Iron Fist: The Living Weapon courtesy Marvel
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon courtesy Marvel

Kaare Andrews just relaunched Danny Rand into a brand new solo series: Iron Fist: The Living Weapon. This weekend at Fan Expo Vancouver the celebrated artist (Spider-Man: Reign, Astonishing X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men) talked about his return to comics after directing films.


Andrews is writing, drawing, inking, and creating covers for the new series. In a one-on-one with Andrews I asked the creator what drew him to chose Iron Fist for a major comic book comeback: Continue reading KAARE ANDREWS On IRON FIST’s Dark Origin


Iron Fist: The Living Weapon courtesy Marvel
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon courtesy Marvel

Kaare Andrews is back at Fan Expo Vancouver. The celebrated artist (Spider-Man: Reign, Astonishing X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men) is back in comics after directing films.


Andrews is writing, penciling, inking and creating covers for Iron Fist: The Living Weapon. In a one-on-one with Andrews I asked the creator about what brought him back to comics after directing movies. Just as Danny Rand breaks barriers with kung fu, Andrews is breaking creator roles with the new Marvel project. Continue reading KAARE ANDREWS At FAN EXPO VANCOUVER


courtesy Fan Expo Vancouver
courtesy Fan Expo Vancouver

Morena Baccarin is a shining sci-fi star among a galaxy of celebrity guests appearing at Fan Expo Vancouver this weekend. Fans packed a ballroom Friday evening for the chance to ask questions with Baccarin and lined up today for autographs and to express their endless devotion to Firefly.


After Firefly the series and Serenity the movie Baccarin went on to roles on V, Stargate S.G. One and the acclaimed drama Homeland. After playing the heroine Inara she left the Firefly ship to invade Earth as the evil Anna on V.  I asked if the shift to the dark side of sci-fi was on purpose. Continue reading MORENA BACCARIN At FAN EXPO VANCOUVER

STAR WARS Inspired Pickup Line

photo by ComicsBlend
photo by ComicsBlend

One of my favorite moments at Fan Expo Vancouver this past weekend was this robot ready for romance!

When you think of protocol droid C3PO you may not immediately jump to thinking of him as “ladies man.”

I wanted to share this cosplayer’s clever pick up line inspired by the greatest sci-fi movie of all time. At Fan Expo Vancouver over the weekend this Star Wars fan sported the goldenrod droid’s look with this sign:

“Ladies, this is the droid you’re looking for!”

No word on if he made a connection!

The actors who played Darth Vader (David Prowse) and young Boba Fett (Daniel Logan) were among the celebrities greeting fans. I’m sure this 3PO was in line!

For more cosplay from Vancouver here’s a link to day one and two.

By Editor

Fan Expo Vancouver Day One


Stan Lee with Marvel Cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.com
Stan Lee with Marvel Cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.com

Fan Expo Vancouver celebrated a second year by bringing in the biggest geek God of all – Stan Lee! The legendary creator inspired huge lines for autographs, photos opportunities! Stan the Man delivered a special surprise – posing with dozens of these Marvel inspired cosplayers! It’s amazing to think nearly all these characters were created or co-created by this incredible writer who still have spectacular energy and wicked sense of humor.


The cast of the hit sci-fi show Continuum greeted fans and teased the almost here season premiere (tonight, April 21st.) Rachel Nichols recalled her favorite fights (as Scarlet vs. the Baroness in G.I. The Rise of Cobra) and her many action packed roles (Alias and Star Trek.)


X-Men cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com
X-Men cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com

Phil Jimenez and Stephen Sadowski participated in the expo’s first sketch duel! The first challenge was to redesign a B-level character. Sadowski pumped up and scaled down (briefly an Avenger) Jack of Hearts while Jimenez styled up Dazzler. Beast, Mystique, Wonder Woman and Phoenix consplayers joined the two artists for a game of comic book Pictionary with hilarious results. Sunday’s big sketch duel is between David Finch, Bob Layton and Kaare Andrews!


Fans has the chance to cheer and ask questions of Stan Lee, The Walking Dead star Michael Rooker among other celebrities. Sunday Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek, Elvira, Michael Hogan of Battlestar Galactica are the big Q&A sessions so grab your guide and plan ahead to get a great seat.


Thor/Cosplay leader at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com
Thor/Cosplay leader at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com

Vancouver could be renamed Fancouver as lovers of comic books, anime, video games, science fiction and fantasy converged on the convention center. There’s an amazing sense of community as geeks gather to share and cheer for the fan-favorite creators and legendary stars.


By Editor


Keep coming back for more stories, pictures and interviews!

Fan Expo Vancouver Artist Duel Preview!

FanExpoVancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com
FanExpoVancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com

Fan Expo Vancouver is this weekend. Stan Lee, Nichelle Nichols, Michael Rooker, Michael Hogan and Sean Astin are among the celebrities can meet but there’s some extra fun for comic book fans.

Sketch Duels are a great interactive take on the panel in which two or more comic book artists create their work of art in a friendly competition while answering fan questions during the hour and one lucky fan walks away with the unique sketch.

This year’s scheduled sketch duels are:

Stephen Sadowski (JSA, Hawkman, Fairest) vs. Phil Jimenez (Fairest, New X-Men, Wonder Woman)Saturday at 1pm

Steve Epting (Captain America, New Avengers) vs. Alex Maleev (Daredevil: End of Day) Saturday at 4pm

David Finch (Batman, The Dark Knight, Justice League of America) vs. Bob Layton (Iron Man) vs. Kaare Andrews (Ultimate Comics X-Men) Sunday at 1pm.

This photo is one of lucky audience winners (in stunning Mystique cosplay) who left with this amazing Sadowski sketch!

For the latest updates visit fanexpovancouver.com and watch for cosplay and coverage all weekend. Here’s a flashback to the fun of last year’s first Fan Expo Vancouver!

By Editor

STAR TREK Icon Beams to Fan Expo Vancouver

courtesy Fan Expo Vancouver
courtesy Fan Expo Vancouver

Nichelle Nichols will be part of the stellar celebrity roster at Fan Expo Vancouver! As Lieutenant Uhura on the original Star Trek series, Nichols became a trail-blazing television icon as the first black actress with lead role on television and was first inter-racial kiss on television.

I saw the stunning Nichols help NASA celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the World’s Fair and the Space Needle by performing the Star Trek theme song with the Pacific Northwest Ballet Orchestra in Seattle last year in a tribute of song, dance and astronauts.

Nichols appeared in the William Shatner Continue reading STAR TREK Icon Beams to Fan Expo Vancouver

Fan Expo Vancouver Preview: BSG’s Michael Hogan

Michael Hogan as Saul Tigh in Battlestar Galactica
Michael Hogan as Saul Tigh in Battlestar Galactica

Michael Hogan will be among the stellar cast of celebrities at Fan Expo Vancouver next weekend. Devoted Battlestar Galactica fans will flock to the Vancouver Convention Center April 20th and 21st for a chance to cheer on the actor who played Colonel Saul Tigh on the SyFy series.


I had the opportunity to speak with Hogan in this exclusive preview of his upcoming appearance at Fan Expo Vancouver. I asked the veteran actor how playing Tigh had changed his career.


“I had been acting for 37 years before BSG came along. I’m a journeyman actor. I guess you can say a veteran. I appreciated what was going on. I knew how fantastic this was. Eddie (Edward James Olmos), Mary (McDonnell) was aware. This was incredibly  special.”


From Executive Officer to resistance leader to the revelation Continue reading Fan Expo Vancouver Preview: BSG’s Michael Hogan