All-New X-Men #1 Review

All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The once and future Beast is at the heart of All-New X-Men #1. Brian Michael Bendis has made a perfect choice in making Henry McCoy the catalyst for a dramatic evolution of the Children of the Atom.

In the aftermath of Avengers vs X-Men, new mutants are being born, other mutants are evolving and a war of mutants is building that could make Schism seem like a kindergarten scrap.

In the Marvel Now Henry McCoy is painfully mutating again and he may not survive the experience – to borrow a Marvel marketing line! Cyclops (with fellow fugitives Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik as his strike force) is brazenly attacking humans to save newly manifested mutants.

Fearing the future is the theme of this issue. It’s been a long time since new mutants have been introduced. Bendis crafts two compelling moments reminding how that “first time” is so frightening for the mutant.

Bendis captures what the essence of the X-Men’s mission has always been about: fighting prejudice and fear. The writer creates two sympathetic young mutants thrust into a world that fears and hates them and what will be a tug of war between the revolutionary (Scott) and the teachers (Logan, Kitty, Henry, Ororo.) I want to know their stories and see which side they will follow.


All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Back at the Jean Grey School – Bobby, Storm, Kitty and Hank watch in shock as their former friends (ok, maybe not Emma) violently sweep in to rescue and recruit. The revolutionary Cyclops is forcing them in a no-win scenario. Original students Hank and Bobby share a bond and inspire an idea that ignites the series: maybe the secret saving the future is in the past?

Bendis takes us into the past at a precise moment when the young students are in a crisis and one future X-Man is questioning his faith in Xavier’s dream. The issue does not play the way I pictured it would but I was still entertained and intrigued. The creators have given us the new status quo and the threat to the future. This issue is a wonderful moment for those who love the X-Men or are looking for that perfect “jumping on” point. This is it – welcome to the new world of the X-Men…hope you enjoy the experience.

By Editor

Bendis captures what the essence of the X-Men’s mission has always been about fighting prejudice and fear. The writer creates two sympathetic young mutants thrust into a world that fears and hates them and into a tug of war between the revolutionary (Scott) and the teachers (Logan, Kitty, Henry, Ororo.)

You’ve heard how many times



Beast Meets Beast in X-MEN

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men #1 finally arrives with a time twist to the mutant universe. Professor X’s five original students are thrust into their future – our Marvel Now – and are in for a future shock. Professor X is dead. Cyclops killed their mentor. And Hank McCoy is a blue furry beast.

  Brian Michael Bendis talks with about the young man would become an Avenger, beloved monster, and the X-Men’s resident genius and often moral compass.

  “We’re meeting the X-Men at a crossroads for the Beast. He is the most frustrated with his mutant powers, and with his relationship to the humans. He doesn’t like, or find it funny or a challenge that humans are, to quote Ali G “racializing” on him. So we actually meet the younger Beast at a time when he’s out of there, he’s leaving, he’s had it,” Bendis says of the teen Beast, “And I think that represents a lot of the team as well. It wasn’t like the Avengers where everybody goes “yay”; with the X-Men, they’d do something and everyone would go “boo.” How much of that can you take?”

  Even the young McCoy was somewhat deformed looking but what will his reaction be to seeing his future (blue furry) self?

  “I think you’ll see in the very first issue, literally just the fact that his blue, furry self shows up. Younger Beast is saying, “I have to see what this is, I have to follow it.” As a scientist, how do you not follow this? He goes, “all right please show me.”

  How did the original five get to the present and how do the Henrys affect the teams?

  “Beast has a lot to do with why this story happens, so it’s going to be a very important storyline for Beast, and all of the Beasts that there are in ALL-NEW X-MEN. On a smaller level, here is the Beast who realizes that he has done this to himself, this alteration to this mutation, and has made some bold choices, some of which have been successful, and some that just haven’t. He’s going to be faced with that.”

 For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

All-New X-Men Beast Preview

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  The Children of the Atom will mutate as new creative team Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen launch All-New X-Men #1.

  The five original X-Men are yanked from the past and into the Marvel Now. Can you imagine young Henry McCoy’s reaction when he meets his future self? Immonen’s depiction of the furry blue Beast is seen in this new interior art courtesy . This preview includes an except from Bendis’ script.



Page 2-3
1- Ext. Jean Grey School for Higher Learning- day

Wide shot of the mansion from the front gate looking in.
It is a gorgeous day and it’s a calm day at the mansion.

Reads: the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
I am mutating.  
And it is [REDACTED].

