Professor X’s son returns in a new solo series.
Marvel announced a new LEGION #1 by writer Peter Milligan and artist Wilfredo Torres in 2018 as part of Marvel Legacy.

David Haller has been a victim, villain and twisted hero. Xavier’s son is the inspiration for the FX television series LEGION. David’s comic book comeback means a new threat in the X-Men universe.
Charles Xavier’s son suffers from multiple personalities. Those personalities each control a different mutant power.
In the new announcement David is said to have Dissociative Identity Disorder and “a new darker, even more dangerous persona seems to be emerging…and seizing control.”
“The best stories happen when a hero faces some kind of crisis. In this situation, you find out what the hero’s made of. And what David is made of is pretty insane.” Milligan told
“Living within the mind of this young man sit a number of alternative personalities or personas. But what happens when a new—and powerful—persona starts to think that he could be more important than all the others? Including David Haller? How does David deal with this upstart persona? Can he deal with it? Does he have the right mental condition to deal with anything?”
The veteran X-Men writer said David will be joined by a new character, Dr. Hannah Jones, a “psychologist to teh stars”
Milligan wrote a version of X-Force which evolved into the X-STATIX and an UNCANNY X-MEN run.
A book to watch is the current ASTONISHING X-MEN featuring a new duel on the astral plane between Xavier and The Shadow King, who once possessed David.
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