X-Men Legend at Emerald City Comicon 2013

This is the image that started my love of comic books! Find this image on Marvel.com

  Chris Claremont is coming to Emerald City Comicon 2013 in Seattle! You don’t understand. Uncanny X-Men #116 by Claremont and John Byrne was my first comic book! Claremont’s classic 17 year X-Men run was the story of my growing up. The Dark Phoenix Saga can still make me tear up.

  This is the man who helped create Kitty Pryde, Gambit, Emma Frost, Rogue and Sabretooth. Claremont took Logan (aka Patch) to Madripoor for the launch of the first Wolverine solo title and teamed with Frank Miller on the classic Wolverine limited series – the basis for Hugh Jackman’s next film The Wolverine.

  Claremont brought the Children of the Atom back together in early 90’s and launched the second X-title – X-Men #1 with Jim Lee. I highly recommend the Claremont/Alan Davis era of Excalibur and for real old school fun grab his Power Man & Iron Fist collection with Byrne. 

Emerald City Comicon is March 1-3, 2013 in Seattle – the greatest event in the Northwest all year! I just hope I don’t start drooling when I meet Claremont  and say something like  “You know when you wrote the Proteus Saga on Muir Island….ha ha that was awesome!”

By Editor

The Wolverine Synopsis

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine courtesy Marvel.com

  The official synopsis for The Wolverine is out. Hugh Jackman is reprising his role as the fan favorite X-Man.

“Based on the celebrated comic book arc, ‘The Wolverine’ finds Logan, the eternal warrior and outsider, in Japan. There, samurai steel will clash with adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed.”

  That arc is by legendary Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Logan falls in love with the daugher of a Japanese crime lord and will face the Silver Samurai. Here’s a link to the cast announcements. The search continues for an actress to play the Viper.

Filming is under way in Australia. Thanks to Marvel.com.

By Editor

X-Treme X-Men


courtesy Marvel.com


    An extreme tease from Marvel today! This X-Treme X-Men logo was revealed with the note to tune in the Talk to the Hat panel at Wondercon this weekend.

X-Treme X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Treme X-Men was a Chris Claremont penned team from 2001-2004 during the Grant Morrison era. Salvador Larroca was the artist for the title’s first 24 issues. Storm, Rogue, Gambit, Bishop, Sage, Psylocke, Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) and Beast (until Morrison claimed him for New X-Men)were a globe-trotting team searching for Destiny’s Diaries.

X-Treme X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel.com

  The series introduced an Australian brother and sister that would become mutant heroes Slipstream and Lifeguard. Cannonball and Kitty Pryde would later make appearances. Emma Frost guest starred in an arc that delved into Sage’s past with the Hellfire Club.Claremont knows how to write Storm. I love Sage and Bishop as the mutant Law & Order SVU detective team. Larroca’s art was magnificent. I loved the series first adventure set in Valencia, Spain and starring the new villain, Vargas.


  Could a new X-Treme X-Men book mark the return of Claremont to the mutants or is this a new title in the aftermath of Avengers Vs X-Men?


Chris Claremont on Today’s X-Men

This is the image that started my love of comic books! Find this image on Marvel.com

  I grew up on Chris Claremont’s X-Men. My first post on this site was about ‘my first time’ so to speak. Uncanny X-Men #116 was the finale of the X-Men trying to save the Savage Land from Garokk and I was hooked on comics.

  I’ve been there for all the Claremont years, his departure after X-Men #1, his return, and his X-treme X-Men. It’s about following and loving what you grew up with. It’s just staggering to think how he shaped the mutants he inherited and the many he created.

  The man who was a defining force in modern super hero comics hasn’t written a comics script in a year.

  The writer who talked with Chris Arrant of Comic Book Resources about several topics. I was interested in his take on the current state of the mutants he guided for so many years.

  “Over in the X-Men line of titles, I see that there seems to be a structural redefinition of the canon that will substantially change readers’ relationships with the characters, in the sense that some characters who you felt were on one side of the line in behavior now seem to be turning into anti-heroes, as I understand. Wolverine’s become head of the school, and Cyclops has been positioned as a Magneto equivalent, a good soul taking a violently pro-active stance toward mutants’ perceived antagonists in the world. It’ll be interesting to see how that all relates to the readership.”

Essential X-Men Volume 2. Art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Courtesy Marvel.com

  Claremont has more to say on Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, the state of the super hero movie and his own prose projects at this Robot 6 link.