but it’s a great way to reintroduce the charming thief we love and hopefully thrust him into dangerous new territory and stories.

By Editor


Gambit Goes Solo


Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

  The Cajun X-Man in his own series. Gambit #1 by James Asmus (Captain America & Bucky, Generation Hope)and Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy) debuts this week.

  “This story will break Gambit out into the larger Marvel Universe. We are trying to make it as accessible to new fans as well as everyone who loved Gambit in the past,” teases Asmus.

  Before he was a hero, Remy LeBeau was a master thief. Remy’s criminal past came back to haunt him – especially his connection to Mister Sinister and the Mutant Massacre.

  “He’s one of the greatest thieves in the Marvel Universe,” Asmus continued and confirmed Rogue will play a part in the series.

  This Geek’s Opinion: I’m a big fan of James Asmus and Clay Mann’s art. I love Gambit but as part of a team. Remy is currently part of X-Men Legacy, where’s a slow burning attraction building with Frenzy and the smooth talker shares a flirtation with Cecelia Reyes in Astonishing X-Men. Who knows which or if Remy will end up on a team in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Gambit, Asmus, Mann – I’ll definitely give Remy’s new solo series a shot.

By Editor

New Gambit Solo Series


Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel announced a new Gambit series by James Asmus (Captain America & Bucky, Generation Hope)and Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy) debuting this August.

 “This story will break Gambit out into the larger Marvel Universe. We are trying to make it as accessible to new fans as well as everyone who loved Gambit in the past,” said Asmus.

  Before he was a hero, Remy LeBeau was a master thief. Remy’s criminal past came back to haunt him – especially his connection to Mister Sinister and the Mutant Massacre.

“He’s one of the greatest thieves in the Marvel Universe,” Asmus continued and confirmed Rogue will play a part in the series.

Here’s the C2E2 Next Big Thing panel play by-play on

This Geek’s Opinion: I’m a big fan of James Asmus and Clay Mann’s art. I love Gambit but as part of a team. Remy is currently part of X-Men Legacy, where’s a slow burning attraction building with Frenzy, and Astonishing X-Men. This new series is in the aftermath of AvX so who knows what twists and turns are coming for the mutants. I will definitely give it try.

For the entire panel replay here’s the link.

By Editor

Marvel’s Gambit Teaser


  Looks like Remy LeBeau will star in his own solo series again. Marvel revealed this teaser simply saying Gambit August 2012 with the promise of an announcement Sunday, April 15th at the Next Big Thing panel at C2E2.This comes on the heels of the teaser for a Matt Fraction/David Aja reunion project also to be announced at C2E2.The Cajun X-Man is part of X-Men Legacy. Rogue spurned him for Magneto even though he and Rogue joined Wolverine’s Jean Grey School. Christos Gage has been writing a slow burning attraction between Remy and Frenzy – I really hope that continues. Gambit is also on Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men title. Who know what will happen post AvX.

This Geek’s Take: I’d like to see Rick Remender take on Gambit. The writer of Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers knows how to write anti-heroes in the Marvel underworld. I really love what Remender is doing with Fantomex. I’d almost enjoy seeing Gambit kicked out of the X-Men and go solo and return to his old ways as a thief and con man.

Update: I had a great suggestion of a team by a Twitter follower: Skottie Young & Clay Mann of Magneto, Not a Hero.

By Editor

Astonished By Marjorie Liu’s X-Men – Updated

Astonishing X-Men #48 courtesy Marvel

  Marjorie Liu makes a powerful first impression with her first issue of Astonishing X-Men this week. The action kicks in with a peak into the near future where Northstar is being stalked by his new teammates. I have a theory about what’s behind the possible betrayal.

 The story jumps back to the present where Northstar is settling in to domestic bliss – until a fellow Canadian mutant calls – with boyfriend Kyle. Gambit is entertaining a surprise guest at his home away from the school. I’m thrilled to see this former X-woman back. After an entertaining look into the personal lives of  X-Men the drama explodes literally with the new version of a classic team of villains.  

  I feel like I’m experiencing a cool slice of life with these mutants in city. Mike Perkins style has a grit that feels right for this X-Men in New York City story. His talent really shines in the facial expressions. It’s amazing to see how much character and relationship development Liu weaves in one issue while still packing action and intrigue.

Update: I must have been so excited to have Northstar back that I missed the fact that Jean Paul is called Jean Claude three times in the issue. Mon Dieu!

AVX: X-Kids in Avengers Custody

Avengers Academy #23 courtesy Marvel

  Christos Gage answered fan questions about the future of X-Men Legacy and Avengers Academy revealing how both teams will be impacted by Avengers Vs. X-Men. The mutant kids of Utopia will be held at Avengers Academy leading to an odd reunion for X-23 and her former teammates.

  “There are indeed scenes between X-23, Surge and Dust, and they were fun — for me, not for the characters involved! This storyline definitely looks at X-23 and how she has developed as a person since her days with the New X-Men, as well as how she is continuing to develop. As for the Westchester kids coming to break them out, they’re going to have their own problems…”

 The situations are different. I can only say so much to avoid spoilers, but in Avengers Academy, what has happened is that various X-kids from Utopia end up in the custody of the Avengers, and it’s decided the best thing to do with them to keep them out of the conflict is to house them at Avengers Academy. It’s not an internment camp per se (the cover of Avengers Academy #29 is more symbolic of how the X-kids feel), it’s more like Child Protective Services, where kids who have nowhere else to go are placed — presumably for their own good.

X-Men Legacy #264

  I’m not saying it’s right — there’s a lot of debate about that in the book itself — but it’s with good intentions. As for the situation in  X-Men Legacy, events there are more reaction to the larger conflict — the Avengers send a team to keep an eye on the X-Men and make sure they don’t escalate matters by joining the Utopia crew, but they are more watching from outside, like cops at a Mafia wedding. Oh, and don’t assume it was Cap who made the decision in all these cases!”

For the entire interview here’s the Comic Book Resources link.

I’ve enjoyed Gage taking the reigns of X-Men Legacy especially the brewing passion between Gambit and Frenzy. I hope this book survives the reboot that’s surely coming after AVX.