Uncanny X-Men Writer on AvX and Vs.

  War comes to Utopia. Scott’s Extinction team faces the Avengers for custody of Hope as the Phoenix Force speeds towards Earth. How will Uncanny X-Men writer Kieron Gillen weave his title into the Avengers Vs. X-Men epic. I wanted to share part of a new interview from Marvel.com.

  “The Marvel events are enormous landmarks in the topography of the Marvel Universe. With my Uncanny X-Men run, I’ve been building towards [Avengers Vs. X-Men] for as long as I’ve been doing the book. I’ve been making a situation where a confrontation between Avengers and X-men isn’t just logic, it’s kinda necessary. So, when I’m taking part of the event, this is basically lighting all the fuses to the fireworks I’ve been laying down, and sitting back and hoping everyone goes “cool!” at the explosions in the sky.”

AvX Vs. #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fights in AvX will spill into a second “all fights” book: AvX:VS. Gillen tells why and how we will chronicle Spider-Man vs. Colossus in AvX:Vs #2.

“The twist is really the opposite of that. There’s not an enormous amount of personal history between the pair. The history is between Spider-Man and Juggernaut, whose powers Colossus has borrowed. So the story’s emotional aspects are really about playing with that resonance. And “playing” is probably the word. I do a Colossus/Red Hulk brawl in Uncanny X-Men #11, which is dark, serious, character-motivated stuff. The VS [book is], as the preview art perhaps [tells], all about the spectacle of super beings going for each other.

  Why did I pick it? Well, editor Nick Lowe called me up and asked if I’d be interested in writing it. And because I never wrote Spider-Man, I figured it could be fun to do. And it was. I immediately descended to walking around the house, improvising really bad Parker-esque wise-cracks.

AvX Vs #2 preview courtesy Marvel.com

  During the Uncanny X-Men tie-in to Fear Itself Colossus became the Juggernaut and this will play into the showdown with Spidey.

“Peter actually talks about this mid-fight, in terms of the traditional axis. It’s a “What happens is I tire myself out punching you eight million of times, you get angry trying to hit me eight million times and never connecting and then I drop you into a concrete vat” situation. That’s how Juggernaut fights go. The difference is Piotr. He’s not exactly a superbrain, but he’s a damn sight smarter than Cain Marko. That nudges a traditional Spider-Man advantage away.”

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  How will AvX affect his Uncanny title and change the status quo of Utopia:

“Basically, Uncanny focuses in hard on the mutant-centric Utopia-focused side. While the core book will be about both Avengers and X-Men, mine is primarily interested in what this means to mutantkind, both now, and looking towards whatever comes next. The Avengers are antagonists in my book. I’m interested in them as enemies. I shamelessly don’t give them a fair shake. I get inside my characters’ heads. I write some secret history. I look at how the events of AvX shake up the already volatile internal politics of the Extinction Team.

  I mean, you want some examples? For the former, you ever wondered why Namor’s on the mutants’ side? I do that in issue #11. For the middle aspect, the mystery of the Lights has been a bubbling plot for the mutants’ corner of the universe. I deal with it in #13. And for the latter…well, for that you’ll have to wait. Thinking about it, there is an exception to the “X-Men over Avengers” focus I mentioned above. That’s issue #12, where I go to Tabula Rasa. It’s ended up as something tonally separate to the vast majority of my X-Men run. Its primary focus is on Namor and The Thing, and it’s something of a diversion from my relatively serious approach. I mean, it’s still high stakes, but I think people will laugh a lot. It’s a return to the scene of Namor/Tapeworm Queen intimacy, after all.

Oh, I also throw some villains into the mix. Sinister returns in an enormous way. And, from his perspective, AvX is basically called “Mister Sinister presents…Avengers Vs. X-Men.” In fact, from Sinister’s perspective, it’s “Mister Sinister presents…the whole Marvel Universe, ever.” He’s nothing if not an egotist, as issue #14 will make clear.

And there’s more there too. I don’t want to say anything, but I manage to throw another curve ball into the whole mess with my last issue before AvX. It’s sneaksie, to say the least.”

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

 AvX Vs #2 will be Gillen’s first time working with Invincible Iron Man artist Salvador Larroca. 


