Walk For Wishes Comic Book Style

The Walk For Wishes for Make-A-Wish 2013 is superhero themed in Seattle! A SUPER choice given the amazing comic book fans, cosplayers and creators based on the Emerald City.


Team ComicsBlend will be walking to raise money and capturing all the cosplay fun!


After exploring my collection of superhero t-shirts as inspiration I’ve narrowed it down to two t-shirts for inspiration.


I love both but should I go with a DC or Marvel look? (The one I don’t use will be the inspiration for Halloween)


What look do you think I should sport for Walk for Wishes?



Or maybe I can change looks mid-walk?


The big walk is this Sunday at Marymoor Park and watch for pictures on Monday!


Thanks for your support of Make-A-Wish Walk for Wishes!


By Editor

Kitty Pryde Sings

photo by ComicsBlend.com
photo by ComicsBlend.com

She doesn’t just phase! She sings! Talk about multiple mutations!


Inspired by the hope of a Kitty Pryde movie – Lauren McLaren (aka Kitty Pryde of the Pacific Northwest) shared her song writing and singing ability in this musical plea to attend San Diego Comic Con. Lauren’s lovely song hits at the hearts of geeks everywhere who can make it to that wonderful geek-topia. Continue reading Kitty Pryde Sings

Kid Apocalypse Rising

Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

Heading to a club this weekend? You may see the mutant rapper Kid Apocalypse! I met this creative cosplayer at Emerald City Comicon and later learned he was shooting a mutant rap video which I shared last week.

Kid Apocalypse is a great rapper and knows his X-Men history. Before the ECCC video the Kid and Beast made this video Kid Apocalypse Rising. Listen for the classic music track Kid raps over! Enjoy:

Yes, that’s the theme from the X-Men Animated Series from the 90’s.

Thanks Kid Apocalypse and Mongrel Studios!

By Editor

Kid Apocalypse, Mutant Rapper of ECCC!

Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

I had to get the picture of this Kid Apocalypse cosplayer at Emerald City Comicon last weekend. As I would learn this mutant’s power is to rap! Kid Apocalypse was filming a music video at the Seattle con featuring an uncanny crew of X-Men cosplayers!


Behold Kid Apocalypse: Came From the Chain! Here’s the Youtube link. Check out a cameo from the Kid’s creator, Uncanny X-Force and now Uncanny Avengers writer, Rick Remender!

As you can tell, the Kid knows his X-Men comic book history. Here’s a link to download kidapocalypse.bandcamp.com.

I’m looking forward to the sequel!

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers vs. Apocalypse!

Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

The Uncanny Avengers become targets of the classic X-Men villain Apocalypse in the next arc. The immortal mutant played a huge role in Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run even though he didn’t appear in his iconic form. Remender tells Marvel.com how Apocalypse factors into the next arc Ragnarok Now.

“Well the important thing was to find a way to mix the A and the X. And that was a lot of work. So I threw out most of my outline for the sequel to the Dark Angel Saga. And I kept the four most important things that I was excited about and the things that most closely tie in to characters like Wolverine or Sunfire, characters that have been tainted by this and manipulated by [Apocalypse]. So as I was building [the story], it was important to find how it was an X-Men story and also Continue reading Uncanny Avengers vs. Apocalypse!

ECCC Cosplay Surprise: Beast & Brand

photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM
photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

Got to love cosplayers! Sure you have the classic icons like Batman, Superman, Avengers and always lots of Harley Quinns! At Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this weekend I was thrilled to see a first of her kind – at least I’ve never seen a cosplayer honor Agent Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D.

Only fitting that the green-haired female Nick Fury of outer space appear at the Emerald City Comicon. Josh Lewis of KOMONEWS.COM captured this pic of Agent Brand with her boyfriend Beast of the X-Men. Brand was created by Joss Whedon during his run of Astonishing X-Men.

“Oh My Stars and Garters!” Indeed!

By Editor

Emerald City Comicon Day Three

Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

Emerald City Comicon saved the biggest and best for the grand finale! Sir Patrick Stewart was welcomed by a packed house to share memories in the final hour of the eleventh annual event. The man who played Captain Picard shared insights into his stellar career including Star Trek: The Next Generation, X-Men, Excalibur, Dune, Family Guy and Shakespeare! What a resume! We cheered and laughed and then marveled when Stewart confirmed he will be reprising his role as Professor Xavier in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Sir Patrick Stewart at Emerald City Comicon photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM
Sir Patrick Stewart at Emerald City Comicon photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

Chris Claremont penned the classic story that’s the basis for the next film. The longtime X-Men writer was among the legendary creators that inspired long lines of eager fans. I’m thrilled to share I now have Avengers Annual #10 (first appearance of future X-Man Rogue) signed by Claremont and Michael Golden!

Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

Dirk Benedict made the crowd howl with stories from his time on Battlestar Galactica and The A-Team, Danai Gurira was spotlighted in her second panel of the weekend talking The Walking Dead and her breakthrough role as Michonne. A fan of the katana wielding zombie killer dressed up as Michonne and had two friends as zombies to recreate the iconic entrance of the character to the series.

Boom Studios, DC, Dark Horse, Image and Marvel hosted panels giving previews of upcoming stories and giving fans a chance to ask burning questions. After three days the energy starts to fade but then you see a spirited cosplayer (sometimes an entire family in costume) or get face to face with your favorite creator or star and you’re just as excited as the first moment you entered the show floor!

As we say celebrate the eleventh and biggest Emerald City Comicon yet let’s take a look Continue reading Emerald City Comicon Day Three

Kitty Pryde & Colossus at Emerald City Comicon

photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM
photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

Kitty Pryde and Colossus on the Northwest are back! This is one of my favorite cosplay couples portraying my favorite Marvel couple. This Kitty & Colossus are always updating their cosplay. Kitty added Lockheed at the Jet City Comic Book Show and this year at Emerald City Comicon the X-woman added a space helmet! Looks like Peter Rasputin bulked up his costume too.

While I was trying to attend panels, get scoop and be an all-out fanboy Josh Lewis of KOMONEWS.COM and Seattle Pulp was like Multiple Man Continue reading Kitty Pryde & Colossus at Emerald City Comicon