She-Hulk #5 courtesy Marvel
She-Hulk #5 courtesy Marvel

She-Hulk & Hellcat.


A geek dream.


The super strong, smart and sexy She-Hulk is the star of an acclaimed new solo series by Charles Soule (Inhuman, Thunderbolts, Superman/Wonder Woman) focusing on her career as a super attorney.


A strong, sexy retro hero is part of a new mystery as Jennifer and Hellcat must “uncover secrets of the Blue File- a conspiracy that touches the Marvel Universe” in She-Hulk #5 this week. Continue reading SHE-HULK Is Raising HELLCAT

Phil Jimenez on Warrior Woman in FEARLESS DEFENDERS

Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel

Acclaimed artist Phil Jimenez (Wonder Woman, New X-Men, Fairest) is joining Cullen Bunn on Fearless Defenders. Jimenez designed Warrior Woman who joined the series with issue three this week and will drawn the cover and interior art for Fearless Defenders #4 which ties into the Age of Ultron epic. The artist known for his run on DC’s Amazon princess reveals his approach to the newest member of Valkyrie’s team on

Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel

“Marvel wanted a character that could stand toe-to-toe, visually and literally with Valkyrie and Misty Knight. I also wanted to keep her in a costume that fit with the mythological worlds Continue reading Phil Jimenez on Warrior Woman in FEARLESS DEFENDERS

Women Rule in Fearless Defenders

Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel will launch a new force of female fury in Fearless Defenders starring Valkyrie and Misty Knight. More of Marvel’s finest women (including Dani Moonstar of New Mutants) will join as the title progesses. Writer Cullen Bunn, Editor Ellie Pyle and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked about the new team on

  “The team will come together slowly over time, but Valkyrie and Misty Knight are in the forefront. They are the co-leads. If ever there an odd couple, I can’t imagine more of one than Brunnhilde and Misty. They’re fun to write individually, but they’re so much fun to write when they’re interacting with one another. They immediately set this team apart from any other super hero group out there.


Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

  We’re introducing a new villain right off the bat from the first issue. She’s seen an opportunity because there are no shield maidens in operation right now. There’s a void. This woman starts working some very bad mojo that puts Valkyrie on the defensive immediately; it’s her fault. We’ll meet the Doom Maidens who are exceptionally bad news,” said Bunn.

   “This is not a traditional team. They don’t have a headquarters. There’s a whole slew of characters who will pass in and out of the book. Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar are there for the long haul. It’s different from the average Marvel group book” explained Brevoort.

   Valkyrie and Misty will be joined by a new warrior designed by Phil Jiminez.


Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

  “The character on the cover to issue #3 is a new member of the group, Hippolyta, somebody we’re bringing back from the dead but with a new approach. We’re playing with what was there before and are introducing her in a different way.” 

“She will be going by the hero name Warrior Woman–whether she wants to or not,” added Ellie Pyle.

Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

  Valkyrie was the lead of Fear Itself: The Fearless. Bunn co-wrote Val’s epic quest that took her on a world tour of the Marvel Universe and interacting with heroes, villains and demons of all genres. This new book will same the same versatility and variety.

  “This book opens itself up to any number of genres. It the first arc, we see Misty more in Valkyrie’s world, but it will be just as much fun when we see Valkyrie on a street level.

  “The cast will rotate depending on the arc. Brunnhilde has been tasked with assembling a new group of valkyrie. She’ll bring together eight women she feels are worthy. That said, I don’t intend to write every arc with a nine member team. We will have smaller groups and we will have guest stars who are not core cast members. When the full team comes together, it’s for a huge, world-destroying threat.”

“Valkyrie came out of The Fearless with a new found sense of purpose that overwhelmed her and swallowed her up.”

Fearless Defenders launches in February. Will Sliney is the artist. Mark Brooks provides covers.

Here’s the link for the entire liveblog.

I’m thrilled. I love Valkyrie, Misty Knight, The Fearless and The Defenders not to mention Dani Moonstar. This may be my new most anticipated Marvel Now book of 2013!

By Editor

Marvel Comics Most Anticipated 2013

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now continues with more new relaunches and brand new series in 2013 but this year will mark the return of the Avengers’ greatest enemy!

Age of Ultron! No planning. No build up. The robotic menace hase already won on page one of Age of Ultron. The long-awaited epic series reunites Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch.

Young Avengers! Kid Loki gets a new group of young heroes together to kill Wiccan? The Scarlet Witch’s son and his boyfriend Hulkling and Kate Bishop are joined by new recruits Miss America and Noh-Varr. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (Phonogram) are the new creative team on the new Young Avengers coming January 23.

Marvel Goes Cosmic and Gets Spacey! Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven relaunch Guardians of the Galaxy with new member Iron Man. Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness blast a brand new Nova series with a new young hero under the helmet.

Fearless Defenders! Cullen Bunn assembles Marvel’s finest female heroes in a brand new series starring Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar! I’m hoping he’ll bring back Hellcat for a reunion with Val!