Avengers Vs. X-Men Panel at Emerald City Comicon

Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, C.B. Cebulski at Emerald City Comicon, ComicsBlend.com

  The most anticipated panel for me at Emerald City Comicon was Marvel AvX featuring Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction, two of the writers on the epic series, and C.B. Cebulski were in Seattle’s big event just days before #1 launched.

Here are highlights:

  Will Hulk and the Juggernaut fight? (I’m assuming the fan meant Colossus)

“Yes in issue #5,” responded Fraction.

 Brubaker said that issues one through five, which he called “AvX‘s’ first act,” would normally be considered an entire event by most readers, and the remaining issues would be two years’ worth of stories for most publishers. Fraction added that issue five is so big, it feels like an ending, but it’s not — “There’s seven more issues after that.”

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction followed up, “In issue #6, (Jonathan)Hickman has written Colossus as you’ve never seen him before.” (This will affect Peter and Kitty – see this previous post.)

  The next fan asked Fraction if he had been planting seeds for AvX as far back as his Uncanny X-Men run, as there appears to be a connection between the them. Fraction said the connection was intentional. During an editorial retreat many years ago, when they talked about Second Coming, those attending decided it was a good idea for characters with Phoenix fragments to lose them in that time. He noted that when he was writing his earliest Uncanny stories where he has the Phoenix come to Emma and say, “Get ready,” he knew it would make him look like a “genius” in a few years.

“Who came up with Hope?” Brubaker said he believes it was Joe [Quesada], but no one on the dais could say for certain. They explained that the way ideas are batted around at editorial retreats, everything feels shared. Brubaker did say he distinctly remembered Joe talking about a scene that was to take place at the end of Second Coming where Emma was going to be holding the baby and realize it was Jean, but they didn’t end up using that or going in that direction. Fraction said that Axel [Alonso] was a big proponent of that idea. Brubaker mentioned how he recalled the inception of AvX taking place five to six years ago with Jeph [Loeb] and Axel pushing for the idea.

Will the Young Avengers appear?

“The Young Avengers are there, but not necessarily as the ‘Young Avengers,'”

“Young Avengers fans will be happy in the coming months,” Cebulski added. (Insert my personal joy here!)

Professor X appears in AvX #6.

Characters will switch loyalties.

AvX Launch parties are tomorrow night!

ECCC Report: Colossus and Kitty Pryde in AvX #5

Colossus and Kitty Pryde together again at Emerald City Comicon, ComicsBlend.com

  Colossus and Kitty Pryde are my favorite mutant couple so I was charmed and impressed by this couple at Emerald City Comicon.     During the Marvel: Pint O’ C.B. Panel, the costumed X-fans approached the microphone to ask the panel about Marvel’s most on again and off again mutant couple.  The young man asked with a Russian accent, “vat’s going to happen wiv Peterrrr and Kitty?

  Writer Matt Fraction responded, “You are going to love Avengers Vs. X-Men #5.”

  Moderator and Marvel Talent Scout/Editor C.B. Cebulski asked, “Hey Kitty, have you told Colossus about Iceman?” which triggered laughs from the panel and audience.

Colossus and Kitty question the Marvel panel at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Just in case you’re not caught up with the X-books, Kitty broke up with Peter after he assumed the power of the Juggernaut. Kitty moved back east with Wolverine to reopen the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men. Iceman recently made a move and planted a big frosty kiss on Kitty.

AvX: Colossus Unleashed in Avengers Vs. X-Men #2


Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Ever since Colossus became the Juggernaut in order to defeat a Serpent fused Cain Marko during the Fear Itself event, it’s become easier and easier for him to summon the power. Peter is slipping deeper into the dark side. In order to defeat some of the Avengers big guns like Red Hulk and Thing, Colossus will have to tap into the force and it might consume him forever.

  Marvel gave fans a first look interior art from Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 by Jason Aaron and John Romita Jr. It looks like Cyclops has unleashed Colossus on what might be a SHIELD helicarrier or Avengers jet. The Red Hulk responds accordingly.

  To pick a winner in this fight is easy: I want Colossus to beat the red off this Hulk! I love Peter Rasputin but I think the Cyttorak power has taken him over. The price Peter has paid for victory in Fear Itself and AvX may be his soul.

Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Something else to point out in these pages is Wolverine appears to be with the Avengers when Colossus attacks. Does this mean Logan switches sides or is he caught in the wrong place, wrong time while trying to play peacemaker?


