The long simmering war between the Mutants and Inhumans will finally explode this winner.
Marvel announced via Mashable Inhumans vs. X-Men will be next big event series following the events of Death of X.
Jeff Lemire (Extraordinary X-Men, Old Man Logan) and Charles Soule (Uncanny Inhumans, Death of Wolverine) will co-write the six-part event with Leinil Yu on art.
When the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now began following Secret Wars, it was revealed the deadly effect of the Terrigen Mists on mutant DNA. Storm turned the Xavier School into X-Haven and attempted to rescue all mutants from the mists. Magneto is leading a pro-active team to protect mutants at all costs. Beast is working with Medusa (the Inhuman Queen) in New Attilan. Cyclops was killed in an attack on the Inhumans…or was he?
Death of X is a four-part limited series by Lemire and Soule that reveals what happened to Cyclops and other classified events in eights months after Secret Wars and the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now line.
The emergence of Ulysses (an Inhuman with the visions of the future) has caused a rift between Storm and Magneto as seen in Civil War II: X-Men.
Cyclops, Emma Frost are other powerful mutants have been missing in action. We will learn the fate of Scott Summers in Death of X. Something else really big must revealed to trigger the war between Marvel’s two biggest franchise families.
Who will fire the first salvo? Who will fall? Will anyone be declared a winner?
By Editor