Jason Mamoa as Aquaman courtesy Warner Brothers via Twitter
Jason Momoa as Aquaman courtesy Warner Brothers via Twitter

The Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, The Amazon Warrior and now The King!

Director Zack Snyder revealed the first look of Jason Momoa as Aquaman via Twitter.

The photo of the regal warrior came with the phrase “Unite the Seven.”

This could mean the Seven Seas, Aquaman’s domain under the ocean, or the seven core members of the Justice League.

Mamoa will co-star with Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice coming in 2016. Continue reading JASON MOMOA as AQUAMAN Revealed

Two Writers Take On AQUAMAN

Aquaman #15 courtesy DC Comics
Aquaman #15 courtesy DC Comics

Two writers in competition to bring Aquaman to the big screen?


There’s been speculation and reports Jason Mamoa (Games of Thrones, Conan) will play the DC icon in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and then possibly Justice League.


Director Zack Snyder defended the relevance of the hero in a call in to a Detroit radio station.


Now Warner Brothers has tapped Kurt Johnstad (300: Rise of An Empire) and Will Beall (Gangster Squad) to write scripts for Aquaman according to Variety.  The story goes on to clarify the writers are not co-writing but working on two separate scripts.


An Aquaman film is not slated but Warner and announced several dates from 2016 to 2020 which would include more team and solo films starring heroes of the DC Universe.


By Editor

DC Comics Chief on Wonder Woman, Sandman and Aquaman Movies

AQM_Cv0_dsDiane Nelson is The Wonder Woman of DC Comics guiding the fate of those beloved heroes and villains. The DC Entertainment Chief is celebrating the success of Man of Steel but can’t comment on a sequel or Justice League movie yet. Nelson was asked by The Hollywood Reporter which DC characters or books would she like to see on the big screen.


Sandman is right on top. I think it could be as rich as the Harry Potter universe. Fables. Metal Men. Justice League. And yes, I’m going to say it: Aquaman.” Continue reading DC Comics Chief on Wonder Woman, Sandman and Aquaman Movies

JUSTICE LEAGUE Reinforcements

Justice League #16 courtesy DC Comics
Justice League #16 courtesy DC Comics

Looks like the Justice League roster is about to get bigger! Justice League #16 ended with a teaser sure to get fans in a frenzy over who might join DC’s flagship team and title.

But before I keep going I should give you a…..












Continue reading JUSTICE LEAGUE Reinforcements

Top Picks for 12/26/12

Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

Amazing Spider-Man #700 The final issue of the series. How will Dan Slott end his run and relaunch Superior Spider-Man in 2013?

Aquaman #15 Atlantis attacks the surface world! The crossover with Justice League continues in part two of Throne of Atlantis. Aquaman is torn between his past and present as Ocean Master rises from the depths with an army behind him!

Mara #1 Brian Wood (Ultimate Comics: X-Men, The Massive, Northlanders) blends superpowers, celebrity worship and feminism in a new science fiction limited series from Image. Mara Prince is a superstar in a reality show obsessed world. She uses her supernatural powers on live television but is she just a pawn?

By Editor

Origins of DC’s Biggest Heroes

Aquaman #0 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics The New 52 one year anniversary of zero issues are stand-alone stories promising to reveal the origins of the greatest heroes in this new continunity.

DC is revealing the origins of its biggest icons in this week’s zero issues.

Geoff Johns made orange and green badass again! In Aquaman #0 we see Arthur Curry’s first meeting with the Atlanteans and how this moment propels his future. Aquaman and Justice League will soon crossover in the upcoming Throne of Atlantis epic.

In Batman: The Dark Knight #0 Gregg Hurwitz goes back to the detective case that started it all – Joe Chill and the murder of the Bruce Wayne’s parents.

  Flash #0 reveals the origin of the Scarlet Speedster. How Barry Allen’s tragedy put him on the path to becoming the fastest hero alive.

In Superman #0 new creative team Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood and the Outlaws) take over the series and take us back to Krypton when Jor-El learned his home world was doomed

Teen Titans #0 courtesy DC Comics

The young generation of DC heroes gets the zero treatment too and one of them has a big change to their origin in the New 52.

  Teen Titans #0 Lobdell reveals on the origin of its leader. See how young computer genius Tim Drake became Batman’s sidekick and Red Robin – leader of the teen heroes. Plus the origins of new characters Skitter and Bunker.

By Editor

Aquaman Takes Over Justice League

Justice League #15 courtesy DC Comics

  Dive in to a Justice League and Aquaman crossover. DC Comics shared the previews and covers of the December event. In Throne of Atlantis can the Justice League rally to save Aquaman’s undersea kingdom? Justice League #15 features the new art team of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado and a backup story in which Shazam meets Black Adam. Jim Lee created this amazing cover with Aquaman leading the charge with trident ready!

Aquaman #15 courtesy DC Comics

Throne of Atlantis continues in Aquaman #15 by Geoff Johns and Adrian Syaf. This cover is by Eddy Burrows.

Throne of Atlantis surfaces this December.

By Editor