AvX New Red Hulk Vs Colossus Art

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  This is a clash of titans when Red Hulk and Colossus fight in Avengers Vs X-Men #2 by Jason Aaron and John Romita Jr. Marvel released this new promo art with a boastful quote from the RULK.

  This Geek’s Opinion: I want Peter to smash the RULK into he’s only red blood on the shores of Utopia. One Hulk is enough. I’m not a fan of the Red Hulk. I’m not a fan of the new Colossal Juggernaut but I know it makes for good development for the character. If Peter and Kitty were together in wedded bliss then I’d probably be bored. Peter is on a dark path serving as the avatar for Cyttorak. It’s becoming easier and easier for Peter to summon the evil force to enhance his power. To defeat the Red Hulk, Peter may have to reach a dark level he may never come back from.


Ultimate Colossus Is Back

Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  The Colossus I knew and loved is long gone in Uncanny X-Men. Peter is in a dark place now that he’s the Juggernaut. Peter made a deal with a devil. He made a bargain with Cyttorak to become his avatar in order to defeat the Kurth empowered Juggernaut. This decision caused Kitty to leave him.

  This week in Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 the alternative version of Peter is back. Colossus and Storm are among the mutants held and tortured in Camp Angel. These captured mutants face a tough choice when the government’s mutant secret is out. If Peter and Ororo bust out of the prison camp – don’t expect a reunion with Kitty. Colossus is gay in this line. I do hope we catch up with Kitty aka the Shroud and her mutant rebels on the run – including Wolverine’s son.

Happy Valentine’s Day


Astonishing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel.com

 On this Valentine’s Day I wanted to share a memory of my favorite comic book couple. Joss Whedon finally united Kitty Pryde and Colossus during his Astonishing X-Men run. This cover to issue 5 by John Cassaday.

  Colossus caught Kitty’s eye in the Chris Claremont/John Byrne era when Professor X brought Peter, Logan and Ororo to the Pryde home in Chicago to recruit the young mutant. Years of drama and even death kept them apart. The lovers are apart again but on this day let’s remember when Kitty and Colossus were together and actually ‘got together’ if you know what I mean – to which Logan said “about time.”

 Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day – Great Comic Book Gifts of Love


courtesy Fantagraphics

Young Romance: The Best of Simon and Kirby’s Romance Comics The men who created Captain America also created the romance comics genre! Fantagraphics collects all the love, schemes, heartbreaks and makeups of the classic comics of a bygone era.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga A woman, two men that love her and the most powerful destructive force in the universe. The tragic heroine Jean Grey fighting a losing battle to control the darkness within her. Cyclops and Wolverine were the two men who’d take on the universe to save her. This is the ultimate X-Men story and one of the most cosmic love stories in comics.

Astonishing X-Men Omnibus This is must pick for two great love stories. Scott Summers and Emma Frost. The stoic leader of the X-Men slowly fell for the ice-cold bad girl turned ally. Kitty Pryde and Peter Rasputin. Not even death could keep them apart. Colossus came back from the dead and finally had sex with his beloved “Katya.” This is Joss Whedon’s romantic, thrilling and game changing X-Men era in one huge collection with stunning art by John Cassady.

New Avengers Annual #1

Jessica Jones and Luke Cage Marvel’s coolest couple is former hero Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Ex-superhero turned private investigator Jessica was introduced in the series Alias by Brian Michael Bendis. Former Hero for Hire Luke Cage was her love interest. When Bendis revamped the Avengers, Captain America recruited Luke and Jessica and their baby moved into Avengers HQ. The couple married in the beautiful New Avengers Annual #1. Luke has unbreakable skin but the tough guy went all soft and romantic for the troubled ex-heroine. AKA Jessica Jones based on Alias is in a television pilot stage and could become an ABC series. 

Rick Jones and Marlo Chandler this may be an odd choice but I love against all odds love stories. During Peter David’s classic run on The Incredible Hulk he eventually merged Bruce and the Hulk into one being. Rick was the Hulk’s sidekick. Marlo was the Hulk’s girlfriend in Las Vegas back when he was grey and a mob enforcer named Joe Fix-It. Marlo later became best friends with Betty Banner and fell in love with Rick. Not even death could keep them apart. After Marlo’s resurrection they couple were married in Incredible Hulk #418 in a sweet but hilarious cameo filled ceremony.