Bloodshot #10 courtesy Valiant
Bloodshot #10 courtesy Valiant

Valiant Entertainment announces Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man, FF, Legion of Super Heroes, Azrael, Empire) as the new artist on Bloodshot. Kitson and writer Duane Swiercyznski launch the former Harbinger hunter in the big Harbinger Wars crossover with Bloodshot #10.

Bloodshot #10 courtesy Valiant
Bloodshot #10 courtesy Valiant

Here’s how Valiant describes the upcoming issue:

“In the deserts outside Las Vegas, Bloodshot has banded together Continue reading Barry Kitson Joins BLOODSHOT for HARBINGER WARS


Harbinger Wars #1 courtesy Valiant Entertainment
Harbinger Wars #1 courtesy Valiant Entertainment

Emerald City Comicon attendees got a look at the big event set to shake the Valiant Universe next month. I grabbed a free copy of the Harbinger Wars sketchbook. Inside fans are treated to character designs for the Project Rising Spirit strike team by Khari Evans, a flashback of super villain Toyo Harada and interior black and white art from Harbinger Wars #1 by Clayton Henry.

The 12-issue crossover begins in April kicking off in Harbinger Wars #1, Harbinger #11 and Bloodshot #10. A struggle between reformed Harbinger hunter Bloodshoot and Harada for control of empowered children with hero Pete Stanchek caught in the middle. Harbinger was and is my favorite series of the Valiant generations.

This was Valiant’s first appearance at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle. Legendary artist Barry Kitson (current Bloodshot artist) was on site to meet fans along with books and new Shadowman logo t-shirt.

Harbinger Wars #1 by Joshua Dysart, Duane Swiercynzski, Clayton Henry and Clayton Crain hits April 3rd.

By Editor