X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Termination! Mutants from multiple dimensions clash in the crossover between X-Treme X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and Age of Apocalypse in March.

Superior Spider-Man! Apologies to hardcore Peter Parker fans but imagine how much fun this could be? Feel the ick when Doc Ock kisses MJ! Root for Otto to get busted or is it possible you could end up rooting for this new “hero” in the suit?

Uncanny X-Men! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch the flagship X-book starring Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik after the finale of the first arc of All-New X-Men starring the original X-Men.

By Editor

Here are my most anticipated 2013 DC Comics books and events.



Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

  I am THRILLED to share this news! Two of Marvel’s Finest, Fiercest Females will star in a brand new Marvel Now series! Comics Newsarama reports that Fearless Defenders will star Valkyrie and Misty Knight in a follow-up to Fear Itself: The Fearless.

  I have been sharing my hope that Valkyrie of The Fearless and The Defenders would live on in the Marvel Now. Now I guess we’ll see if they are two great concepts that taste great together?

  Cullen Bunn (Venom, Wolverine) will write the new series with Will Sliney on art. Bunn scripted the excellent Fear Itself: The Fearless 12-part series that I may have posted over and over that I LOVE. I think Misty Knight kicks ass but I absolutely love Valkyrie so you can imagine my excitement!


Fear Itself The Fearless #9 courtesy Marvel

  According to the CN story – Dani Moonstar of the recently ended New Mutants has found a home in the Marvel Now – YES! Dani was once a Valkyrie and recently made a deal with Hela during the SIEGE saga. More female characters will joining the team too.

 “The basic idea of the book is that Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior, and she’s been asked to choose all these women from the heroes of Midgard, instead of from Asgard. She has completely failed in this task. [Laughs.] Valkyrie has been unable to choose anyone that she feels is worthy to be one of the hosts of the shield maidens. So she just hasn’t done it. She’s dropped the ball,” Bunn tells CN.

  “Because she’s not done what she said she would do, nature — or supernature, as it is — abhors a vacuum. The absence of the Valkyrior has opened the door to something terrible. Something awful is waking, and Valkyrie finds that it’s really her fault that she’s put everything at risk.”

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  Bunn had heroes and villains after Valkyrie in the earlier limited series but he’s plotting new enemies for her and Misty in the new series. 

  “Yeah, in the first issue I’m introducing a couple of new villains. One of them is, in my mind, the nastiest villain to ever come into the Marvel Universe. She is absolutely ghastly. At her very core, she is a horrible, horrible person, and she is capable of some really deplorable things that we’ll be seeing.

  We’re creating a new team, and I felt like it would be important to create this mastermind-type character who’s coming in to be the main antagonist for the foreseeable future for the team. She’s not the only villain you’re going to see, and you’ll some other Marvel Universe villains, but she is new, and I wanted people to believe she is a challenge for Valkyrie. Look at Valkyrie — she’s a very powerful character. This woman is definitely going to be a challenge for Valkyrie, and she’s going to be that challenge without having any powers whatsoever.”

  Fearless Defenders arrives in February 2013. I’m loving the Mighty Mark Brooks cover art up top!

 For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor

The Defenders Ends…Again

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

  Defenders# 12 is out this week. It’s the grand finale of the latest take on Marvel’s “non-team.” Matt Fraction united Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor on missions against supernatural threats. Fraction is leaving to write the Fantastic Four and FF in the Marvel Now.

  Fraction told that Betty Ross was the character that surprised him the most and “fell in love with writing her immediately”

  “The whole experience was so unlike any other I’ve had at Marvel, and I got to work with so many amazing artists; the whole thing was a joy. Bittersweet at best, as they say.

  And yeah; we were only just getting started. I didn’t touch on a tenth of what I had planned for that book, for the places it would go, for the characters we were going to meet. Oh well. Next time, next time,” he adds.

The Defenders #12 courtesy Marvel

  Defenders #12 – final issue – arrives this Wednesday.  

  Never fear! Given this team’s history expect to “non-team” to reteam again – I just hope it’s as much fun as Fraction’s run has been!

The Defenders #12 courtesy Marvel

By Editor

Fearless in the Marvel Now?

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

Never fear! New one word teases are here! Marvel revealed a new title by Cullen Bunn (Wolverine, Venom) and Will Sliney is coming in February 2013. What could FEARLESS mean?

I hope this means a title starring Valkyrie! Why? I absolutely loved Fear Itself: The Fearless in which Bunn was one of the architects (along with Matt Fraction.) This 12-part epic starred Valkyrie on a mission for Odin that took her across the Marvel Universe and against some of the biggest heroes and villains. Valkyrie even defied the Avengers and X-Men to recover lost Asgardian artifacts.

Valkyrie has been a member of Rick Remender’s Secret Avengers team but I think it’s time Valkyrie to assume the leadership role in her own series or with her own team (maybe with former Valkyrie and New Mutant Dani Moonstar?)Matt Fraction’s Defenders has ended so perhaps this is a relaunch of the non-team team – maybe Val reuniting with Hellcat?  Stay tuned!

By Editor