Captain America vs. Nuke Preview

Captain America #14 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #14 courtesy Marvel

Captain America vs. Nuke!


The mad super soldier born in the classic Frank Miller epic Daredevil: Born Again is back in Rick Remender’s new arc Loose Nuke.


Here’s a preview of Captain America #14 as the brutal battle escalates this December courtesy Marvel:



“Captain America and the Falcon fight for their lives as “Loose Nuke” continues in Captain America #14! Continue reading Captain America vs. Nuke Preview


MIghty Avengers courtesy Marvel
Mighty Avengers courtesy Marvel

It’s the big finale to Marvel’s week of MIGHTY teasers! Mighty Avengers is a brand new book tied to the INFINITY event! When Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must go on a mission across the galaxy – these heroes will rise up to protect our world!


Luke Cage, Superior Spider-Man, She-Hulk will be joined by Blue Marvel, White Tiger and the new Power Man. Today Marvel revealed more members of the roster (Falcon and Monica Rambeau now with new code-name: Spectrum and a new Ronin) and the creative team: Al Ewing and Greg Land. Continue reading MIGHTY AVENGERS!


Captain American and the Falcon #61 courtesy Marvel
Captain American and the Falcon #61 courtesy Marvel

Anthony Mackie hits the big screen in Pain & Gain this week but comic book fans are thrilled to see how the actor will look as Falcon in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Mackie was approached by Marvel to play Sam Wilson (aka Falcon) who has served as an Avenger, SHIELD agent and most importantly, the partner and best friend of Steve Rogers.

Mackie tells Collider how joining the blockbuster Marvel Cinematic Universe could impact his career.

“I mean, you know, you do the Marvel movies to garner you the ability to do the movies that you really want to do – the other movies, the smaller movies, you know. So it depends on what exactly you want to do. You know, doing a movie like Captain America – that puts your name in the mouth of everyone in this country and in the living room of everybody so, you know, once that comes out then you can go to the studio and tell them the kind of movie you really want to do.”

Mackie was in great shape for his breakthrough role in The Hurt Locker and got bulked up for Pain & Gain but now he’s getting into superhero shape.

“Well, it’s more so Continue reading Anthony Mackie Talks Falcon in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER


Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films
Chris Evans as Captain America in Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel Films

Chris Evans will suit up again as the Star-Spangled Avenger as part of Marvel’s Phase Two in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The sequel’s title makes fans wonder how closely it will follow the The Winter Soldier arc by Ed Brubaker. Marvel Studios Kevin Feige talks with Variety about the tone of the film and the future of the superhero genre.

“If it is a fad, it’s one that lasts 30 to 40 years, as the Western did, because each one is so different,” he says. “There’s an opportunity to graft almost sub-genres onto them. Our first Captain America film was a World War II picture, and the next Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER “A Political Thriller”

Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

As we celebrate Black History Month in North America and the United Kingdom I was inspired to think about my favorite African-American superheroes. While these fictional characters are not as important as civil rights leaders, boundary breaking athletes and artists or scientists who made a powerful contributions to our world I think seeing diversity in comic books makes an impact…on everyone.

Before I reveal my top 10 I want to say this was tough and I know some of you have your favorites like Steel aka John Henry Irons, Batwing, Shadowhawk, Spawn, Photon, Static and not to mention non-superhero characters like Michonne and Tyreese of The Walking Dead, but these are the ten characters (+ one because I just couldn’t leave her off!) that I’ve loved and stayed with me.

11  Vixen  Mari Jiwe McCabe grew up in remote village in the fictional African country of Zambesi. Mari’s family were holders of a mystical totem but he uncle killed her parents and stolen the totem. Mari moved to America, became an international supermodel, built a fortune and traveled to her homeland to take back her family’s totem and became known as Vixen. With the totem Mari can mimic the abilities of any animal on Earth. Mari a member of the Justice League. In the DC Comics New 52 relaunch Vixen was injured but recently seen as one of the possible new recruits Cyborg will call on to join the new Justice League.

Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics
Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics

10  Spider-Man Miles Morales became a media sensation when Marvel revealed the new Ultimate Spider-Man was of African-American and Latino descent. Like Peter Parker, Miles is a science nerd bitten by a radioactive spider but his powers are slightly different. Miles recently met the Peter Parker of “our” Marvel Universe in the crossover smash, Spider-Men.

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

9.  Patriot  Elijah Bradley is the grandson of Isiah Bradley, the first Captain America. (Isiah was among the black men who served as test subjects before the Super Soldier Serum was given to Steve Rogers. This story was told in the series Truth: Red, White & Black.) Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers. These teen heroes wanted to fight crime and carry on the legacy of the Avengers who had disbanded at the time. I don’t want to give away the secet of Eli’s powers (told in the Young Avengers series) but his is a great story of young man trying to do right and honor his past. Eli is a great leader and strategist in the tradition of Captain America. A brand new Young Avengers series just relaunched but Eli is not on the team. I’m hoping Patriot will soon be appearing in the Marvel Now, maybe even joining the main Avengers?

Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel
Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel

8.  Falcon  Sam Wilson was the first mainsteam African-American superhero and the first Continue reading Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

Anthony Mackie as the Falcon in Captain America The Winter Soldier?

Captain America #13 courtesy

  Chris Evans will play the star-spangled Avenger again in Captain America The Winter Soldier based on the modern-day classic when Cap’s best friend is resurrected as the ultimate assassin.

  If you have a modern-day Cap adventure you must have Falcon. Anthony Mackie is in talks to play Cap’s partner according to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision. Falcon aka Sam Wilson is one of the first African-American heroes in modern comics. Wilson was born in Harlem and became Cap’s partner in the 1970’s and has served as an Avenger. Wilson’s suit allows him to fly and enhances his strength. He can also communicate with birds telepathically and has an actual falcon with him on missions.

  What do you think? Mackie is an excellent choice. I’m thrilled to see more of Cap’s allies in the sequel. I just hope we have Sharon Carter aka Agent 13 in the sequel!

By Editor