  This popped in my head – could the arrival of the younger X-Men trigger the end of their future and current counterparts? What would Doctor Who say? Hang with me – you know what they always say in sci-fi movies about the impact to the timestream if you actually meet your other self? Could the young McCoy’s arrival trigger Hank to completely evolve to a Beast or hold the key to curing him?

  There’s a definitely long-term reason Bendis brought the original five into the Marvel NOW. I have to imagine the shock of the young X-Men as they witness what’s happened to their dream and to their leader. Maybe the kids will have a dark agenda when it comes to their current selves. This blast from the past may want to blast away the status quo and start new? 

By Editor

First Look Inside All-New X-Men #1

  Brian Michael Bendis is bringing the first five X-Men into the Marvel NOW. The original mutant teenage dream arrive in our present and to them – it’s a nightmare.


All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy

  Stuart Immonen is the artist bringing past and present together. Today revealed the first interior art from All-New X-Men #1. The original Scott, Jean, Bobby, Hank and Warren arrive at the Jean Grey School and see the present day Hank aka the Beast.

All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy

 Can you imagine the look Immonen will create on Scott and Jean’s faces when they see the memorial statue of Jean on the school grounds?

By Editor

Spider-Man, Beast, Kitty Pryde, Iron Man Vs. Zombies, Brood!

A+X #2 courtesy Marvel

  In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men a team of top creators will bring heroes together in a new series. Marvel shared this cover to A+X #2 by Kaare Andrews featuring two team-ups between four of Marvel’s top brainiacs.

  Spider-Man and Beast will fight zombies in a story by Kaare Andrews. Iron Man, Kitty Pryde and Lockheed take on the Brood in a story by Peter David.

  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Kitty is a computer science expert. I wonder if ladies man Tony will hit on her? Kitty can  handle herself but good thing she has Lockheed!

It’s been a long time (1970’s) since Marvel published this kind of concept book. The Thing co-starred with a guest star each week in Marvel Two-In-One. Spidey starred in a Marvel Team-Up with different guests  and stories each month.

By Editor

Top 5 Comic Picks for 4.4.12

Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 This is the it! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against the Children of the Atom with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance. The Phoenix Force is speeding to Earth. Cyclops and Captain America clash over how to respond and two teams go to war.

Wolverine and the X-Men #8 A Beast Vs. The Beast! One of Logan’s best friends in a feral furious showdown with his greatest enemy!

Fear Itself: The Fearless #12 Heroes defeated. The Serpent’s greatest warrior set to unleash her vengeance. Valkyrie’s world tour of the Marvel Universe leads to this final showdown with Sin.

Brilliant #3 Seattle college kids cracked the secret of superpowers. Will one of them abuse his new power a forsake his friends. This book is a unique take on brainiacs, the birth of powers and how heroes and villains are spawned.

Archie Meets Kiss trade paperback A spell backfires unleashing monsters on Riverdale. Rock and Roll legends team up with the Archie gang to save the town in a supernatural showdown.


Kitty Pryde Pregnant Updated

Wolverine and the X-Men #5 preview art courtesy Marvel and Comic Book Resources Exclusive

It’s a double dose of Kitty Pryde’s maternal mystery this week. First Marvel gave us a preview of what looks like Kitty on the phone with Colossus.

Today Marvel gave Comic Book Resources more preview images by Nick Bradshaw of Wolverine and the X-Men #5. We don’t see Kitty in these images but Logan and Bobby refer to the fact that she’s been missing for days.

We see Beast is taking the students of the Jean Grey School inside a virtual reality tour of the mutant body for a biology lesson. This could be a follow-up to the “Things to Come” image in the back of the debut issue showing Dr. McCoy and company inside Kitty’s bloodstream.


Is Colossus the father and will this bring the romantically challenged couple together? They’ve survived death by legacy virus and eternity is a speeding bullet – but this is an X-pregancy. Stay tuned for the labor pains when #5 arrives February 8th.

By Editor

Kitty Pryde Pregnant – Is Colossus the Daddy?

Wolverine and the X-Men preview art courtesy Book Resources

Kitty Pryde is pregnant.

I assume and hope Colossus is the daddy but in the X-Men world never assume.

When the cover Wolverine and the X-Men #6 revealed a pregnant Kitty surrounded by nasty Brood it sent chills through me and sent X-fans into a frenzy. In last month’s issue #4 Kitty started experiencing sudden symptoms and was soon ballooned out and ready to pop.

Today Marvel gave Comic Book Resources this exclusive preview art from Wolverine and the X-Men #5.

Did our beloved Kitty just deliver the news to Peter? If this were the real world – I’d be thrilled that Kitty and Peter were having a baby and settling down in family bliss. Continue reading Kitty Pryde Pregnant – Is Colossus the Daddy?