Thor & Kid Loki Crossover- Updated

Everything Burns promotional art by Stephanie Hans courtesy

  Thor & Kid Loki team up to save the Nine Realms from Surtur in Everything Burns a 7 part crossover between The Mighty Thor and Journey Into Mystery by Matt Fraction, Kieron Gillen, Alan Davis and Carmine di Giandomenico. Marvel revealed the story, cover and promotional art at C2E2. 

  Updated: The crossover will kick off this August in The Mighty Thor #18-#22 and Journey Into Mystery #642-#645.  Fraction and Gillen talked with about the event.

 “It’s an epic,” Gillen says, explaining who will take on a prominent role in the story. “Thor and Loki are the heart of it all, but everyone else is the circulatory system around them, pumped full of fiery blood, ready to explode. Any significant player in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY at least has a moment, and several are absolutely key.”

The Mighty Thor #18 cover by Alan Davis courtesy

 “This story is about asking the question ‘What can break the bonds of brotherhood?’” Fraction asserts. “How long can Thor stand at Loki’s side? How many angles can Loki play at once? What Thor and Loki share is inconceivable to everyone but themselves. So whatever breaks it would have to be beyond comprehension, right?”

 For the entire interview here’s the link.



New Gambit Solo Series


Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel announced a new Gambit series by James Asmus (Captain America & Bucky, Generation Hope)and Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy) debuting this August.

 “This story will break Gambit out into the larger Marvel Universe. We are trying to make it as accessible to new fans as well as everyone who loved Gambit in the past,” said Asmus.

  Before he was a hero, Remy LeBeau was a master thief. Remy’s criminal past came back to haunt him – especially his connection to Mister Sinister and the Mutant Massacre.

“He’s one of the greatest thieves in the Marvel Universe,” Asmus continued and confirmed Rogue will play a part in the series.

Here’s the C2E2 Next Big Thing panel play by-play on

This Geek’s Opinion: I’m a big fan of James Asmus and Clay Mann’s art. I love Gambit but as part of a team. Remy is currently part of X-Men Legacy, where’s a slow burning attraction building with Frenzy, and Astonishing X-Men. This new series is in the aftermath of AvX so who knows what twists and turns are coming for the mutants. I will definitely give it try.

For the entire panel replay here’s the link.

By Editor

New Captain Marvel Series Update


Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel courtesy Marvel

   A little more news at the C2E2 Marvel Next Big Thing panel about the upcoming Captain Marvel series. Kelly Sue DeConnick will helm the new series starring Carol Danvers with art by Dexter Soy and cover by Ed McGuiness.

  In issue #2 DeConnick will introduce the Banshee Squadron- which sure sound like villains. DeConnick said her pitch for the new series was “Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher” and focus on her as a pilot so may these are high-flying female threats or allies to the former Ms. Marvel. In the panel the writer likened them to a new school Howling Commandos.

 “I love Mystique so much,” was DeConnick’s response when a fan asked if the mutant shape-shifter would appear. 

 Here’s the link to my interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon about Captain Marvel and the new costume.

  It was revealed DeConnick will team with Terry Dodson for an upcoming arc of Avenging Spider-Man. Issue #9 will guest star Captain Marvel.

By Editor